1x1 Roleplay discussion

1x1x1 RP > Neena, Evi, and Asher

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✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments heya

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments I'm thinking:

Muse A is a normal girl, and Muse B and Muse C are best friends. Muse B and C are sporty boys that both fall in love with Muse A. Muse B is kind-hearted whereas Muse C isn't.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments I can be any sense of character.

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) Okay I would prefer to be a guy though

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments I want to be Muse A

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments you guys can choose which u want to be

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments I would prefer to be Muse B but any is fine.

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments what abt u asher?

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) I can be muse C

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments alr lets make characters yay

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments Ok.

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments Name: Allison Poa
Age: 16, almost 17
Gender: Female

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments u turn guys uwu

message 16: by ✨Evi~Semi-hiatus (last edited Jan 28, 2023 08:28AM) (new)

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments Name: Leo
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) Name: Caspian Xavier
Age: 17
Gender: Male

message 20: by ✨Evi~Semi-hiatus (last edited Jan 29, 2023 04:22PM) (new)

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments * At School *
“I wish I wasn’t here. School is trash. I wonder where Caspian and Allison are.”

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) *Caspian runs in laughing thinking Allison is right behind him*

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments Allison runs in, racing. Her backpack is on one shoulder. The hall monitor scolds them for running.

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) "Ha Allison I beat you"

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) *Caspian falls to the ground laughing*

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments Allison walks along to class, ignoring Caspian.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments *Leo rushes down to the next period*

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments She sits down, rolling her eyes at the two chaotic boys.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments *hums golden hour*

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments Allison puts down her backpack. The class flies through, and so do the other classes, and soon it's lunchtime. She meets up with the boys outside the cafeteria.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments * unpacks lunch * “Oh. Hey Allison!”

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments "Hey Leo!" She said, and looked around. "Where's Caspian?"

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments “Ah. He might be staying late in class.”

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments "Maybe..." She says, putting down her lunch on a table. "So what's up?"

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments “I think I have a crush..”

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments "Ooo! Who is it?"

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments “I don’t wanna tell you :(“

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments "Oh, that's alright," She said, and took a bite out of her sandwich.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments “Ah ok.”

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments Allison eat. She listened to her favorite song, Golden Hour by JVKE.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments *Leo sits there daydreaming*

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments When she finished, Allison picked up her backpack to go to her last class - Science.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments *In mind* “ Ah. Leo soak up the love “

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments When she arrived to her class, she placed her backpack down.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments *Leo goes to history class*

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments As Allison did her class, school was coming to an end. 5...4...3...2...1! She thought, and the bell rang. She picked up her backpack and left science, going to meet Leo.

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments *Leo grabs bag from locker*

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments Allison was suspicious of Leo for not telling her his crush. She shrugged it off for now, and met him by his locker. "Seriously, were is Caspian?"

✨Evi~Semi-hiatus | 80 comments “Not sure. I’m gonna be honest. Maybe he skipped school”

✨Neena✨ | Manager of TTPD | | 598 comments "No, he was here this morning, remember?"

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