Shakespeare Fans discussion

Self Promotion > GIVEAWAY - Shakespeare's women ... play, ebook

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message 1: by Chris (new)

Chris Wind (chriswind) | 3 comments Hello Everyone:

Just wanted to let you know about Soliloquies: the lady doth indeed protest, a collection of soliloquies 'written by' Shakespeare's women. Free downloads (epub and pdf) at my website,

The soliloquies have also been turned into a theatrical piece and a more conventional stageplay; you can read about those (and download them) also at my site.


message 3: by Chris (new)

Chris Wind (chriswind) | 3 comments So sorry! Thanks for letting me know! Urgent message in to my webmaster! Will fix and let you know asap!!!

message 4: by Chris (new)

Chris Wind (chriswind) | 3 comments Please try again. I believe the link is now fixed for both epub and pdf. But do let me know that it works for you! Chris

message 5: by Martin (new)

Martin Yes, all is revealed. 'Daylight and champaign discovers not more.'

message 6: by Cody (new)

Cody Baggerly It works well! Thank you!

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