1x1 Roleplay discussion

1x1x1x1 RP > Olivia x Jas x ➹❦➴Cruella➶❦➴ x Aryi

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message 1: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Here it is!

message 2: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Any certain fandom or anything y'all wanna do?

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm good with nearly everything tbh

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)


message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

I usually stick to fantasy or some sort of drama or action. We could do something medieval too I don't really mind

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

it does don't worry lmao and yes that sounds like a good idea!

message 7: by Aryi (new)

Aryi | 25 comments Works for me

message 8: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Whoops sorry

message 9: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Yep! That will work

message 10: by jas (last edited Mar 20, 2023 05:24AM) (new)

jas  | 68 comments LOL I'm open to anything honestly

message 11: by Aryi (new)

Aryi | 25 comments I'd like to be part of an mxm if anyone else wants to be m

message 12: by jas (last edited Mar 20, 2023 03:13PM) (new)

jas  | 68 comments I can do whatever kind of pairing but I'll be f ig? If y'all r good with it

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

I can do f then too sorry for the late reply

message 14: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments OMG wow, so much better than anything I would have come up with :)
For clarification, are these two groups are from different time periods?

message 15: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Kk that's what I thought
Could we have it like Muse A + B know who Muse C + D are (recognizable thieves/criminals/whatever from the medieval era) but they don't recognize them at first? Or something like that?? Idk if you don't like it that's fine

message 16: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments KK thnx :)

message 17: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Same so ig i'll wait for the other 2 to weigh in

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

sorry for the late reply but I love the idea! And I don't mind who I am either!

message 19: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments LOL we're just gonna have us 4 not saying who we wanna be and forcing the others to reply first and not get anything done :)

message 20: by Aryi (new)

Aryi | 25 comments If you're gonna make me choose... :)
I'd like to be C/D if that's ok

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

I'll be C or D then too if that's okay with everyone

message 22: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Kk I guess I'm A then :) :)

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

Sure! Do you guys wanna keep it simple or detailed?

message 24: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Kk I'll start working on it :)

message 25: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Name: Trini May Lee
Nicknames: Rini, Lee
Age: 19
Birthday: 8th of July
Gender/Pronounce: Female, She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Arromantic & Pan
Appearance: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=...
Personality: Trini is a very quiet person, someone who mainly keeps to herself and rarely lets people into her small circle of friends. She loves to read, though because she's from a poor family, real books (and even digital ones) are extremely hard to come by. With her friends she is outgoing and hilarious, but with anyone else she cowers and immediately shuts down. She feels extremely protective of those she's close to and would do anything for them, though she hates to show it. She believes that toughening up little children, as she does with her siblings, is necessary for a safe and happy life. She hates any form of pain (emotional, mental, physical, etc.) and will avoid it at any cost.
History: Trini's mother, Leeana Aris Lee, birthed her as a 14-year-old as a child of harassment and abuse, and though she tried to keep Trini away from her birth father, whose name is not known, he found them both when Trini was 12. He beat her mother to death before Trini returned the favor, leaving her orphaned for the rest of her teen life. She learned to fight and protect herself as she went along, eventually gaining a name for herself.
Current Family: Two twin brothers born a few years after herself, one killed by their father and the other living with Trini & a 3-year-old baby girl entrusted to her by a friend currently in the military.
Likes & Dislikes: Trini loves snowboarding, kids, family, running, reading, art, and fighting - dislikes authority, animals and school.
Weaknesses: Seeing people she cares about getting hurt, swimming, falling.
Strengths: Guns, hand-to-hand combat, chess, and protecting others.
Other: Has a fear of being abandoned.


Welp, admittedly not as fancy as yours, but y'know I tried. :) XD

message 26: by Aryi (new)

Aryi | 25 comments So should our characters be recognizable irl?

message 27: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Hahaaaaa sorrry .... still here 3 days later

message 28: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Ya :)
I'm good, prob should be a bit more active but yeah
Hopefully I'm back for good now XD

message 29: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Same, I would be on all day if not for school

message 30: by jas (new)

jas  | 68 comments Exactly lol

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