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Book Club Chat > Group reads nominations

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message 1: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Comment below some book nominations which I can put a poll vote to

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

twilight maybe

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) The Family Game by Catherine Steadman
Beastly by Alex Flinn
Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman

message 4: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Keep the nominations going

message 5: by Adam.ant (new)

Adam.ant Bookeater (adamant_bookeater) Wuthering heights
all the light we cannot see

message 6: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Wuthering heights a classic

message 7: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Any more nominations

Random Spider (on a hiatus?) | 168 comments I have my TBR list full right now (plus being a slow reader), so I'm sorry if I can't be active on these kinds of stuff.

message 9: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
That’s fine spider I’m glad you are participating in the group

message 10: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Anymore nominations for polls

message 12: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Nominations for Stephen king books please

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) IT
Pet Sematary

message 14: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Good choice haven’t read It yet

message 15: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Any more nominations

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) I haven't read any stephen king but I know a few books

Random Spider (on a hiatus?) | 168 comments Hey, I have a suggestion that is related to the "Stephen King" theme.

A Cosmology of Monsters

I've read it last early January (which was great by the way, 8/10), and even though I have no experience in any of Stephen King's books I'm confident that this one caters to similar audiences since Stephen King himself praised it.

message 18: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Asher wrote: "I haven't read any stephen king but I know a few books"

You will enjoy them he writes under two names Stephen King and Richard Bachman

Storm The Tiny Hooman ~hiatus~ (asherbookreviews) Okay thank you

message 20: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
You may like John Grisham and Peter James if anyone has nominations for those go ahead

message 22: by Deity World (new)

Deity World (deityworld) | 1019 comments Mod
Would anyone like to nominate some John Grisham and Nicholas Sparks books for a group read ?

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