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Book and Author of the Month > Dec 2022 READER Nominations

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message 1: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
This thread is for nominations for READER category for December 2022.

READER books need to be
* currently in print in either hardback or paperback (or both). Requiring a special order from a store or website counts, but not if the book is only available used.
* currently available in multiple ebook formats, from multiple vendors
* Space Opera, which means a spaceship has to be involved in the story somewhere.
* If it is part of a series, it needs to be suitable to being read without having read other books in the series.
* Please no blatantly erotic books, as some of our members are not full adults yet.

* you may nominate one book on this thread.
* you may second as many nominations as you like on this thread.
* it is okay to nominate the same book on more than one nomination thread, as long as it meets the criteria
* books we already have on our bookshelf will be disqualified if they were added less than two years ago
* If a book you nominate or second is selected, you are expected to post at least one comment about it on the thread about the book.
* In about two weeks I will draw a book randomly, with each second being one raffle ticket for the book. That is, a book with three seconds (so four of us want it) will get three chances in the pool.

It is likely helpful if you know something about a book that has been nominated if you mention it in this thread, whether it is for or against the book.

message 2: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
I nominate The Marann by Christie Meierz. The ebook is free until the end of November. I’ve read this book several times. SF romance. Most of the action takes place on another planet. I plan to reread a lot of the Tolari Space books in December because a new one is coming out in January. It’s an Indy book but I found it available in both ebook and paperback from multiple vendors.

message 3: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 439 comments The Marann is another book I own but haven't gotten around to reading. Therefore, I will second it.

message 4: by [deleted user] (last edited Nov 08, 2022 05:18AM) (new)

Nominating my own book, To Summon The Blackbird, by Ken Doggett. For now the price of the ebook has been reduced from $3.99 to just 99 cents in anticipation of the release this month of a new sequel. Both novels are stand-alone, and will become part of a new series, "The Interstellar Blackbird."

message 5: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Summary so far:
The Marann by Christie Meierz. Nominated by Teresa. Seconded by Audrey.
To Summon The Blackbird by Ken Doggett. Nominated by Ken. Awaiting seconds.

message 6: by C. John (last edited Nov 13, 2022 05:06PM) (new)

C. John Kerry (cjkerry) | 611 comments Going to go way back in time on this one:
Skylark of Space by Edward E. "Doc" Smith. I am going to think if it is available for Kobo I will presume it is available for Kindle. I checked on Indigo/Chapters and it is available as both a paperbound and ebook.
Yes it is the first in a series but as Smith at the time didn't know if any more would be written it is definitely self-contained.

message 7: by Awhona (new)

Awhona K.G. Paul (hamsa-vahini_vajra-asthra) | 6 comments I vote for "The Marann" by Christie Meierz

message 8: by Betsy (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
I would like to nominate Gunpowder Moon by David Pedreira, but I haven't read it yet and I can't tell if any of it takes place on a space ship. From the description it looks like it takes place solely, or mostly, on the moon. I'll leave it up to Teresa whether it's eligible.

message 9: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (last edited Nov 15, 2022 01:47AM) (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Summary so far:
The Marann by Christie Meierz. Nominated by Teresa. Seconded by Audrey and Awhona.
To Summon The Blackbird by Ken Doggett. Nominated by Ken. Awaiting seconds.
The Skylark of Space by E.E. "Doc" Smith. Nominated by C. John. Awaiting seconds.
Gunpowder Moon by David Pedreira. Nominated by Betsy. Awaiting seconds.

Betsy: book looks marginal but close enough

message 10: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (last edited Nov 19, 2022 06:22AM) (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Nominations will close on the 22nd. Unless another book is seconded our December pick will be The Marann.

I did notice one of the editions of Skylark of Space is available as a free ebook on Amazon.

message 11: by C. John (new)

C. John Kerry (cjkerry) | 611 comments I suspect that Skylark, at least the first book, has fallen into public domain. Wouldn't be surprising as I believe it was first published in 1927. The last book in the sequence, Skylark DuQuesne, wasn't published until the early to mid 1960's so it is still under copyright.

message 12: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (last edited Nov 22, 2022 03:54AM) (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Nominations are now closed for Reader Pick. Our December group read will be The Marann.

If you don’t have a copy of The Marann yet, the ebook is free until the end of November.

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