The Academy For Mythical Creatures discussion


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message 1: by River (last edited Nov 24, 2022 04:26PM) (new)

River | 621 comments This contains an image of: cottage baby
This contains an image of: Follow inxzz🍄🌿


message 2: by River (new)

River | 621 comments Em sat on her bed with mateo as she tried to get her hait up in a claw clip. she hadn't worn makeup today so it was easier to tell her and mateo looked alike. when a knock on the door came em was grumbling about her claw clip so Mateo got the door.

message 3: by River (new)

River | 621 comments ((YES))

"Hey" mateo said with a straight face as he let asher in befire closing the door and sitting back beside em who was stilll fussing over her claw clip "fucking dammnit!" She said throwing it on the bed in anger not seeing asher having came in mateo quickly put her hair up in the claw clip "thank you" She saod before lookign up and seeing asher "Asher!" She said smiling

message 4: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "Good how are you" she said smiling as she got up to sit on the cocu mateo already being there. "I din't have any makeup on today so I think it'll be easier to tell were twins" She said smlning

message 5: by River (new)

River | 621 comments ((morning!))

message 6: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "Her what?" Mateo asked raising an eyebrow lookign, almost glaring at ash

message 7: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "I do" Mateo sud frowning when asher didnt anser the question "What are you?" he asked

message 8: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "Where is Rioz?" Em asked realzing he wasnt with ash "Neat" Mateo said, scowl lessening

message 9: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "oh okay" She said smlingt at him

The three contoniuted talking for a whie before Mateo got up to go do something for a club "Nice meeting you" HE said to Asher before walking out

message 10: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "you can stay if youd like" She said smling at him and leaning back not the cocuh

((its kyles turn on pinterst btw))

message 11: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "Thank you! I tried to decorate it like home" She saod smiling soflty

message 12: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "You alright?" She asked notcing him rub his calf

message 13: by River (new)

River | 621 comments ((hello!))

message 14: by River (new)

River | 621 comments **why is he-))

"thats weird" She said looking at his leg as well "yeah but sorry abut ,y brother hes very over protective" She said laughign nervously, he had been nice but nit too nice to Asher

message 15: by River (new)

River | 621 comments ((why??))

"IS there anything I can gte for your leg to stop hurting?" She asked worried. SHe stood up as well so she wouldnt feel tiny to him

message 16: by River (new)

River | 621 comments ((ohhh lmao))

"Is your shadow not following you?" She asked watching it for a moment and relaizing the shape started to look like Rioz "is that rioz?!"

message 17: by River (new)

River | 621 comments Em waved a bit relaing he was there thw whole time. She thought it was actually pretty cool rioz could do that

message 18: by River (new)

River | 621 comments Em watched a bit shocked at first then felt her self blsuh at waht rioz said.

message 19: by River (new)

River | 621 comments Em couldn't help but watch the argument going on in front of her. Hes cute when he puff's his cheeks out like that. No Mateo would kill me- She said thinking to herself but what Rioz said caught her attention. "Thought I was what?" Em said walking up to Rioz

message 20: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "No what did he think about me?" Em asjed walking after Rioz knowing he would tell her befire ash would. She couldm't help but think he had siad bad thigs and was now worried as a visble frown appeared on her face.

message 21: by River (new)

River | 621 comments Em felt her face heat up when Rioz said that ash thought she was attractive, pretty and cool. BUt her slight smile dopped instantly when he said the last part 'Of course he doesnt like you, why would he like you' She thought silenetly to herself

message 22: by River (new)

River | 621 comments ((hru?))

Em fiddled with her necklace while she watched the two for a moment. She fiddeled with it often when she was anxious or upset. She cringed Rioz got a knee to the stomach. "oh, bye rioz" She said waving goodbye

message 23: by River (new)

River | 621 comments ((IM SO SORRY))

Em watched as Rioz got shoved out of the door and the door was closed behidn him. "Its alright" Em said giving him a forced smile

message 24: by River (new)

River | 621 comments (( I FEEL SO BAD RAINI IM SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY))

"its the weekedn-?" Em said confsued at his question. She sat back down on the couccj "You cna sit if youd like" she said not wanting thim to feel akward even though she did

message 25: by River (new)

River | 621 comments Em couldnt help but let out a little laugh at his nervousness and smiled at him. "Whatcha wanna do?" She asked after a moment

message 26: by River (new)

River | 621 comments "we can" She said giving a small, alward smile to him as she tirned on a movie.

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