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Advanced and Semi Advanced RPs > Howler and Charlie

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)


message 2: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 17, 2023 08:44AM) (new)

nessa timoté morgan/ 20 at the start/ bisexual/ female/ muse a

fc: unknown
vc: kristen bell

+princess and future queen
+bisexual {no preference, just vibes}
+loves spicy romance novels
+standoffish and rude, stems from impulsivity
+fiercely protective
+tends to be melodramatic
+loves animals in general
+hates spring, prefers the cold

~more will be added later~

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

- fc: aarif rahman
- vc: tom felton

-bodyguard to the princess
-arrogant but caring; achiever type
-hates insects
-easily detects lies from other people
-messes around during training
-would probably scream if he saw a ladybug and continue to step on it

more will be added as roleplay goes on

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

AHHHH I love him

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

Yesss <3
My friend helped me find a face claim, lol.

So, who’s starting this out?

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

can you? i have to take a test in a sec, so i might poof for twenty minutes or smth

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

Yeah, sure! I’ll post. After that though I may be offline for a while. Busy day.

message 8: by s.s howler {was it casual?} (last edited Feb 16, 2023 07:43AM) (new)

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

A sword sliced through the air, cutting it short and breaking the sound waves. Aaron Jackson gripped the handle of his sword, letting out a small sigh. He was quite bored — not to mention that training had just been completed, and honestly? He had no clue what to do. That was until he spotted the king walking towards him, Raising an eyebrow, the knight bowed, getting down on one knee with little hesitation. “My Lord, what brings you out here at the time of the rising sun?” He asked, bringing his gaze up. The king stood before him, a blank expression on his face. “You’ve made it to the job of protecting my daughter. There’s been more outbreaks as of late and I expect to see you to it…” The man trailed off. Aaron huffed. “..Aaron, sir. Aaron Jackson.” “Yes, yes. Now, she should be in her room.”

With that, Aaron stood as the king walked past. Entering the castle, he stayed close to the interior walls, trying to not zone out in the meanwhile. He still couldn’t believe that after signing up for the guild, he’d actually made it this far. Another turn, and the knight was in front of the princess’s room. Raising one hand, he softly knocked on the large, oak door. ‘Hopefully she’s not busy. I just need to have a discussion with her about this and we’ll be over with it.’ He doubted she would be busy. What did a princess even do?

message 9: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 16, 2023 08:18AM) (new)

The crackle of the fireplace and the occasional rusting of pages was the only sound that reached Nessa Morgan's ears until the sharp knock at her door. Up until that point she'd been reading a rather enticing romance novel, so she resisted the urge to groan at the interruption. It was always at the least desirable times that someone would come and see her. Never when she was bored or excitable, but always when she was comfortable and praying to be alone. Recently with all the attacks she'd been given barely a fraction of her usual spare time and it made the princess want to claw her own eyes out.

She slipped a spare piece of parchment to mark her place in the novel then slid it underneath her pillow and grabbed a different one from the shelf in place of it. Duties and Privileges of a Lady, written by yet another deceased male who clearly has never met the ladies he speaks of. How boorish. Nessa placed it on her bed and opened it to a random page for physical proof of her "productivity." After getting comfortable on the bed and resting on the pillow that covered the novel she'd actually been reading, Nessa called, "Come in."

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

The silence that broke through was itching at Aaron’s skin. Other than the faint crackle and snap of the fireplace inside, he could hear nothing. Just as he was about to speak once more, however, he heard the princess. “Come in.” With his cue, he entered the room, eyes directly meeting the heir’s. A small smirk peeked at the corner of his lips as he sheathed his sword, running a hand through his darkly colored hair. “Hello, Your Highness.” He said with a bow, bedroom eyes half-lidded. “Apologies for disrupting..” The knight paused, eyes flickering to the book laid flat against the bed and the not-so-well hidden side-book shoved under the pillow. “..your reading time. But I’ve been alerted by His Majesty to…stick around?” He grinned, raising his hands innocently. Stepping inside, Aaron softly closed the door behind him. “Like, you know. Be awesome, in the same room as you, but mostly be awesome.” He puffed out his chest, arms crossed and chin held high. Cocky attitude, it seems like.

