The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion

General > Absences

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message 1: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

You can inform the group of absences here.

message 2: by goule (last edited Nov 01, 2022 09:05AM) (new)

goule | 402 comments

I know I've been very slow recently, but this is due to school and me getting sick. I will continue to be slow as NaNo hits. While I usually count my roleplay posts, I will not be doing so for GoodReads; only on other forum sites. So, I will continue to be slow here.

Just a heads up.

[ ! ] good luck to all those also participating in Nano

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

I won't be on a lot because of school. Only if I get the notifications or if I'm online for a little bit, I'll reply.

message 4: by Amy (new)

Amy Willemse | 14 comments I'll try to be here as much as posible but is is hard with school and i inly have goodreads on my laptop

joyous (❁´◡`❁) (joywillowronan) I'm not on much here because I have exams and school, ofc.

joyous (❁´◡`❁) (joywillowronan) Hi guys, as im super busy and have no time to rp, im leaving this group. please delete my character thread and also Annalise can't be in any rps. i'd love to be here but i dont have time.stay safe

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

I might get Goodreads blocked on my school Chromebook and will only be online if I'm at my grandparent's or during the summer

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments I’ll be less online for the next weeks due to school work, I’ll try to respond within 8 hours but I can’t say I’ll answer in 2 seconds. Please understand if I take more time than usual, thank you

message 9: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

Currently dealing with finals; activity will be considerably slower from me until they've completed.

message 10: by Lee (new)

Lee (Barely online) {Don't invite me to groups please!} I wont be on a lot because of school and because in the past i was caught on goodreads and i cant risk being caught again. I might be caught posting things after school hours, so if you see me post something in the chat, dont be afraid to say hi! :)

message 11: by River (new)

River | 621 comments I'm in Beta, if you dont know I can exp,ain, and I will be gone next sunday monday and msot of tuesday. As some of ya'll know I can't be on gr on my hpone and I'll be in a whole diffrent city in a hotel for those three days. If ya'll need anything heres my pinterst <33

message 12: by Birdsong231☾ (pm before invs) (last edited Jan 14, 2023 01:07PM) (new)

Birdsong231☾ (pm before invs) (birdsong231) I have two reasons.

1. Depression kills my creativity, therefore writing is difficult and cannot tolerate anything below semi-advanced. I need something to work with.

2. I feel like an outcast in this group, so naturally I'm going to be very inactive. After all, no one likes role-playing the with the semi-advanced autistic adult with extremely active PTSD... It's a fact with this new generation of writers on this site.

Birdsong231☾ (pm before invs) (birdsong231) Nah, I'm just too old for you younger folks. I've been at this for ten years, so it's a natural response for the new generation to ignore the experienced. This group is full of inexperienced writers. No one wants to collab because I have high expectations. It's nothing new, I've seen it a lot over these last few years.

What would make my experience better is if someone would collab with me, but again, I have higher expectations. No one likes me or my expectations, but I will continue to try... I'm not sure how long I can take the disappointment, though. I also feel very unwelcomed by moderators based on how my suggestions have been treated.

message 14: by Birdsong231☾ (pm before invs) (last edited Jan 15, 2023 09:57PM) (new)

Birdsong231☾ (pm before invs) (birdsong231) It's not worth the time and energy for the suggestions. You already specifically wrote to me that it was pointless, so it's not worth going over again. I don't want to be triggered into another mental breakdown over it again. What you said triggered a very deep piece of my PTSD, that's all.
I would just like it if you guys didn't shut me down again without seeing my side of the picture. And please be gentler with words. Bluntness is dangerous with suggestions, especially in official work as a leader. Take it as someone saying this from eleven years of moderating experience.
I don't mean to be bitchy or calling out, I'm just tired of holding in my disappointment as a senior moderator on the site.

message 15: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

I'm not sure why I'm being thrown under the bus here, but okay?

If I recall, at the time we had an issue with teachers being underutilized by members in the capacity they're meant to function in, which we still do. This is something I've brought up in the mod chat several times, and was told there was no use for them. We had condensed staff roles because of this and we've only started adding on recently. I do believe following the new additions, we discussed adding a psychiatrist to the mix.

That being said, I understand how you might be feeling in terms of your expectations, Bird. One thing I would recommend is maybe writing on sites off of Goodreads. I still do this currently, and generally the age of people that are on these sites veers toward the older crowd (most of these sites require members to be 18+). I stated this a while back, but I previously had an account of GR from years ago. I had a group of friends that grew with me and my writing, so our expectations were always matched by those around us. Coming back, it has been harder to have that experience, but there are clearly members that are trying. Just not as many as might be around when you are.

It is true that the younger generation writes differently, but we all had to start somewhere. It's a matter of patience, and knowing when to step back or seek other places that might meet your expectations.

(If I remember, we also have a roleplay in another group still going that I wouldn't mind continuing.)

If you would like to have some suggestions for these sites, I can share a few that I've been on/found have interesting plotlines overall.

message 16: by Birdsong231☾ (pm before invs) (last edited Jan 16, 2023 01:36PM) (new)

Birdsong231☾ (pm before invs) (birdsong231) goule wrote: "
I'm not sure why I'm being thrown under the bus here, but okay?

If I recall, at the time we had an issue with teachers being underutilized by members in the capacity they're meant to function ..."

I've taken up a few role-plays with my close friends on Discord, but I'm shy about my ramblings over there because they don't normally see it. ;u; They don't mind, in fact they enjoy my ramblings! I'm just so shy about it. I also tend to veer away from trying other websites due to trust issues. I tend to stick to places I already know especially sites I already knoe the mechanics of. (Plus 18+ sites usually contains explicit content, and that's a huge problem for me atm.)

