Pick-a-Shelf discussion

Fifteen for Fifteen (2023) > Prompt 11: repdigit

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message 1: by PAS, Moderator AC (new)

PAS (Mods) (pasmods) | 826 comments Mod
11 is the fist repdigit (repeated digit)

Read 2 books where:
titles (excluding subtitles / series names) contain same EXACT word/s
authors' names (first AND last) are the same (you may ignore middle name/initial but spelling must be identical)

The Witch Hunter (The Witch Hunter #1)
The Witch Hunter (The Witch Hunter Saga #1)

Persuasion (The Spymaster's Men #2)

John Green
John M. Green

Iain Banks
Iain M. Banks

message 2: by LynnB (last edited Dec 15, 2023 03:28PM) (new)

LynnB | 1737 comments This one will be a real challenge. Can the author choice be the same person, or does it need to be a different person with a matching name?

Prompt 11: repdigit - Done!

Read 2 books where:
titles (excluding subtitles / series names) contain same EXACT word/s

Three Wishes, Liane Moriarty, 13 Dec 2023
Three Wishes, Barbara Delinsky, 15 Dec 2023

message 3: by Amy (last edited Apr 10, 2023 07:02AM) (new)

Amy | 2219 comments Prompt 11: repdigit - DONE!

Two books with identical titles:

The Hiding Place by Paula Munier - Completed 3/16/23
The Hiding Place by Karen Harper - Completed 4/10/23

message 4: by Bea (last edited May 09, 2023 02:28AM) (new)

Bea | 5170 comments Mod
Prompt 11: repdigit COMPLETED

Two books with identical titles/different authors:
Broken by Karin Slaughter Read 5/1/23 - 4*
Broken by Karin Fossum (also on my LOST list) Read 4/28/23 - 3*

message 5: by Joanna (last edited Sep 13, 2023 07:56AM) (new)

Joanna (walker) | 582 comments Prompt 11: repdigit

Read: 2/2 - Completed 9/13/23

Read 2 books where:
titles (excluding subtitles / series names) contain same EXACT word/s
authors' names (first AND last) are the same (you may ignore middle name/initial but spelling must be identical)

✔︎ Galveston by Nic Pizzolatto - 9/13/23
✔︎ Galveston by Suzanne Morris - 9/10/23

message 7: by Dee (last edited May 05, 2023 12:24PM) (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 2687 comments here's mine

Notorious - Charlie Cochet - finished - 4/13/23
Notorious - Mae Thorn - finished - 5/5/23


message 8: by Nat (new)

message 9: by Lyn (Readinghearts) (last edited Mar 13, 2023 12:41PM) (new)

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
I'm possibly thinking

Possession by A.S. Byatt
Possession by Ann Rule

But I'm still thinking about it.

message 10: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 937 comments LynnB wrote: "This one will be a real challenge. Can the author choice be the same person, or does it need to be a different person with a matching name?

Iain Banks and Iain M. Banks in the example are the same person. But they are different authors on Goodreads because he wrote in different genres under the slightly different names. So I'm guessing they have to be different authors on Goodreads?

message 11: by Rosemary (last edited May 27, 2023 03:38AM) (new)

Rosemary | 937 comments Fifteen for Fifteen
Prompt 11: repdigit

The Queen by Andrew Morton, finished 14 May 23

The Queen by Kiera Cass, finished 27 May 23

message 12: by Coralie (new)

Coralie | 1654 comments Prompt 11 Repdigit
2 books with the same title

Providence by Anita Brookner
Providence by Max Barry

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 1237 comments Prompt 11
2 books with exact words in the title

message 14: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 2687 comments Coralie wrote: "Prompt 11 Repdigit
2 books with the same title

Providence by Anita Brookner
Providence by Max Barry"

BTW Providence by Max Barry is really good - i just finished it

message 15: by Meg (last edited May 08, 2023 05:37PM) (new)

Meg (megscl) | 1019 comments Prompt 11 Repdigit
2 books with the same title or author name

Animal ✔️
Animal: The Autobiography of a Female Body ✔️


Australia Day
Australia Day


Mad About the Boy
Mad About the Boy

message 16: by Tien (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 8988 comments Mod
LynnB wrote: "This one will be a real challenge. Can the author choice be the same person, or does it need to be a different person with a matching name?"

The intent is for different people, LynnB

message 17: by Tien (last edited Mar 13, 2023 10:23PM) (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 8988 comments Mod
Rosemary wrote: "LynnB wrote: "This one will be a real challenge. Can the author choice be the same person, or does it need to be a different person with a matching name?