message 11: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 16, 2023 02:28PM) (new)

Nessa looked up and down at the man who had entered. Even before he spoke of who he was, she had a vague recollection of his track record- anything else, including his name, eluded her (but honestly, she could care less about his name). Young, only a bit older than her, but surprisingly well accomplished and renowned in the Crown Guard. Unfortunately, the titles and praises have seemed to have clouded his sense of humility. The tilt of his chin, the way he held himself, and the arrogance that radiated from the smirk at his lips- it was enough to annoy the princess already. And when he spoke, he did himself no favors. "No disruption," she fibbed, the lie rolling off her tongue. But any pretense of graciousness left when he spoke of her father. Curse him, she thought, with a venom she'd never imagine voicing. She'd repeatedly told him she was in no need of a protector, and the moment she let her guard down (no pun intended) he did a full one eighty.

Of course, she knew it was no use to argue against it. She'd simply have to make the best of the king's condescending overbearingness. "All right then," she bit out, a sharp edge to her voice. "You can be 'awesome' and be in the same room with me over there, sitting in silence." She glanced at him once more, and returned to her book before remembering it was the one she disliked, and her nose scrunched up with distaste. Wonderful- maybe she could switch them out when he wasn't looking.

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

Aaron wasn’t oblivious. He could hear the crack in Nessa’s tone, signaling that she truly was not in a good mood, made official by his mere presence. Oh, well. That was disappointing. But who cares? Grin only widening, sunken brown eyes glittering like gemstones, Aaron clucked at her sharp tone of voice. ‘Someone’s cranky. Guess we’ll have to make it work, though. She’ll like me eventually- hopefully. Come on, I’m great!’ He thought, the swell of pride in his stomach hilting. With a dramatic sigh, he grumbled exaggeratedly, walking towards the corner chair that the princess had been talking about. But, not before halting at the end of her bed, grabbing the book that was currently open and the princess was scowling at. Flipping the front of the book over with a hard slam, he chuckled. “Awesome, right? Look, read what you want. You’re godawful at hiding your glowering stare. Whatever that book-“ He tapped the cover of Duties and Privileges of a Lady with one finger. “-Did to you, it must not be pleasant. Next time, try hiding the actual book you were reading under the sheets beneath your pillow instead of directly out in the open beneath the pillow.” Smirk falling, Aaron sat down on the chair at last.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

Any person with less restraint wouldn't have been able to contain an eye roll at the man's dramatics. Luckily, Nessa had more restraint then most...sometimes. When he stopped at her bed she glanced up, confused, then jumped at the loud shut of the book. Her hand had shot to her heart as if she was pledging something, "Excuse m-" she was cut off, left to listen to his haughty rambling. She looked at him with said glowering stare and then shifted her gaze to the book under the pillow. She felt like mocking him the way children do, but that would seem extremely immature, so she settled for seething. "Whoever told you that acting so utterly condescending was attractive or endearing in any way, shape, or form clearly had their own issues to deal out," she snapped and grabbed the book from behind her. She was rather grateful that he noticed so she wouldn't have to sneak, but there was no way in hell Nessa was going to admit that.

"And you might want to add the word 'silence' to your vocabulary my good sir," she added, imitating his cocky tone. "Or else I'll throw the unpleasant book you speak of at your midsection." With that she opened the book to where it left off. Damnit, she thought, exasperated. Of course they have to have sex now. She kept her face neutral, determined not to let it faze her with what's-his-face in the room.

