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Strictly Characters > Who is a character from a book that you hate more than the actual villain?

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message 1: by Joely, Creator (new)

Joely (notionsofjoely) | 100 comments Mod
I can't fully explain it, but Nehemia annoyed me in books 1 & 2 of TOG.

message 2: by River (new)

River Not me but my friend HATES Kilorn from Red Queen

message 3: by Adélie, Moderator (new)

Adélie | 105 comments Mod
Lorelei from The Dragon of Umbra series. So annoying and bordering on nasty towards the hero that I find myself having to take a deep breath when I read lmao. He is so patient with her. I could never xD

message 4: by Alissa (new)

Alissa | 11 comments Chaol from TOG had me like >:( every time he spoke

message 5: by olgieshmolgie (new)

olgieshmolgie | 4 comments Scarlett from a Caraval, could not stand her DNFD so fast.

message 6: by Auston (new)

Auston Jenkins (httpstragedyofthoughtcom) My Main Character in the book I just wrote (Among the Spires of East Fleet). I legitimately have a sour feeling about him. He is everything that I hate in my own reflection sometimes; angry, bitter, self-justified. I wrote in another character named Iulius who is the metaphysical representation of everything that Guile is not; compassionate, kind, slow to anger. The "Yin" to Guile's "Yang"; someone who carved a different path despite undergoing the same effects of war.

message 7: by book goblin (new)

book goblin | 6 comments This might be extremely controversial, but I hate amren

message 8: by Jasmine June (new)

Jasmine June | 1 comments CANNOT stand Lucien or Elaine….they’re perfect for each other….

message 9: by ashley, Moderator (new)

ashley (ashham109) | 74 comments Mod
Jasmine June wrote: "CANNOT stand Lucien or Elaine….they’re perfect for each other…."

i loved lucien in acotar, but felt like the charismatic and playful aspects of his character got left behind in the later books.

message 10: by Joely, Creator (new)

Joely (notionsofjoely) | 100 comments Mod
Alissa wrote: "Chaol from TOG had me like >:( every time he spoke"

Awww, I like Chaol! Although he did get more ">:(" in book 3. He thinks he knows what's best for everyone - which is super annoying. That's actually the quality I hated most in Feyre, too.

Mariana (Jacki’s version) | 12 comments I can’t stand Tamlin. I fell in love with him at first, but then he just became extremely punchable. Every. Freaking. Time.

message 12: by Adélie, Moderator (new)

Adélie | 105 comments Mod
Miana wrote: "I can’t stand Tamlin. I fell in love with him at first, but then he just became extremely punchable. Every. Freaking. Time."

Same. I feel sorry for him and at the same time I want to slap him and tell him to stop being such a jerk. And go see a therapist.

message 13: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 18 comments Mare from red queen is honestly just super annoying 🙄

message 14: by Alice (new)

Alice S | 12 comments YES, red queen. Hated her.

But i CAN’T be alone in my hatred against Nesta? The amount of selfishness and general whineyness is unbearable.

And also—“Goldfinch”. Urgh. Loved her in the first book. A little less in the second and by the third book i was like GOOD GOD GIRL GET A GRIP AND GROW UP. It took her 325 pages to be like “wait… where are we?” All the while speaking about wanting to be more independent.

message 15: by Alice (new)

Alice S | 12 comments And we CANNOT forget Taryn from Cruel Prince.

Urgh, Taryn.

message 16: by Zani (new)

Zani Venter | 1 comments Chaol from tog , Adam from shatter me and Taryn from the cruel prince trilogy

message 17: by Addison :) (new)

Addison :) | 41 comments I don’t know why I just really don’t like Elaine. I used to hate Nesta too but ACOSF changed that for me .

message 18: by Claire (new)

Claire Crawford | 1 comments Tamlin for ACOTAR 😂 I can’t stand him

message 19: by Jane (new)

Jane (janeelenor) | 10 comments Alice wrote: "And we CANNOT forget Taryn from Cruel Prince.

Urgh, Taryn."

YES SHE WAS SO AWFUL! I rolled my eyes whenever she was mentioned!!

message 20: by ayla (new)

ayla im so sorry but i absalutely hate aelin so much.


celaena is way better than aelin, when i found about the whole aelin is celaena thing made me kinda angry. i dont like how she hid everything from rowan and that and tried to be so independant. Although i do understand it to some degree it still makes me so angry. And i know thats not enough to HATE a character but i really cannot explain why else i hate her but every time she pops up i just feel so angry. i know so many people love her but shes really just not for me. and also i still ship chaol + celaena > aelin + rowan. sometimes i just like to imagine in a different world- or just the first 3 books. yay.

message 21: by Mackenzie (new)

Mackenzie | 7 comments Jasmine June wrote: "CANNOT stand Lucien or Elaine….they’re perfect for each other…."

