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anne + andy

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)


message 2: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Hiya!

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)


message 4: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Sorry, work has been hectic! Someone got laid off and because of that I'm having to pick up the slack.

So Gladiator right?

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Omg- No, it's fine, I totally get it. I've had to fill in for people all week :P

Yeah, that was the vague idea, lol. We can take it wherever, tho. If we do rp a romance, I would prefer to play the female character(depending on the pairing), but if you would really prefer playing as the female, I'll make it work!

message 6: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Alrighty! I don't mind being the guy. If we want we can always do doubles. :D

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

OOh, that would be kind of cool, then maybe we could do something like... Idk, gladiators and nobles or smth

message 8: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Oooh I'd love that! What sort of pairings do you prefer? MxF, MxM, FxF?

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

honestly- I don't really have a preference.

message 10: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments I think MxF would be best.... we were doing doubles so each of us can one of each gender. :D What do you think?

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Great point! Sounds like a great idea to me!

message 12: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Awesome! Sorry been MIA... life has been hectic.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

I gottcha, it's no problem.

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

So are we thinking male and female gladiators for one?

message 15: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Or... what if we did a Male gladiator x Princess pairing? Maybe her father the King is famous for his events staring a variety of Gladiators. So the plot could go like this:

Muse A is a gladiator who fights for King (insert name), Muse A comes from a humble background. He has a large family who he takes care of. He had a few jobs and apprentices however they never lasted long, he was always the one getting into trouble, other guys saw his size and muscles and tried to show that they were the alpha man, Muse A was then titled a troublemaker/fighter. He was offered a Gladiator job because of how well known he became, it offered him a lot more money than anything else because of the risks it came with. He accepted the job and as he started to win the fights, he became more and more popular and even started being known as one of the Kings best Gladiators.
Muse B is the King's only daughter and heir, she is stubborn and headstrong, and full of ideas. She is smart and she knows it, and while she means well she can come off as a know-it-all. She doesn't particularly like her father's Gladiator events so she stays away while he hold them. She spends her time getting ready to take over the throne and planning on ways she's going to change things for the better. Perhaps starting with getting rid of the Gladiators completely.
After Muse A and few other of the Kings Gladiators win they are invited to join the King and some higher ranking people for a party. This is where Muse A and Muse B meet for the first time. Muse B doesn't recognize Muse A and they start talking and hit it off. That is until Muse B says something about the Gladiators that offends Muse B and they start to argue.... we could go from there???

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

That sounds like a great idea!

Could I be the female for that one- I'm bad at rping guys like that-

message 17: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Sure!

For our second RP... what sort of storyline would you like? Also, would you like for them to be interconnected? Or completely different?

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)


We could do something completely different, it could be fun :D

I'm not sure what we should do though.

message 19: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Hmmm.... would you want to do something in a different time period? Maybe modern day? Or Futuristic? Or I don't know if you've watched Bridgerton at all... but we could do something like that....

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

I have seen like... the first 3 episodes-

Although the general concept is interesting. Maybe we could do something along those lines?

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

I could definitely rp a cold, reserved royal guy- Ngl

message 22: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Okay what sort of trope are you wanting?

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

Hmmm, I'm not sure, maybe friends to lovers?


Muse A is a very private person, keeping his emotions and opinions out of everything, but when he is around Muse B, something about her just makes him open up.

Very general, but is that good?

message 24: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments I like that! We can do that :D

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Sounds good!

So how should we start the 2nd one?

message 26: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Oooh! What if for the second one it's a Royal x Royal? Maybe they're from rivaling kingdoms, but they started writing to one another on accident.... maybe they both think they're writing to a servant, or maybe handmaid to the Princess/Prince? in the other kingdom. Their parents decide to bury the hatchet and arrange a marriage between their two children Muse A and B. But they both have fallen for their pen pal so they don't want to marry the other.

IDK... what do you think?

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

I like it a lot, actually.

message 28: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments So you're good with that idea? Great! Which muses would you like to be?

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

I am!

I think A from the 1st and B from the 2nd

message 30: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments I'm good with that :D So I'll be the Princess in the 1st one and the Prince in the second.

Characters now?

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

No, the other way around, I think--

Wait- Did I say that wrong-?

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

lol- I did, sworry

message 33: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Lol no worries. So, then I'll be the Gladiator in the 1st on and the Princess in the 2nd? Right?

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

Yes! That is what I meant, lol

message 35: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Great! No worries! So characters now?

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)


message 37: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments Great! How detailed do you like to make your characters?

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

I honestly usually just do name, age, gender, looks, and a general personality-

message 39: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments That works for me. I'll get started on mine soon :D

message 40: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments The Gladiator:

Name: Cassian Agustous
Nickname(s): Cas, Gus
Age: 26
Gender: Male

- Kind
- Hard-working
- Humble
- Loyal
- Proud of what he's accomplished and his own family
- Responsible

message 41: by Anne (new)

Anne Stan | 41 comments The Princess

Name: Charlotte Keyanna Verona
Nickname(s): Kay, Key, Anna, V, Lottie (uses her middle name for their letters)
Age: 21
Gender: Female

- Royal
- Kind
- Romantic
- Stubborn
- Adventurous

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