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

Barking a laugh from where he now sat, the knight stretched his arms, letting his fingers pop. This situation left a few unspoken words dwindling, and that was easy to tell. You could practically feel the frustration radiating off of Nessa from a mile away. “Well, Your Highness,” Aaron began, putting one finger up, closing his eyes. This was most definitely a horrible kind of first impression, but with all due respect, Aaron hates it when the other guards just stand in complete silence. If so much as one knight were to tap their foot, they would get shushed with a cold glare. Strict things, some people were. The princess sure had that kind of demeanor. “I do have the word ‘silence’ in my vocabulary. Also, did you just say I’m attractive? Wow, such flattery.” He finished his former sentence, only adding on with a tease and opening his eyes to glance over at Nessa with a smug expression that was quickly replaced with a wide-eyed stare, hand over chest. “My wh-…hey now, that place is restricted for looking only, not injuring. Actually no, looking is a big no, too…okay, shutting up now.” Hurriedly, but also not so, Aaron fell extremely quiet. So quiet, in fact, that it was as though he were not even there.

message 15: by [deleted user] (last edited Feb 16, 2023 04:37PM) (new)

Nessa raised an eyebrow at the sudden silence but didn't question it. Finally, a brief reprise from the noise, and she glanced down back at her book. She was a bit smug at how easily she'd shut him up, especially after that rather forward comment about his attractiveness. She'd actually said the opposite- that his demeanor was unattractive, and that whoever found it to be otherwise needed physiological help- but she did have to admit he was an attractive person, objectively. Because despite that fact, he was already the most annoying person she'd ever spoken to, and she didn't even know his name (or care to for that matter). The royal shook herself out of her train of thought and returned to the book, glad that her face remained white and unaffected at the explicit scene.

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments ((Ugh I accidentally read Nessa as Tessa. DIES.))

The fire burned brighter, the sound of the coals and wood holding it steady in the fireplace could be heard shifting. Aaron had apparently gone from sitting on the chair, to standing in front of the fireplace with the metal fire iron in hand to poke at said fireplace. It wasn’t really on purpose for him to be so loud, but the fire had been beginning to die out and he wanted to do at least something about it other than just sit there lamely. Aaron was already bored, and the princess was just too busy sitting on her bed reading whatever book she had failed to hide beforehand. Exhaling through his nose, he stopped prodding at the fire, plopping back down on the chair with a grunt. ‘This is boring. How does anyone just sit here? Man, I wish Levi or Garrett were here- that’d make it sooo much better…but, king’s orders, I suppose. Plus I kind of did this to myself anyhow.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)


The book's words didn't register in Nessa's head, and instead her eyes glanced over the paper mindlessly. Every time she tried to focus, the guard would make another sound, and it sent tense jolts of annoyance to stiffen her spine. Silence isn't just exclusive to words, she thought while glaring at the book. It was like he was trying to get on her nerves, and she refused to let him notice how much it bothered her. So, she took a deep breath in and out through her nose and responded her eyes to focus on the book. Soon enough, she was lost in the world of fantasy and not in her room with a nuisance that her father somehow thought capable. No, she was flying atop a dragon, and diving into the deep waters, and all with only a flick of her finger on the page.

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments ((Curse you, Alli /j. Lmfao))

Looking over to the side, Aaron regarded the princess. She was obviously furious that he was in here, let alone at the king for even suggesting for her to have a bodyguard. You see, he could sit around and be entirely silent. But, that would be boring, as he has stated probably a thousand times. After a minute of his contemplating, he realized that now the only thing could be heard was the fireplace and the slight breeze looming outside. Like it had been before he’d knocked upon the door. The royal heir appeared to be lost in her book, and he tilted his head in amusement, squinting to maybe try catch a glimpse of the words on the pages.

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Nessa approached the part she'd been dreading reading with the guard in the room. It was something her father most certainly wouldn't approve of her reading, but the princess couldn't care less. She enjoyed the explorations of sexuality, and the first time she'd come across them, it had astonished her that a woman was so perverse in her sexual encounters. Now she knew it was a rather common thing, which meant she could add yet another item on the list of ways she had been coddled throughout her life. She started reading the scene with ease, a blank expression on her face (unlike the first time, when she had been embarrassingly red).