I agree!

message 22: by Mads (new)

Mads | 0 comments 100% Chaol for TOG (esp Queen of Shadows)

message 23: by Lou (new)

Lou (luc07) | 18 comments I havent seen this mentioned yet but i cannot stand Nesta. She reminds me slightly of Taryn who is so UGHHHH. I really tried to give her a chance in ACOSF but I just could not find a way to like her, I thought she did the right thing in the end but I will probably never read the book again

message 24: by Kelsi (new)

Kelsi Temple | 1 comments DAIN.. from beginning to the end. The absolute worst!

message 25: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany | 2 comments Oh yeah, hands down Nesta. Yuck.

message 26: by Oly (new)

Oly Kozak (olykoza) | 11 comments Tamlin from ACOTAR and Cardan from Cruel Prince(he was a jerk and then somehow Jude just turns a blind eye and all and I’m just thinking of how I could destroy him 100 ways different 😂 )

message 27: by Britt (new)

Britt | 8 comments I've hated Nesta since day 1, and while I can somewhat find her tolerable now that I've read her book, I don't understand how everyone flipped to loving her and hating Feyre.

message 28: by chloë (new)

chloë cannon  | 4 comments Taryn and Nesta.

message 29: by chloë (new)

chloë cannon  | 4 comments ADAM.

message 30: by Izzy (new)

Izzy | 1 comments Deffo Adam from Shatter me, Taryn from Cruel prince, and Lucien and Tamlin from Acotar. Mare was also kinda annoying in the Red Queen series, I felt she needed to get a hold of herself.

message 31: by Cassandra (new)

Cassandra Keidong | 4 comments Achillies from The Once Upon a Broken Heart trilogy. A thorn in my side.

message 32: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer | 1 comments Joely wrote: "I can't fully explain it, but Nehemia annoyed me in books 1 & 2 of TOG."

Yes! I couldn't agree more. I had a hard time believing that Celaena would have such a volatile reaction to her death... but only because I just did not care for her myself.

message 33: by ✨bethany✨ (new)

✨bethany✨ | 26 comments I can’t stand Juliette or Aaron from Shatter Me. I honestly only finished the series to find out what happened to Kenji - he was the only character I cared about 😂

message 34: by ella !! (new)

ella !! | 6 comments Juliette from shatter me

Chaol + Hassan from the TOG series

Taryn from TCP

Nesta from ACOTAR (I’ve only read the first book)

Lia from the naturals

message 35: by ella !! (new)

ella !! | 6 comments I also hate Adam from shatter me.


I hate how he thought trading his powers would protect james. And it’s so dumb how he all of a sudden became “happy” in Believe Me, and they all just accepted him.

message 36: by Averie (new)

Averie | 10 comments All the people hating on chaol brb gonna cry. TOD totally dives deep into his character and really showcases how human he really is among all these other powerful characters. Ugh I love him... but honestly Violet annoys me so much.

message 37: by Jade (new)

Jade Rosemary Amren and Mor from ACOTAR. Controversial but they gave me mean girl vibes sometimes

message 38: by Annabella (new)

Annabella | 39 comments Lorcan, TOG. He might get redemption in the last book but I'm on the penultimate one and I hate how he keeps referring to Aelin as 'bitch' and that unjustified hatred makes me hate him so much.

message 39: by Annabella (new)

Annabella | 39 comments Joely wrote: "I can't fully explain it, but Nehemia annoyed me in books 1 & 2 of TOG."

I kinda liked her but I found her sus for the whole time but I couldnt explain why

message 40: by Baileigh (new)

Baileigh Smith | 2 comments Mor and chaol and it’s not hard.

message 41: by Madeline (new)

Madeline Ingram | 12 comments Tamlin!

‧⁺˖⋆  ❀° Ayeley ݁ °❀ ‧⁺˖⋆ Chaol from tog, Apollo from OUABH, Cardan and Taryn from cruel prince , dain from fourth wing, Matthias from six of crows 😭

message 43: by delaney ₊˚ෆ (new)

delaney ₊˚ෆ | 16 comments I really, really tried to like her…. Nesta from acotar.

message 44: by Asia (new)

Asia Arbia | 1 comments Taryn,Chaol and Tamlin

message 45: by Annabella (new)

Annabella | 39 comments Someone needs to mention the big one:
Dolores Umbridge

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

I HatEEE Tamlin!! He is in my kill fictional list! Also Apollo and Legend

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

Asia wrote: "Taryn,Chaol and Tamlin"

You hate Chaol!???!!

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

🧙🏻‍♀️Delaney wrote: "I really, really tried to like her…. Nesta from acotar."


message 49: by ella !! (new)

ella !! | 6 comments Umbridge was the villain for me. The actress in the movie was perfect.

message 50: by Danika (new)

Danika Funkhouser | 2 comments TAMLIN! I absolutely despise him. Ngl, I 100% fell for him my first time reading acotar but I hate him now.

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