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Women's Prize for Fiction > 2023 Women's Prize longlist dynamic rankings

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message 2: by Hugh (last edited Apr 26, 2023 12:07AM) (new)

Hugh (bodachliath) | 4132 comments Mod
Final League Tables:

My adjusted weightings method:

Pos, Book, Average, Adjusted, Count, First Places, STD
1, Trespasses by Louise Kennedy, 4.60, 4.73, 15, 4, 2.23
2, Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, 3.93, 5.15, 14, 4, 2.28
3, Fire Rush by Jacqueline Crooks, 5.36, 5.84, 11, 2, 2.59
4, I'm a Fan by Sheena Patel, 5.27, 5.91, 15, 5, 2.91
5, Homesick by Jennifer Croft, 5.86, 6.15, 14, 1, 2.48
6, The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O'Farrell, 4.81, 6.16, 16, 3, 2.90
7, Children of Paradise by Camilla Grudova, 6.50, 6.35, 12, 3, 2.66
8, The Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff, 6.10, 6.45, 10, 1, 2.37
9, Black Butterflies by Priscilla Morris, 7.25, 6.74, 8, 0, 2.23
10, Glory by NoViolet Bulawayo, 4.84, 7.14, 19, 2, 3.42
11, Wandering Souls by Cecile Pin, 5.69, 7.27, 13, 0, 2.89
12, Pod by Laline Paull, 8.71, 7.99, 7, 0, 2.43
13, Cursed Bread by Sophie Mackintosh, 7.58, 8.78, 12, 1, 3.26
14, Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes, 8.58, 10.24, 12, 0, 3.54
15, The Dog of the North by Elizabeth McKenzie, 9.56, 10.34, 9, 0, 3.21
16, Memphis by Tara M Stringfellow, 10.33, 11.26, 9, 0, 3.35

Paul-style aggregate of comparisons

Pos, Book, Average, Relative ranking, Count, First Places
1, Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, 3.93, 49, 14, 4
2, Trespasses by Louise Kennedy, 4.60, 44, 15, 4
3, Fire Rush by Jacqueline Crooks, 5.36, 24, 11, 2
4, The Bandit Queens by Parini Shroff, 6.10, 22, 10, 1
5, The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O'Farrell, 4.81, 16, 16, 3
5, Glory by NoViolet Bulawayo, 4.84, 16, 19, 2
5, Black Butterflies by Priscilla Morris, 7.25, 16, 8, 0
8, Wandering Souls by Cecile Pin, 5.69, 11, 13, 0
9, I'm a Fan by Sheena Patel, 5.27, 8, 15, 5
10, Homesick by Jennifer Croft, 5.86, -3, 14, 1
11, Children of Paradise by Camilla Grudova, 6.50, -7, 12, 3
12, Pod by Laline Paull, 8.71, -19, 7, 0
13, Cursed Bread by Sophie Mackintosh, 7.58, -33, 12, 1
14, The Dog of the North by Elizabeth McKenzie, 9.56, -40, 9, 0
15, Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes, 8.58, -47, 12, 0
16, Memphis by Tara M Stringfellow, 10.33, -57, 9, 0

message 3: by Hugh (last edited Mar 21, 2023 07:20AM) (new)

Hugh (bodachliath) | 4132 comments Mod
1 Homesick
3 Glory
6 Pod
9 I'm a Fan

message 4: by Alwynne (new)

Alwynne | 61 comments I. Children of Paradise

2. Wandering Souls

message 5: by endrju (new)

endrju | 317 comments 1. Children of Paradise
2. I'm a Fan

message 6: by David (last edited Apr 13, 2023 02:52PM) (new)

David | 3814 comments Longlist:

1. I'm a Fan
2. Children of Paradise
3. Fire Rush
4. Trespasses
5. Homesick
6. Glory
10. Wandering Souls

message 7: by Paul (new)

Paul Fulcher (fulcherkim) | 12615 comments 1. I’m A Fan (5*)
2. Homesick (3*)
3. Glory (3*)

message 8: by Roman Clodia (last edited Apr 10, 2023 07:25AM) (new)

Roman Clodia | 643 comments 1. Cursed Bread - 5*
2. Fire Rush - 4*

4. I'm a Fan - 4*

12. Trespasses - 3*

14. Glory - dnf

16. Black Butterflies - dnf

message 9: by Susan (last edited Apr 21, 2023 08:42AM) (new)

