1x1 Roleplay discussion

General: Chat, etc. > Mod Chat !!!!MODS ONLY!!!!

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message 2: by Austin (new)

Austin | 8 comments Mod
I do

message 4: by Austin (new)

Austin | 8 comments Mod
Awesome thanks

message 5: by itssaturn (new)

itssaturn | 175 comments Mod
Can I be one?

message 6: by Arbaz (new)

Arbaz ..FREE PALESTINE.. (arbaz04khan) I do!

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) i can help

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

you might not need it, but I'm willing if you need help

message 10: by Elizabeth L. (See Profile), Gonna be inactive, sorry (new)

Elizabeth L.  (See Profile) | 723 comments Mod
I do

message 11: by Briar (new)

Briar *Semi-hiatus* thatfandomgirl wrote: "you might not need it, but I'm willing if you need help"


message 13: by Briar (new)

Briar *Semi-hiatus* Anna wrote: "Ok :)"

Thank you!

message 14: by Elizabeth L. (See Profile), Gonna be inactive, sorry (new)

Elizabeth L.  (See Profile) | 723 comments Mod

message 16: by Elizabeth L. (See Profile), Gonna be inactive, sorry (new)

Elizabeth L.  (See Profile) | 723 comments Mod
Do you think we have enough mods

message 18: by Elizabeth L. (See Profile), Gonna be inactive, sorry (new)

Elizabeth L.  (See Profile) | 723 comments Mod
OK, we can close the thread or change it to MOD chat

message 20: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Can I be a mod? I will literally love you if I can lol

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