The Underground Book Club discussion

Sea of Tranquility
This topic is about Sea of Tranquility
2023 Book Club Selections > May Selection

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message 1: by Charley (new) - added it

Charley Kaufman | 53 comments Mod
We will meet Friday, May 5th at 7:00 pm in the Caterpillar Cafe to discuss this title. All book club members receive 20% off the book club title until the 15th of the month!
Did you love the book? Feel indifferent about it? Is it something you've already read? Perhaps absolutely hated it and couldn't handle reading one more word... we want to know!
Our goal is to make book club the one time a month you can get together with fellow book lovers, discuss the chosen book, and spend the rest of the evening talking about books.
There is no requirement to attend every meeting, and you do not have to have read the chosen book to attend the meeting.

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