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Richie the Caseworker
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ARCHIVES - ARRs Completed > Richie the Caseworker by Christopher Febles

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message 1: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

Sheri | 6793 comments Mod
Richie the Caseworker by Christopher Febles Christopher Febles

Genre: Fiction/Historical Fiction/Sports/Coming of Age
Page Count: 400

Book Description: A poignant coming-of-age novel by Christopher Febles, for anyone leaving college and still trying to find their place in the world.

Richie McGinn’s life is as unglamourous as it could get. Working a dead-end job delivering pizzas in the busy streets of Yonkers, his only real joy comes from watching the Yankees with his brother – whenever they can afford it, that is. But when his boss sends him out on a delivery to a homeless shelter, Richie starts to feel like maybe there are other options out there for him, and when Pizza Palace closes down, it turns out to be the kick in the butt he needs to take the plunge. But being a caseworker ends up being a completely new ballgame, and it’s one he has no idea how to play.

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message 3: by Sam (new) - added it

Sam Dojcsak (samdojcsak) | 2 comments I’d love to read and review this!
PDF: [email protected]
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