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message 1: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
If you are a creative person post your art work here we would love to see it no graphic images please thank you

message 2: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments A selfportrait with my wife (for 33 years) Nanny:

message 3: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Dirk wrote: "A selfportrait with my wife (for 33 years) Nanny:


Awww I love it

message 4: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Deity World wrote: "Dirk wrote: "A selfportrait with my wife (for 33 years) Nanny:


Awww I love it"


message 5: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Happy 33 years to you both

message 6: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments That is for the 5th of May. The wedding was : 05/05/90
We met 5 years before that.
First time we saw each other was on a birthday party of a mutual friend on the 19th of December in 1984.
We had our first date a couple days later and...
By the first of January 1985 we were living together.

message 7: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Dirk wrote: "That is for the 5th of May. The wedding was : 05/05/90
We met 5 years before that.
First time we saw each other was on a birthday party of a mutual friend on the 19th of December in 1984.
We had o..."

Wow my parents got married in 1984 too but now not together

message 8: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Deity World wrote: "Dirk wrote: "That is for the 5th of May. The wedding was : 05/05/90
We met 5 years before that.
First time we saw each other was on a birthday party of a mutual friend on the 19th of December in 19..."

Sorry to hear that, were you still young when they separated?
My kids (twins) Sam and Lin were born in 1995

message 9: by Deity World (last edited Jan 16, 2023 02:38PM) (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Dirk wrote: "Deity World wrote: "Dirk wrote: "That is for the 5th of May. The wedding was : 05/05/90
We met 5 years before that.
First time we saw each other was on a birthday party of a mutual friend on the 19..."

Awwww was my dads third marriage and divorce it was in the middle of my exams when they divorced

message 10: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Yesterday I finished a new drawing:

Title: The Lion and the Monk
iPad Pro drawing with Procreate.
Max print size: 82 x 57 cm

message 11: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Aww Dirk they are beautiful looks like Aslan

message 12: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Ah, Aslan! I guess...
But I wasn't thinking about him (haven't read the books only saw the movie)
I've got a thing about lions (my star sign is Leo)

message 13: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Aww Leo makes sense haha the books are way better

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews)
I have to use that but my grandfather is a photographer. My profile in more pictures has one of me that he did. I will gladly send here if you guys wanna see

message 15: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Do share

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) Okay lemme get them all.

message 18: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
You are a very pretty girl very photogenic I miss taking photos

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) I do it to give my grandfather something to do. He takes over 100 but only keeps 1 ok 2. He is 80 and it keeps him entertained only reason why I do it

message 20: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Wow 80 good on him what camera does he use

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) Regular SLR canons

message 22: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
I use a G2

message 25: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Asher wrote: "

Very nice photo's! I like the B&W's a bit more.
Very inspiring: makes me want to draw them...
Would you mind?

message 26: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Deity World wrote: "I use a G2"

I use a Pentax K70.

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) Dirk wrote: "Asher wrote: "

Very nice photo's! I like the B&W's a bit more.
Very inspiring: makes me want to draw them...
Would you mind?"

no I wouldn't mind.

message 28: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Asher wrote: "Dirk wrote: "Asher wrote: "

Very nice photo's! I like the B&W's a bit more.
Very inspiring: makes me want to draw them...
Would you mind?"

no I wouldn't mind."

OK! Let's see what I can do ;-)

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) His Facebook has a lot of his pictures if you wanna see

message 30: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Deity World wrote: "... I miss taking photos"

What do you mean? Can't you do it anymore?

message 31: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Dirk wrote: "Deity World wrote: "... I miss taking photos"

What do you mean? Can't you do it anymore?"

I haven’t for a while

message 32: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Asher wrote: "Dirk wrote: "Asher wrote: "

Very nice photo's! I like the B&W's a bit more.
Very inspiring: makes me want to draw them...
Would you mind?"

no I wouldn't mind."

