A Good Thriller discussion

Film and Television > Most Difficult Actors To Work With

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
A survey done, where a collection of directors and producers were asked who they found the most difficult actors to work.

Leonard Di Caprio
Ryan Reynolds
Bill Murray
Katherine Heigl
Patrick Dempsey
Tom Cruise
Alec Baldwin
Julia Roberts
Teri Hatcher
Edward Norton
Cybill Shepard
Evan Rachel Wood
Gene Hackman
Chevy Chase
Sean Young
Mike Myers
Marlon Brando
Dustin Hoffman
Gwyneth Paltrow
Bruce Willis
Christain Bale
Charlie Sheen
Shia Le Beuof
Lindsey Lohan
Megan Fox
Russel Crow
Val Kilmer
January Jones
Wesley Snipes
Lean Michele
Shannon Doherty
Sharon Stone
Steven Seagal

message 2: by Diane Lynch (new)

Diane Lynch (dianedesmarrstlynch) | 308 comments Wow. Some are surprising because you never here bad things.

message 3: by P.K. (new)

P.K. Davies | 545 comments Sean wrote: "A survey done, where a collection of directors and producers were asked who they found the most difficult actors to work.

Leonard Di Caprio
Ryan Reynolds
Bill Murray
Katherine Heigl
Patrick Dempse..."

I guess the others just did as they were told - that's why they're not famous.

message 4: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Some are just perfectionists, so are regarded as difficult.

Some just have massive egos.

message 5: by P.K. (new)

P.K. Davies | 545 comments Sean wrote: "Some are just perfectionists, so are regarded as difficult.

Some just have massive egos."

Yep. Perfectionism got them where they are and the egos followed once they got there; there's the paradox

message 6: by Ann (new)

Ann Swann (goodreadscomann_swann) | 17 comments Glad Tom Hanks wasn't on there.

message 7: by Carolyn (last edited Mar 14, 2023 05:12PM) (new)

Carolyn | 1499 comments I'd love to see a similar list of the best actors to work with. It would be interesting to see who is famous but doesn't let their ego get in the way of their perfectionism/professionalism.

message 8: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10795 comments Mod
Yes done one, as well

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