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message 1: by Hope (new)

Hope Griffin Diaz (hopecobbledpots) I am seeing many Bookstagrammers saying not to post reviews for books from Harper Collins. Even Authors. My feeling is if we get the book from NetGalley, aren't we obligated to post the review?

message 2: by Diana (new)

Diana Brown Why are they asking not to post reviews? I think you are obligated unless you state why you are not.

message 3: by Diana (new)

Diana Brown Ok, there is a strike going on with their workers since November. They have agreed to mediation. If you feel strongly about the strike, don't request HC publications. I think if you have received an ARC, a review is expected.

The Sassy Bookworm (thesassybookworm) | 20 comments I think if you have received a..."

This is actually incorrect. They hand out ARCs in the HOPES you'll read/review the book. It is why they release several copies most times. They know not all those copies will equal read/reviewed books. Requesting an ARC or being sent an ARC doesn't mean you are then required to read or post anything. I saw a video about this very thing not to long ago from a BookTokker who was explaining how ARCs work.

Donna (eye problems; please be patient) Davis (seattlebookmama) | 135 comments A brief web crawl tells me that while the strike is ongoing (but in mediation,) the union has specifically asked that people NOT boycott HarperCollins titles because doing so will punish the authors more than the publisher.

message 6: by Donna (eye problems; please be patient) (last edited Feb 05, 2023 10:49PM) (new)

Donna (eye problems; please be patient) Davis (seattlebookmama) | 135 comments Diana wrote: "Ok, there is a strike going on with their workers since November. They have agreed to mediation. If you feel strongly about the strike, don't request HC publications. I think if you have received a..."

Yeah, it is. It's true that you can refuse to review any title any time, but doing so can impact your chances at future review copies--and not just HarperCollins's. Every title left dangling without a review counts against the reviewer in terms of their review percentage. If you're an ancient old reading granny like me, with 841 titles reviewed so far, a title or two left unreviewed, if that's what you want to do in spite of the union's request (see my other comment,) then it won't probably hurt you, but if you are fairly new, you should do the math and consider that.

message 7: by The Sassy Bookworm (last edited Feb 05, 2023 11:18PM) (new)

The Sassy Bookworm (thesassybookworm) | 20 comments Donna wrote: "Diana wrote: "Ok, there is a strike going on with their workers since November. They have agreed to mediation. If you feel strongly about the strike, don't request HC publications. I think if you h..."

I wasn't referring to the HarperCollins strike at all. I was just clearing up some misinformation that is prevalent in regards to how ARCs work. I wish I could find the video explaining it, but I remember the person explaining that it against fair reviewing laws to "require" a review in exchange for an ARC (or anything free, actually).

I mean, most people request ARCs because they want to read/review them. It's just a reader should not be made to feel like it is a requirement and they will be punished in some way for not leaving a review.

message 8: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (mvalente89) | 315 comments Donna wrote: "A brief web crawl tells me that while the strike is ongoing (but in mediation,) the union has specifically asked that people NOT boycott HarperCollins titles because doing so will punish the author..."

They've asked people not to boycott buying the titles but have asked people not to post reviews while the strike is ongoing (here's one of their graphics showing their request to hold reviews).

message 9: by Carole (new)

Carole (Carole's Random Life) (carolesrandomlife) | 28 comments I am holding reviews for HarperCollins titles. I have read a couple and submitted a couple of sentences regarding the book on NetGalley with the note that my full review will be posted once the strike is settled.

Donna (eye problems; please be patient) Davis (seattlebookmama) | 135 comments Melanie wrote: "Donna wrote: "A brief web crawl tells me that while the strike is ongoing (but in mediation,) the union has specifically asked that people NOT boycott HarperCollins titles because doing so will pun..."

Thanks! That's about as official as it gets these days. I will stay away from those until this thing is resolved.

message 11: by Hope (new)

Hope Griffin Diaz (hopecobbledpots) A tentative agreement had been reached.

Donna (eye problems; please be patient) Davis (seattlebookmama) | 135 comments Hope wrote: "A tentative agreement had been reached."


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