Goodreads Authors/Readers discussion

Cultural Fantasy > Reviewers Desired for my Fantasy Book

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message 1: by Jim (last edited Dec 08, 2022 02:00PM) (new)

Jim Vuksic | 1227 comments Robert,

I noticed that you currently have posted only a Goodreads Member Profile. Consider replacing it with a Goodreads Author Profile. It would more clearly identify you as a published writer.

For whatever reason, the majority of avid readers never post a review or rating. Those who do are merely expressing their personal, and therefore, subjective opinion. Knowing this, most readers do not allow a rating or review - positive or negative - to impact their choice of books.

Contrary to what many novice authors believe, salse drive reviews, not the other way around.

Very few novice authors ever achieve commercial success or even notoriety within this extremely competitive field. That said; some have. There is no reason why you might not eventually become one of them. I wish you success.

message 2: by Robert (new)

Robert | 6 comments Jim wrote: "Robert,

I noticed that you currently have posted only a Goodreads Member Profile. Consider replacing it with a Goodreads Author Profile. It would more clearly identify you as a published writer.


Thank you for letting me know! I didn't even realize that I could do that (I'm very new to Goodreads). I appreciate it.

Author Robert Scheck

message 3: by Mellie (last edited Dec 08, 2022 02:42PM) (new)

Mellie (mellie42) | 643 comments Robert wrote: "I'm happy to exchange manuscripts and leave a review as well."

Author review swaps violate Amazon (and other retailer) TOS and can get your account banned.

There are GR genre groups where you can offer a free copy to readers for review purposes. There are also services like NetGalley, HiddenGems and BookSprout who allow you to offer a book in interested readers for reviews (although you cannot require a review, I beleive that is also against Amazon TOS).

It's considered bad form for an author to 5-star their own book, especially when you use a secondary (non author) account to do it.

message 4: by Sidney (new)

Sidney Nesti | 2 comments Robert wrote: "Hello Esteemed Ones:

I am looking for some non-paid reviews on Amazon/Goodreads/Barnes&Nobles. I'm happy to exchange manuscripts and leave a review as well. If you'd also like to beta read the man..."

You might want to try a group that exchanges reviews on Goodreads. Something like:

Good luck!

message 5: by Robert (new)

Robert | 6 comments Sidney wrote: "Robert wrote: "Hello Esteemed Ones:

I am looking for some non-paid reviews on Amazon/Goodreads/Barnes&Nobles. I'm happy to exchange manuscripts and leave a review as well. If you'd also like to be..."

I appreciate that thank you!

Author Robert Scheck

message 6: by Robert (new)

Robert | 6 comments Robert wrote: "Jim wrote: "Robert,

I noticed that you currently have posted only a Goodreads Member Profile. Consider replacing it with a Goodreads Author Profile. It would more clearly identify you as a publish..."

I appreciate the feedback and will adjust my actions accordingly! Thank you for your reply!

Author Robert Scheck

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