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message 1: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
I’m looking for authors who want to have a Q and A session on here

message 2: by Michael (new)

Michael Easterling (goodreadscommichaeleasterling) | 26 comments How would this work? Asking and answering questions here on the Goodreads platform or are you thinking of an in person interview? Answering questions here would be preferable.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Michael Easterling

message 3: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
I have noticed that Goodreads does Q and A with authors and I would like to experiment with it you can be first if you like

message 4: by Michael (new)

Michael Easterling (goodreadscommichaeleasterling) | 26 comments I’m willing to give it a go. Ask away. It sounds like it could be fun (and maybe get some exposure for my books.)

message 5: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
I’ll make a new topic and add your name

message 6: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Topic added for Michael

message 7: by George (new)

George Veck | 13 comments Deity World wrote: "I’m looking for authors who want to have a Q and A session on here"

I'd be happy to do a Q&A it offer's still there!

message 8: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
George wrote: "Deity World wrote: "I’m looking for authors who want to have a Q and A session on here"

I'd be happy to do a Q&A it offer's still there!"

Will add a topic for you

message 9: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Any more authors want to do a Q and A

message 10: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Brent wrote: "Is this something I could be a part of or is it too late?"

No it’s for everyone feel free

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