What do you think of this?

message 33: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Asher wrote: "His Facebook has a lot of his pictures if you wanna see"

You can send it in a PM and I'll have a look.

message 34: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
I love it

message 35: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Deity World wrote: "I love it"

It's just a quicky (+/- 3Hrs)
I wanted to do it today.
Midnight now... So I'm going to sleep.

message 36: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Good night Dirk

message 37: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Everybody is talking about chat GPT these days.
Now there was talk about Amazon selling about 200 books generated by the AI.
I already had a chat with the robot about my last drawing and today I told him it was finished and if it could create a story about it.
It said: sure here it is (took less than 10 seconds)

In a remote Tibetan monastery nestled in the mountains, a young monk lived a simple life dedicated to prayer and meditation. One day, as he was walking in the woods nearby, he stumbled upon an old lion who had been injured in a battle with another animal. The monk took pity on the lion and decided to help him.

Despite the initial apprehension of the other monks, the monk nursed the lion back to health and they became fast friends. The lion would often accompany the monk as he went about his daily routines, and would even stand guard as the monk meditated. The other monks began to see the wisdom in the young monk's actions and soon, the lion became a regular presence at the monastery.

As time passed, the monk's meditations became more profound and he began to experience vivid visions of another world. The lion remained by his side, keeping watch as he delved deeper into his spiritual practices.

One day, as the monk sat deep in meditation, he saw a vision of a blossoming magnolia tree. He felt a sense of peace and serenity wash over him, and knew that this was a sign of his enlightenment. From that day forward, he dedicated himself even more fully to his practice, and the lion remained by his side, a silent witness to his spiritual journey.

Years later, as the monk approached the end of his life, he reflected on the lessons he had learned from the lion. He realized that the greatest gift the lion had given him was not protection or companionship, but the ability to see beyond his own limitations and connect with something greater than himself. And so, with the lion at his side, the monk passed peacefully into the next world, knowing that his spirit would always be connected to the universe he had glimpsed so long ago.

Random Spider (on a hiatus?) | 168 comments There was a prediction that in the near future (around 2050s) AI will be the best 'ally' for writers and will do most of their work in writing a book. I forgot who said it, and although I see it as a good thing I can't ignore its permanent ramifications on future human creativity.

message 39: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Random Spider wrote: "There was a prediction that in the near future (around 2050s) AI will be the best 'ally' for writers and will do most of their work in writing a book. I forgot who said it, and although I see it as..."

I think that prediction was a bit cautious. If you consider the text above I don't think we will have to wait 25 more years...
I offered your comment to the chatbot and this was his answer:

The idea that AI will be a powerful tool for writers and could eventually do most of the work in writing a book is an interesting one, and there are certainly some researchers and experts who believe this could be possible in the future. However, it is important to note that AI is not capable of creating entirely new ideas or concepts on its own, as it is limited by the data it is trained on and the algorithms used to generate its output.

While AI can certainly help writers with tasks like editing, proofreading, and even generating basic plot outlines, it is unlikely that it will be able to fully replace human creativity and imagination in the near future. Human writers bring a unique perspective, life experience, and personal style to their work that cannot be replicated by AI.

Additionally, it is worth considering the implications of relying too heavily on AI for creative work. While AI can certainly increase efficiency and productivity, it may also lead to a homogenization of ideas and a loss of the human touch that makes literature and art so powerful and resonant. It is important to strike a balance between using AI as a tool to support human creativity and ensuring that we maintain the unique qualities that make creative work so valuable and meaningful.

message 40: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments The last couple of weeks I've been working on some studies of horses (for a large drawing I'm working on) Here is a portrait of the horse Calypso and his owner (for 10 years now) Thalia.

message 41: by Dirk (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments Calypso on his own. This is more the pose and angle I needed.

message 42: by Dirk (last edited Jul 15, 2023 04:23AM) (new)

Dirk Van | 688 comments And this is a portrait of my father-in-law, Gaston with his cat Mimin.
Sadly he passed away already 20 years ago.

For a better look, I have now a portfolio on the Procreate site:

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