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Bloggers > Land Of Butterflies by David Lyons

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message 1: by David (new)

David Lyons | 2 comments Hi,
I would very much appreciate reviews of my latest book Land Of Butterflies. Please consider it, if you have the time.....:)
Kindest regards,
David Lyons.

Have you ever imagined the possibility that a whole civilization could vanish from the face of the earth?
300 million years ago an erupting volcano caused the earth's most severe mass annihilation of life on earth. Only now, recent discoveries have uncovered the shadows of a civilization's long forgotten presence.
Small perfectly forged objects from this distant time are occasionally discovered in pieces of coal. When seven year old twins discover a pair of gold butterfly wings and join them together, a wormhole opens and the mysteries of the Land Of Butterflies can be reached and explored.

"In a time long ago, in a land where wildflowers and honeysuckle grew, a place now only accessible through the fantasies of our imagination, butterflies ruled the earth and everything lived in peaceful harmony there. This past time may be too distant for you to approve or for me to pretend to know with any level of precision; but let’s just say our minds can dream and contemplate a single day three hundred million years ago when the sun shone, just as it does today, and the breeze carried the scent of wildflowers across endless meadows..."

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