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

Not being the best reader made it difficult for Aaron to keep up with the words on the pages. Not to mention that Nessa was a much better reader than he, so she flipped the pages with expertise and didn’t hardly ever pause. Leaning forward (and nearly toppling off of the chair in the process), Aaron tried to get closer so he would have a better view of what presumably the author had used a typewriter for. He didn’t even know the plot of the story, but if the princess was so intrigued in it to not even notice him getting closer, then yes, he was curious. But he halted when the chair let out a loud squeak in protest. ‘Ugh, just ask what she’s reading.’ His mind rattled as he sunk back into the cushion disappointedly. ‘No, don’t do that. Just ignore it. But that’s lame- oh shut up.

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Nessa glanced over at the sound of the squeak and her cheeks went pink. "Were- were you reading this?" she asked and failed to keep the embarrassment out of her voice. It was possible that he hadn't, but either way she needed to regain her composure. She cleared her throat. "Whether if you did or not, privacy is something I tend to value, Mr..." she trailed off when she remembered she didn't know his name. "It's something I value! And if you would like a book to read there are plenty to choose from then the one I am currently holding."

message 22: by s.s howler {was it casual?} (last edited Feb 18, 2023 06:55PM) (new)

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

Smirk returning quickly, Aaron met the princess’s gaze. “Oh, I don’t know- was I?.. okay, I wasn’t actually. I have trouble reading, anyways.” With that, his smug expression only faltered from there, but he made it quickly return. “Mr. Aaron Jackson, Your Highness. You see, if I could read, I’m quite positive I would choose to read that book….mostly because of how into it you were.” And then he went respectively quiet after that, tapping his fingers on his knees.

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

Nessa's shoulders relaxed when he admitted he hadn't read it. She gave him one final glance and looked back at her book, but now she was distracted. Aaron Jackson. She'd heard that name before, usually followed or started with high praise, and approval of such an accomplished young man. They'd failed to address his nagging tendencies, which would have been most appreciated. Actually, she'd preferred no guard whatsoever, but if there had to be one, could it at least be someone that could follow simple orders?

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

Tilting his head a little to the side, he rested his cheek on his hand, fingers curled and his elbow resting against the armchair. “Come on, really going to go back to ignoring me again?” He asked, raising a brow. ‘She’s not so tense anymore. Still seems annoyed with my presence, which truly is disappointing. I’m a good person! Please, let me exist in this one room.’ He thought, just barely stopping himself from rolling his eyes. “What’s the book about, anyways?”

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Not anymore, she thought grumpily and shut the book with a sharp flick of her wrist. "I guess not, since you're so insistent on my attention," she replied, but her glare lessened when he asked what the book was about. She glanced back at it, as if she wasn't sure and the cover would explain, then back at Aaron. Then she started talking about the story, and what she's read so far. At first it was hesitant, and she worried he was just mocking her, but after a few minutes she relaxed fully, explaining her theories and favorite characters, and problems with the book, etc.

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments

Thank you for noticing that half a generation later!” He said, excitement filling his tone as he quickly sat up straight — more presentably, you could say. When Nessa started talking about the book, he tilted his head with a smile, listening and taking in every detail. Every now and then, he would even pop in and ask a few questions. “..Isn’t that interesting- hey, I’ve heard that there’s a few new books in the library. Not that I’m into that kind of stuff, but maybe you could go check them out. Pretty sure one is by the same author.” Aaron kept his smug expression, but over time it just turned into something softer.

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments (view spoiler)

message 30: by notcharliebrown (tortured poets version) (last edited Sep 15, 2023 08:36AM) (new)

notcharliebrown (tortured poets version) (view spoiler)

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments (view spoiler)

s.s howler {was it casual?} (howlerplayz) | 142 comments (view spoiler)

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