Iain Banks and [author:Iain ..."

oops, I didn't catch that! I had a quick look at the photos only ha ha ha

message 18: by Susan (new)

Susan | 3698 comments Mod
May we ignore articles? E.g., Dragon Keeper and The Dragon Keeper?

message 19: by Lauren (last edited Jul 04, 2023 10:00PM) (new)

Lauren (laurenjberman) | 1199 comments Fifteen in Fifteen - Prompt #11: Repdigit - Complete

✔︎ 1. Trust Me by Jayne Ann Krentz
Read: April 20, 2023
✔︎ 2. Trust Me by Brenda Novak
Read: July 4, 2023

Christina (AKA Babbling) (babblingbookreviews) | 135 comments 11 is the fist repdigit (repeated digit)

Read 2 books where:
titles (excluding subtitles / series names) contain same EXACT word/s
authors' names (first AND last) are the same (you may ignore middle name/initial but spelling must be identical)

Reckless by Skye Jordan
Reckless by Amanda Quick

Reckless (Renegades, #1) by Skye Jordan Reckless by Amanda Quick

message 21: by Tien (new)

Tien (tiensblurb) | 8988 comments Mod
Susan wrote: "May we ignore articles? E.g., Dragon Keeper and The Dragon Keeper?"

I'm going to say no on this because as you can see from this thread alone, it's quite easy to find same exact title.

message 22: by Kristina Simon (last edited Dec 10, 2023 01:17PM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 801 comments Prompt 11: repdigit ~ Complete

2 books where title OR author's first & last name are exactly the same

✓ 1. Family Tree by Susan Wiggs Read: 12/2/23
✓ 2. Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky Read: 10/21/23

message 23: by Stacey (new)

Stacey (boydsmom) | 295 comments Prompt 11: repdigit (repeated digit)

Read 2 books where:
titles (excluding subtitles / series names) contain same EXACT word/s
authors' names (first AND last) are the same (you may ignore middle name/initial but spelling must be identical)

message 24: by LaurLa (last edited Jul 31, 2023 04:35PM) (new)

LaurLa | 1335 comments Fifteen for Fifteen - Prompt 11: repdigit
March 12 - December 2023 ➖ COMPLETE

My Prompt 11 Plan (msg 24)

Prompt🔹Read 2 books where the titles OR authors' names contain same EXACT word/s

Same title

The Game by Vi Keeland The Game (Sex, Lies & Spies) by Gennita Low

💟The Game🔹Vi Keeland🔹07.28 ★★★★
💟The Game🔹Gennita Low🔹04.16 ★★★

message 25: by Lahni (last edited Mar 21, 2023 08:48AM) (new)

Lahni | 660 comments Prompt 11 - Redidgit
Read 0/2







message 26: by Rosalynn (last edited Mar 22, 2023 06:00PM) (new)

Rosalynn D | 33 comments Prompt 11 rep digit

1. The Waiting Room
2. The Waiting Room

message 27: by Snowtulip (new)

Snowtulip | 103 comments Read 2 books where:
titles (excluding subtitles / series names) contain same EXACT word/s
authors' names (first AND last) are the same (you may ignore middle name/initial but spelling must be identical)

message 28: by Tien (last edited Aug 22, 2023 03:39PM) (new)

message 29: by Marie (UK) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 599 comments I have read Sense and Sensibility and Sense & Sensibility

will they work because one usese ampersand rather than word "and"?

message 30: by Joyce (new)

Joyce (eternity21) | 696 comments Fifteen in Fifteen
Prompt #11 - (March 12) 11 is the fist repdigit (repeated digit)

Read 2 books where:
titles (excluding subtitles / series names) contain same EXACT word/s
authors' names (first AND last) are the same (you may ignore middle name/initial but spelling must be identical)


message 31: by Ellis (last edited Dec 23, 2023 08:42PM) (new)

Ellis Barratt (phlamboyant) | 144 comments Prompt 11: Repdigit

2 books with the same title:
1. Husband Material (12/15)
2. Husband Material (12/23)

message 32: by LynnB (new)

LynnB | 1737 comments Prompt 11: repdigit - Done!

Read 2 books where:
titles (excluding subtitles / series names) contain same EXACT word/s

Three Wishes, Liane Moriarty, 13 Dec 2023
Three Wishes, Barbara Delinsky, 15 Dec 2023

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