Susan | 23 comments 1. Trespasses (5*)
2. The Marriage Portrait (4*)

8. Memphis (3*)
9. The Dog of the North (3*)
10. The Bandit Queens (2.5*)
11. Demon Copperhead (2.5*)

message 11: by Karen Michele (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 206 comments I've read two so far:

Demon Copperhead

message 12: by Joe (last edited Apr 18, 2023 01:18AM) (new)

Joe (paddyjoe) | 95 comments 1. Trespasses
2. Demon Copperhead
3. Glory

message 13: by Joy D (last edited Apr 30, 2023 10:38AM) (new)

Joy D | 239 comments 1. Glory - 5*
2. Demon Copperhead - 4*
3. The Marriage Portrait - 4*
4. Wandering Souls - 4*
5. Homesick - 4*
6. Trespasses - 3*
7. The Bandit Queens - 3*
8. Stone Blind - 3*
9. The Dog of the North - 3*
10. Cursed Bread - 3*
11. Fire Rush - 3*

message 14: by Cindy (last edited Apr 15, 2023 01:27PM) (new)

Cindy Haiken | 1729 comments As usual, will edit as I go.

1. Demon Copperhead
2. Trespasses
3. The Marriage Portrait
4. The Dog of the North
5. Black Butterflies
6. Fire Rush
7. I'm a Fan
8. Homesick
9. Glory
10. Children of Paradise
11. Wandering Souls
12. The Bandit Queens
13. Cursed Bread
14. Stone Blind
15. Memphis
16. Pod

message 15: by John (last edited Mar 11, 2023 08:37PM) (new)

John Banks | 190 comments 1. Demon Copperhead
2. Glory
3. The Marriage Portrait

Likely will change as I get to more of them.

message 16: by Jo (last edited Mar 22, 2023 05:02AM) (new)

Jo Rawlins (englishteacherjo) | 280 comments 1. Marriage portrait 5*
2. Wandering Souls 4.5*
3. Black Butterflies 4*
4. Trespasses 4*
5. Demon Copperhead 4*
6. I'm a Fan 3*

Stone Blind dnf

message 17: by Danielle (new)

Danielle McClellan | 37 comments I was surprised how few of this year’s long list titles I know. Hope that means some smaller presses. So far I have only read two, so…

1. The Marriage Portrait
2. Glory

message 18: by Britta (last edited Apr 26, 2023 01:06AM) (new)

Britta Böhler | 124 comments Ranking while reading:
1. Fire Rush (Evocative and 'fresh' / 4.5*)
2. Bandit Queens (loved the characters & the story & the humor / 4.5*)
3. Pod (moving and good storytelling / 4*)
4. Cursed Bread (atmospheric & loved the writing but it took an awfully long time to get to the point / 3*)
5./6. Demon Copperhead (too heavy on the message, predictable / 3*)
5./6. Marriage Portrait (well told story but as historical fiction quite a failure for me, plus the ending was annoying / 3*)
7. Stone Blind (nicely done but nothing 'new' / 3*)
8. Homesick (the second part and the ending were a bit meh / 3*)
9. Wandering Souls (good but quite predictable 3*)
10. Children of Paradise (loved the setting but it fell short story-wise / 2.5*)
11. Trespasses (important theme (The Troubles) but unconvincing execution and uninteresting story / 2*)
12. Glory (the animal-thing just didn't work for me, but can see why others are more positive / dnf)
13. Black Butterflies (cardboard characters and bad writing / 2*)
14. Dog of the North (too quirky for me but might work for others / dnf)
15. Memphis (trite / 1.5*)
16. I'm a Fan (really annoyed me / Bridget Jones on Instagram / 1*)

Shortlist predictions:
1. Demon Copperhead (oh well)
2. Fire Rush (I hope!)
3. I'm a Fan (I hope not!)
4. Trespasses
5. Marriage Portrait
6. Bandit Queens (wishful thinking... more likely: Black Butterflies)
I would also love to see Pod on the shortlist but I don't think it will happen.

message 19: by But_i_thought_ (last edited Mar 21, 2023 01:00PM) (new)

But_i_thought_ (but_i_thought) | 252 comments 1. I'm a Fan (9/10, my review)
2. Glory (9/10, my review)
3. Children of Paradise (8/10)

message 20: by Sammi (last edited Mar 22, 2023 10:03AM) (new)

