EVERYONE Has Read This but Me - The Catch-Up Book Club discussion

FOR FUN!!! > What’s your favorite book!

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message 1: by Cohen (new)

Cohen the man | 1 comments Tell me!!!!!!

message 2: by CindySR (new)

CindySR (neyankee) JANE EYRE!!!! Will be my first re-read in January.

message 4: by Chloe (new)

Chloe (chlgvrr) Lovely War by Julie Berry Lovely War

i don't know a lot of people who have read it and i know it's not for everyone but i tear up just rereading my highlights & notes. hoping to reread it next year when i'm emotionally ready :,)

message 5: by Jan (new)

Jan Z (jrgreads) | 288 comments To Kill a Mockingbird
and Pride and Prejudice

message 6: by Roevardotter (new)

Roevardotter (bookshelf-therapy) | 70 comments Hard to answer this question. It used to be Lolita by Nabokov. But I think it actually compedes with Lord of the rings. A recent favourite is "On earth we`re briefly gorgeous". No I think I cant decide, there are just too many lovely books :)

message 7: by TKO reads (new)

TKO reads | 13 comments Too many favorites. Lonesome Dove, read it twice.

message 8: by Squire (last edited Jul 14, 2024 04:33AM) (new)

Squire (srboone) | 17 comments The Annotated Lolita

The most beautifully written book I've ever read. Nabakov wrote in in English and then translated it into Russian. He wrote more beautifully in his second language than most people do with English as their first language.

I'd always hoped that if I ever fell in love, I would feel like Humbert Humbert did (except for the whole murder thing). And that it would be with someone more age-appropriate. And it was! :)

message 9: by jada-leigh (new)

jada-leigh | 3 comments Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

message 10: by Pony (new)

Pony Xaviors (ponyxaviors) | 280 comments The I Hunt Killers trilogy by Barry Lyga! (My favorite of it being the third book; although I also adore the prequel novella Lucky Day.)

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