The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

Getting To Know The Group Polls > Getting To Know The Group

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message 1: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
I thought it would be good to get to know a little about the group. Demographics, likes, etc.

I'll post a poll each week and leave it open so that future members can also respond.

message 2: by William (new)

William Wygle | 1 comments New here. I like reading,mysteries,thrillers and comic books. Besides that, I’m a pretty open minded guy.

message 3: by Jenna (new)

Jenna | 4 comments Hey y'all! My name is Jenna. I've lived in varying states across the US and love to travel. My favorite genres include fantasy, historical fiction, thriller, and science fiction. However, I will give just about anything a chance.

message 4: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Welcome Jenna!

message 5: by ash✿ (new)

ash✿ (ashdonotcare) ash here! i read romance,dark romance, romance, fantasy too, some thrillers, dark romance and have i mention romance?
Haha but i do give a chance to other genre too when recommended.

message 6: by Adam (new)

Adam Beckett (radicaladam) hi I'm Adam, A Couple of Dorks on instagram :) from Birmingham UK, big fan of dark stuff, horrors, postmodern, Southern and American gothics. genre isn't as important to me as the writing style, my favourite authors are Cormac McCarthy, H P Lovecraft and Philip K Dick

message 7: by Kylie (new)

Kylie Mann | 17 comments Hello!! I’m Kylie and I live in indiana. i pretty much exclusively read thrillers/suspense/mysteries, but i do like to enjoy a good autobiography or memoir every once in awhile. Thanks for the add!

message 8: by Greta (new)

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments Hi everyone!
I’m Greta
I live in Arizona with my husband and our youngest daughter who is a junior in HS this year
We also have 3 VERY chubby cats who are a bit spoiled.

I love to read all kinds of books - mostly fiction but I throw a few non fiction in every year too.

If it’s engaging and well written I’ll give it a try!

Nice to meet all of you

message 9: by Jason (new)

Jason (jasonpacheco) | 36 comments Hi everyone,
I'm Jason and I live in Massachusetts. I'll read just about anything aside from romance. Mostly read horror, thriller, suspense, classics, poetry, memoirs, and non fiction.
Nice to meet you all

message 10: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Fowlie Hi, I’m Stephanie from Massachusetts! I mainly read fantasy, suspense, & thrillers but I like keeping my options open and trying new genres.

Kelly - readinginthe419 (readinginthe419) | 6 comments Hello! I’m Kelly from Ohio and just joined the group. I love historical fiction and contemporary/literary fiction as well as the occasional romance or thriller. I also enjoy memoirs & narrative nonfiction. I’m definitely drawn more to character driven stories. Happy to meet all of you!

message 12: by Layla (new)

Layla bonniblue | 2 comments I read across genres, and especially love mysteries, dark academia, books with a strong sense of place, and the classics.

message 13: by Christine (new)

Christine Mathieu | 319 comments Stephanie wrote: "Hi, I’m Stephanie from Massachusetts! I mainly read fantasy, suspense, & thrillers but I like keeping my options open and trying new genres."

Hi Stephanie, I'm from Worcester, MA. Where do you live?

message 14: by Michael (new)

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments Hi! I'm Mike, and I've lived in southeastern Pennsylvania since 2000.
I'm enjoying retirement, as it allows for more reading time which I have definitely taken advantage of.
I love a good story. No genre is off limits. I need to empathize in major or minor ways with the characters in order to become engaged in a book.
I've read quite a bit of science fiction and fantasy in my earlier years, and more recently the horror and crime fiction genres seem to predominate my reading, along with comic books (life long obsession).

message 15: by Joseph (new)

Joseph Barber (jbarberj74) | 1 comments Hi everyone. My name is Joe and I live in Ohio. I am married and we have 6 children.

I love to read horror, dark fantasy, thriller, psychological thriller, psychological horror, apocalyptic and my favorite is post apocalyptic.

I also read Union Labor and Labor movement.

If you like any of the above genres add me as a friend so I can check out your books you have read or want to read and you can do the same.

message 16: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) Hi, I love nearly all books. But especially romantic suspense, historicals, and gothics.