Sammi (readingwithsammi) | 14 comments 1. The Bandit Queens 4.5 - my review
2. Children of Paradise 3.5 - my review
3. Trespasses 3.5 - my review
4. Black Butterflies 3 - my review
5. The Marriage Portrait 3 - my review
6. Wandering Souls 3 - my review
7. Memphis 3 - my review
8. Demon Copperhead 2.5 - my review personally didn't quite love it but the craft is impeccable
9. Glory DNF but I can see this winning the whole thing based on craft, message & revival/modernization of a literary tool
10. Pod 2.5 - my review
11. Cursed Bread 2.5 - my review
12. Fire Rush 2- my review
13. Homesick no rating my review
14. I'm a Fan DNF
15. The Dog of the North DNF
16. Stone Blind DNF

Maybe it is unfair for me to even rank the one's I DNF?
Edited 3/22 to add Cursed Bread & Black Butterflies.

Nadine in California (nadinekc) | 343 comments Sammi wrote: "8. Glory DNF but I can see this winning the whole thing based on craft, message & revival/modernization of a literary tool."

I DNF'ed Glory with the same reaction as yours. I found myself in a unique situation (for me) - giving a rave review to a book I quit on page 50. My review.

message 22: by Ben (last edited Apr 25, 2023 03:05PM) (new)

Ben | 158 comments 1. I’m A Fan (5*)
2. Black Butterflies (4*)
3. The Bandit Queens (4*)
4. Wandering Souls (4*)
5. Trespasses (4*)
6. Children of Paradise (4*)
7. Glory (4*)
8. Fire Rush (3*)
9. Homesick (3*)
10. The Marriage Portrait (3*)
11. Cursed Bread (2*)

message 23: by Suzanne (last edited Apr 14, 2023 08:21PM) (new)

Suzanne Whatley | 204 comments 1. Glory
2. Fire Rush
3. Demon Copperhead
4. Wandering Souls (currently reading - may change place once finished!)
5. The Bandit Queens
6. Trespasses
7. Cursed Bread
8. Homesick
9. The Marriage Portrait
10. Stone Blind
11. I'm a Fan
12. Children of Paradise
13. Black Butterflies
14. Memphis
15. The Dog of the North
16. Pod

message 24: by Laura (last edited Apr 19, 2023 12:52AM) (new)

Laura (lauraalison) | 75 comments 1. Fire Rush (4.5 stars)
2. I'm A Fan (4.5 stars)
3. Homesick (4 stars)
4. The Marriage Portrait (4 stars)
5. Trespasses (3.5 stars)
6. Cursed Bread (3 stars)
7. The Bandit Queens (3 stars)
8. Wandering Souls (2.5 stars)

Not planning to read anything else from the LL as I'm as confident as I can be that I won't get along with the other titles - will see if I add anything more after the SL is announced.

message 25: by Robert (last edited Mar 27, 2023 01:31PM) (new)

Robert | 2576 comments 1. Children of paradise
2. Homesick
3. I'm a Fan
4. Glory
5. Demon Copperhead
6. Cursed Bread
7. Stone Blind (DNF)

message 26: by Elizabeth (last edited May 13, 2023 06:18PM) (new)

Elizabeth (zabeta) | 81 comments 1. Homesick
2. Pod
3. Fire Rush
4. Cursed Bread
5. Stone Blind
6. Memphis
7. Marriage Portrait
8. Wandering Souls

message 27: by Elaine (new)

Elaine (elainebrklyn) | 2 comments 1. Trespasses
2. Wandering Souls
3. Marriage Portrait
4. Stone Blind
5. Glory
6. Demon Copperfield
7. Memphis
8. Dog of the North

I really liked Stone Blind - I thought it was funny, creative, and lively. I feel very much in the minority here.

Rest of the list to come - not everything available in US yet.

message 28: by Ann Helen (last edited May 21, 2023 06:06AM) (new)

Ann Helen (bergenslabb) | 53 comments I won't get through everything, but since I've read a few and have a few more on my tbr, I might as well make a list.

1) The Marriage Portrait
3) Wandering Souls
10) Stone Blind
13) Children of Paradise
16) Cursed Bread (dnf)

message 29: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisadannatt) | 42 comments I haven't finished the longlist yet. This is my ranking so far:

1) Demon Copperhead
2) Glory
3) The Bandit Queens
4) Stone Blind
5) The Dog of the North
6) The Marriage Portrait
7) Memphis
8) Cursed Bread
9) Fire Rush

Currently reading:
Trespasses (which is fantastic)

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