Other than that, I'm glad my suggestion is being discussed. There are so many students with PTSD in the school (which my own PTSD brain has a few complications with, but that's just a personal thing), so they need it. Or at the very least, a councilor to help them learn to cope with the traumatic events.

One far bigger issue I have with the newer generation is that they have a tendency to forget to put trigger warnings in backstories and responses. (Entirely separate from the inaccuracy of how PTSD is portrayed.)

message 17: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments

If you have discord, you could add me and I could go over a few? I found a couple recently that don't actually allow explicit content, and some with very explicit rules on using trigger warnings for history and threading. There are also some that allow you to opt in or out of such content. NSFW in general is usually handled pretty well and made clear that it has to be marked for such content.

That's entirely understandable, though. My DMs are always open if you would like to talk (here and if you add me on discord) about anything that might be causing you discomfort within the group.

Birdsong231☾ (pm before invs) (birdsong231) Sure! Birdsong231#0018

message 19: by River (new)

River | 621 comments I just want to say, Gr is a site fir 13+ So yes there are gonna be younger and less experinced people on here. That being saud this group is welcome to all, yes we encourage doing more at times but an expericned or unexperinced rp'er is welcome here. If the people on this group do not fit your need for high expectations then maybe find a groups or eprson who would, or talk with the person you wish to rp with. And I highly doubt Raini meant to hurt you in any way, she most likely did not knwo what she said woud hurt you.

This is jsut my opinion on the matter

message 20: by goule (new)

goule | 402 comments Birdsong231ԑ̮̑ঙ (pls no more group invs) wrote: "Sure! Birdsong231#0018"

I’ve just sent a request. I’m gouleycooly

message 21: by Amy (new)

Amy Willemse | 14 comments Hi all, I know you probally don't know or remember me but i'm really busy with school. I am 14 and i'm from the netherlands where we speak dutch. This means i'm not really active and my english isn't really good, but i'll try to be more active

message 22: by Amy (new)

Amy Willemse | 14 comments Amy wrote: "Hi all, I know you probally don't know or remember me but i'm really busy with school. I am 14 and i'm from the netherlands where we speak dutch. This means i'm not really active and my english isn..."

Btw how can i rp, i'm not sure how to do it and i also don't know how to start roleplaying with someone else

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments First you have to create a character (there is a character guide)
Then you can read the Roleplay guide
You can ask questions in the question thread and the you can request a Roleplay in ‘Roleplay requests’

I’m not a mod but I hope this helped a little :)

message 24: by Amy (new)

Amy Willemse | 14 comments I found it, thank you really much.

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments your welcome, I hope you have a good time here

message 26: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Sorry for not announcing but...
essays are due soon and exams are coming.... I really need to study and get good grades although I have been keeping my grades up. Its just rping has been in my mind and distracting me a lot because I've been getting emails about GR.

I just want to say I'll be HIATUS for a while, I'll be on and off a lot. Not sure but I may be fully back in September.

Thank You!

message 27: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
** I will be on some times for breaks of studying**

ᑕᗩᒪᗩᒪᗩ ᑌᗯᑌ ʕ⊃•ᴥ•ʔ⊃Read Bio!⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ (calalauwu) | 1696 comments Hello hoomans, it shatters my heart to say that I‘m not going to be online much because tests are coming up and school is stressing me out (along with many other of my activities). I will try to be active and respond 2-3 times per day. :3

Mrs. 1409 (Echo)  (theoneandonlymrsecho) I won't be on this week because of school. See y'all next week!

message 30: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
People of MC,
I am busy but the reason is:
I'm in the hospital since I accidentally ate fish and nuts which I'm allergic to (I DIDN'T KNOW!). I also had to do a surgery on my back a few days ago but the doctor had to re-open the wound. I don't have much energy and usually I am asleep.

I will reply if I am on. I'm just tired and I can't walk nor move much. I love you all very much and I breaks my heart to leave for so long.
I am sooooo sorry for not announcing this before I left but I just realize today.

Your Baby Forever,

message 31: by Kyleigh , The History Lover (new)

Kyleigh  | 2109 comments Mod
Duchess Silver *Hiatus (Check Profile BIO)* wrote: "People of MC,
I am busy but the reason is:
I'm in the hospital since I accidentally ate fish and nuts which I'm allergic to (I DIDN'T KNOW!). I also had to do a surgery on my back a few days ago bu..."

I'm sorry to hear that, Silver. I hope you make a quick recovery and feel better soon!

message 32: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
• flowering delilah • ( no more group invites ) wrote: "Duchess Silver *Hiatus (Check Profile BIO)* wrote: "People of MC,
I am busy but the reason is:
I'm in the hospital since I accidentally ate fish and nuts which I'm allergic to (I DIDN'T KNOW!). I a..."

Kyleigh wrote: "Duchess Silver *Hiatus (Check Profile BIO)* wrote: "People of MC,
I am busy but the reason is:
I'm in the hospital since I accidentally ate fish and nuts which I'm allergic to (I DIDN'T KNOW!). I a..."

Thanks! I'll still be on if I can

message 33: by Sora, Summer = Busy = Offline A Lot (PM) (new)

Sora Hyung (axquzx) | 1701 comments Mod
Why is life difficult?
I have to be off often because:
1. Working on a project
2. Editing a app that my group and I made (failed)
3. Going through more weird feelings (more allergies??)
4. Working on a project for someone who is turning 18 soon

Cya I check pm tho.

message 34: by the_rabid_snail (new)

the_rabid_snail | 149 comments Hey, just wanted to let everyone know I'll be on vacation the next four weeks, so I probably won't be on much (if at all). I'll be back on when my trip is over though!

message 35: by Kyleigh , The History Lover (new)

Kyleigh  | 2109 comments Mod
No worries! Have fun on your trip :)

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