I live in eastern Washington State, I am a dog person, and am politically on the left (but considering the state of the right wing that is not saying much). I also love Godzilla and James Bond movies.

message 17: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) Welcome, Kirsten.

I also enjoy romantic suspense - what are your favourite authors?

message 18: by Shay (new)

Shay (haveyoureadreviews) | 1 comments hello everyone! I'm Shay from Washington. I like fantasy, history, Thrillers, and Mysteries the most. Though I do read everything for my blog, "Have You Read Reviews". I love finding new authors, and expanding my tbr list.

message 19: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) Welcome, Shay.

message 20: by Anne (new)

Anne Hello Shay!

message 21: by Kate (new)

Kate O'Shea (kateoshea) | 5 comments Hi I'm Kate from Yorkshire in England. I will read anything. I love recommendations from like-minded readers. My favourite genre is probably literary fiction but I love a translation and new authors. Big fan of Stephen King, Terry Pratchett and Cormac McCarthy. I also have a soft spot for Ireland and Irish writers. I don't "get" poetry.

message 22: by Kelvin (last edited Mar 19, 2023 04:43PM) (new)

Kelvin (kinder4lif) | 17 comments Hi Kate,
If you like Stephen King you might try John Saul, Dean Koontz, and DR. Robin Cook.

John Saul's: 'Second Child', 'Shadows', and 'Black Creek Crossing'

Dean Koontz: 'Tick tock', 'Dark Rivers of the Heart', and 'Fear Nothing'

DR. Robin Cook (books are medical with a lot being doctors with a god complex) : 'Coma', 'Seizure', and 'Contagion'

message 23: by Kelvin (new)

Kelvin (kinder4lif) | 17 comments Hi Joseph,
you might try these apocalyptic books
The Tide series By: Anthony J. Melchiorri
Gray: The Complete Collection By: Lou Cadle
Alex Fletcher Boxset, Complete Series: Books 1-5 By: Steven Konkoly

message 24: by Christine (new)

Christine Mathieu | 319 comments Kelvin wrote: "Hi Kate,
If you like Stephen King you might try John Saul, Dean Koontz, and DR. Robin Cook.

John Saul's: 'Second Child', 'Shadows', and 'Black Creek Crossing'

Dean Koontz: 'Tick tock', 'Dark Rive..."

My first and last approach with John Saul was in the 1980's about a cat that got tortured and a cave in a cliff. Since then I stayed away from Saul.


message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Oh no I can’t do animal abuse :(

message 26: by Micheal (new)

Micheal Hello, My name is Michel, pronounced Michael. I am a middle school librarian. I love reading fantasy, LGBTQ+, Sci-Fi, contemporary romance, etc...

message 27: by Dawn (new)

Dawn (dawnella77) | 90 comments Hello, My name is Dawn and I am a Psychotherapist from Texas. I love mystery, thriller and suspense genres the most. I also read books related to my field such as Psychology, mental health related . I love knowledge and adventure. Books with surprise endings and plot twists are the best. I also like to read fantasy and dystopian novels.

message 28: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Welcome, Dawn!

message 29: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) Welcome, Dawn.

message 30: by Michelle (new)

Michelle | 1 comments I’m Michelle. I have been on Goodreads since 2007. I’m so pleased it’s made it to 2023 and hope it will remain for my remaining years. I love mostly fiction, but like biographies and history too. I have a penchant for mystery/thrillers and YA fiction. I sometimes get stuck on an author and need to read all they’ve written. I also quilt and sew so I read a lot of sewing books too.

Basically anything unless it’s political! I read for a break so I’ll have none of that unless of course it’s a great story. I’ve also recently had some pitiful reading years so I’m making a real effort to come back to my first love. Thanks for doing these polls! Great idea!

message 31: by Greta (new)

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments Michelle wrote: "I’m Michelle. I have been on Goodreads since 2007. I’m so pleased it’s made it to 2023 and hope it will remain for my remaining years. I love mostly fiction, but like biographies and history too. I..."

Hi Michelle!
Nice to meet you. I love fiction best too (it’s got to have good character development for me) but I sprinkle in some non fiction to keep a balance.
Reading is also my break time and I’m not picky about the genre, I’m pretty much all over the place with any type of fiction.

message 32: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Michelle wrote: "I’m Michelle. I have been on Goodreads since 2007. I’m so pleased it’s made it to 2023 and hope it will remain for my remaining years. I love mostly fiction, but like biographies and history too. I..."

Welcome, Michelle!

message 33: by Maureen (new)

Maureen (maureencean) | 11 comments Hi all, Maureen here from Northern New York. I don’t read westerns, or true crime, or graphic novels. That’s a lot easier than listing everything I do read. I collect books for my TBR like my life depends on it, and across various formats, I have around 7 or 800 waiting for me to get to them. I look forward to retirement! Happy 2024 to all!

message 34: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Maureen wrote: "Hi all, Maureen here from Northern New York. I don’t read westerns, or true crime, or graphic novels. That’s a lot easier than listing everything I do read. I collect books for my TBR like my life ..."

Welcome, Maureen!

message 35: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Hi, I'm Vickie from PA. I read just about anything, but my go-to is horror, ghost stories, creature features, and I'm a ZA junkie.😊

message 36: by fifi (new)

fifi Hi, I'm fifi im 20 and i love thrillers although my reading journey just started last year but my new year's resolution is to read atleast 300 books i hope i will manage it with med school!!!

message 37: by Debbie (new)

Debbie Landry | 2 comments New to group… other book club I was in is on a hold/hiatus. Live in PA, USA….43 y.o. with 6 kids (14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5) but still a passion for reading and I get it in. Listen to audiobooks during the day while working FT or chores, and kindle/physical books at night. I will read anything and always challenge myself to seek recommendations from others so I don’t get into a rut.

message 38: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Hi Fifi. 👋 Wow, congrats on med school! You're definitely busy so good luck with your reading goal! 😊

Hi Debbie. 👋 Yay, a fellow book friend from PA! And, wow, you're a busy momma! 😏

message 39: by Rebekah (new)

Rebekah Nieman | 5 comments New here :) I started reading more at the end of 2023, and I really have to thank YT for booktok or whatever. Because now I’m a reading machine!
I’m currently in college and stay at home mom of 3 daughters.

message 40: by Mary (new)

Mary (maryjane70) | 2 comments Hi everyone, I'm MJ and live in MN. Love horror, psychological thrillers, sci fiction, biographies..... OK, pretty much anything with characters I can relate to. Retired so I read ALOT.
Please send a friend request so we can compare books!

message 41: by Vickie (new)

Vickie (bookfan4ever) | 66 comments Hi Rebekah, wow you're busy! That's awesome that you make time to read. 😊

Hi MJ, I love horror and psychological thrillers as well! 😃

message 42: by Christine (new)

Christine Mathieu | 319 comments Hi Mary, I also love psychological thrillers and (auto)biographies and several other genres. I live in MA.

message 43: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Debbie wrote: "New to group… other book club I was in is on a hold/hiatus. Live in PA, USA….43 y.o. with 6 kids (14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 5) but still a passion for reading and I get it in. Listen to audiobooks during t..."

Welcome Debbie - not sure when and how you find time to read, but very impressed that you do :)

message 44: by John (new)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Mary wrote: "Hi everyone, I'm MJ and live in MN. Love horror, psychological thrillers, sci fiction, biographies..... OK, pretty much anything with characters I can relate to. Retired so I read ALOT.
Please sen..."

Hi Mary - if you haven't already, check out C.J. Tudor. She is much more well-known in the UK vs the US. I have enjoyed her books. I just finished her soon-to-be-released book called "The Gathering" about a vampire colony in Alaska.....very good.

message 45: by Brijesh (new)

Brijesh Kartha (brijwhiz) | 7 comments Hello team, I realized when i got the notifications from this thread that I have not introduced myself here.
I LOVE reading books (on any platform, though physical has become more difficult over time) but of late have been worried that I love the idea of loving to read. To be fair to myself Life has taken a left turn since the pandemic and getting things stable have not been easy. But I need to get back to actually reading and I hope to do that with this group of people. I love fantasy, detective, sci fi, noir, sports, autobiography genres generally speaking but read most things :) Manga and Graphic novels are a big addiction too.

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