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Graveyard > Kaylin x Xivm

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SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments Heyo! Here it is!!

I still wanna be Muse A if that's okay lol

My character:
Name: Eli Dane Morden
Age: 25
Sex: Cis Male
Sexuality: Straight (can be edited to fit with RP)

What character are you using? Also here is the plotline:

The royal family was having a crisis. The King had died and the Queen was killed. Leaving Muse A, their child (21-25), to take over rule of the kingdom (east kingdom). After their deaths, the alliances between the other kingdoms were almost destroyed, seeing as the trades were almost completely privatized by the royals, making it hard for bandits to steal from the trade caravans because they didn’t know where they were going or where they were coming from. The West Kingdom stopped trading gems and precious materials from the mountains. The South Kingdom, or Land of the Sun and Sea, stopped trading sea creatures and materials from their fishing villages. The only strong Alliance left was with the North Kingdom, or The Wooded Empire. This kingdom was inhabited by Elves. Their only ruler, the king had also passed a while back, leaving Muse B (21-25) to rule over the Elven kingdom. After the death of the Eastern Monarchs, Muse B made the trip through the Eastern Plains to stay in the Eastern Kingdom and help Muse A rule their kingdom and strengthen the alliances once again. This is after his mother is killed and before his father dies.

I know you said that you would like to restart it, but do you wanna keep it like how the RP went or do you wanna do a FRESH start?
(view spoiler)

message 2: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments - GREAT. I'll be making my character shortly. And.. FRESH, I mean you can start it off the same way, it's just that my responses might be a little different.

message 3: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments

Liluth Sila Gantar | Female | 5'1 | Heterosexual | 22 | Elf | Semi-Curvy | Queen of the W.E

- Stubborn & Hard to Read [Nonchalant] ||| + Great Leader, Bluntly Honest, Loyal.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments ((I'm gonna start it off the same way and then we just go from there :D))

Eli was heading for the kitchen to try out the new pastry dish the head chef had made; he'd always had a sweet tooth, and besides, his father was good friends with the chef. He passed by his parent's bedroom and stuck his head in. "I'll tell you about the new scone." He said to the empty room, smiling. He wasn't sure if his parents could hear him, but he liked to think they could. He turned to continue on but ran into someone. "Woah!" He exclaimed, falling backward, his head barely missing the wall. He groaned and rubbed his back. "Agh." He muttered. "I'm sorry abo— Oh. Queen....uhm..." He chuckled weakly. "Sorry, I am absolutely terrible with names." He said, his ears turning pink. Who wants to be an alliance with someone who can't even remember their name? he wondered. She's not an official alliance, yet. Remember that.

message 5: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments
- That's fine love :)
Liluth had been in the Eastern Kingdom now for a few days. She didn't like the idea of being copped up in a cement prison but, at the same time she knew that her Kingdom needed this, just as bad has the Eastern Kingdom. So she had to put her personal feelings aside, she had stayed in her room for most of the day reading. Liluth left out her room with her head burred in a book. She decided to head to the garden, it was the only place besides her room that made her feel comfortable here. But she was shortly stopped when she bumped into someone, her book dropped out of her hand. She sighed and looked at the person. It was King Eli.. the uhm out of his mouth made her tilt her head and raised an eyebrow. "Liluth.." she said with no real emotion. Most took her tone as her being rude or annoyed but, it wasn't that at all. "I am apologize, I wasn't really paying attention." she stated as she bent down to pick up her book from the floor.

message 6: by SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (last edited Apr 18, 2023 12:07PM) (new)

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He swallowed a lump that had formed in the back of his throat. "Again, I'm sorry about running into you, QUeen Lilith. I was in a rush to the kitchen as the head chef, Francis, had come up with a new recipe, and I-I guess I kind of got lost in the thought." He said with a weak chuckle, reaching down to hand her the book. "What were you reading?" He asked, glancing at the cover. She's a reader. Did she pick this up from the library? Did she bring it with her? he wondered, curious about her.

message 7: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments
Her hand slightly touched his when she reached down to grab her book, she glanced at him and then at his hand that now handle her book. She softly grabbed the book out of his hand and pressed it against her chest. “Thank you.” She said softly, under her breath. She reached her hand out to help him up. “No need to apologize.. if I had been paying attention myself, it won’t have happened.” She said. She normally walked with her eyes up and locked on her destination. And now look what happened when she didn’t… she sighed softly.

She looked at King Eli.. then at her book that he was asking about, Liliuth then spoke in her native language. It rolled off her tongue so quickly. It was as if she was back home but then she realized she wasn’t. She cleared her throat before she spoke. “Spirit history.. it is a book from your library but it’s about my kingdom.. I am pretty sure you guys didn’t realize you had it.” She said with a shrug.

message 8: by SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (last edited Apr 19, 2023 01:24PM) (new)

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He raised a slight eyebrow at her sudden switch of language, curious about what she was talking about. When she cleared her throat and switched languages, he nodded. "I'm not much of a reader, but my mother was. She read and read and read." He said with a small chuckle, attempting a smile, but he couldn't. It hurt too much. "She'd always adored the spirits, even envied them for not being so destructive. That was her goal: to make our kingdom allies with yours and to learn to not be destructive as the others." He explained. "So I'm not surprised that was in the library," he said with a nod.

message 9: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments
Liliuth nodded it as he spoke about his mother, she knew that it was hard to speak about parents that have passed. Seeing how she never knew her mother since she passed giving birth to her- leaving her to be the only child. And her father.. her father.. she sighed as she fall deep into her memory but quickly took herself when she heard him stop talking. She nodded not even trying to give a fake smile, she found that weird.. "I see that makes sense. I am glad that I found it." she said as she held it still against her chest. Liliuth glanced at him and then in the direction he was heading in. "Well you should go ahead before your desert gets cold." she said before she started walking again.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He gave a small nod and paused. "Wait, Lilliuth." He called out, turning to face her. "Would you want to try it as well? Could always use another opinion," he said with a warm smile. He wasn't sure if she would agree, but Eli decided to ask anyways. You're being too childish though. Why would anyone want to try a dessert dish for fun? he wondered, but his smile didn't faltered.

message 11: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments
Stopping in her tracks Liliuth looked back when her name was called. She tilted her head, as if to ask What is it? She raised her eyebrows when he asked if she would join him. She honestly wasn't the social type. But she did come to become allies with the Eastern Kingdom and it was no other way to do that than be social. She sighed and glanced door at her book, she thought about it. She really wanted to sit in the grass and let the wind blow through her ice white hair while she read. Like she did back home- But, both of their kingdoms needed this alliance. She sighed, it seemed like minutes had gone by as she thought it over but, only a second had actually went by before she looked back up at Eli and nodded. "Don't see why not." she said as she turned and followed Eli to the kitchen.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

Eli noticed how she glanced down at her book, and felt bad. She already had plans. he thought. "It'll only take a minute, I promise." He said. He wondered what she was thinking about, and if she felt forced to do this. "It's just down the hall a bit," he said and started for the kitchen. He swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat and hoped it wasn't regret. "After you," He said, opening the door for her with a small bow.

message 14: by xivm (last edited May 22, 2023 06:46PM) (new)

xivm | 30 comments - Yes, sorry. I took some time off social media for a bit. I will have my response posted by tonight.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments ((Oh! I'm sorry! <3 I'm glad you took a break and I hope it was a relaxing break. Don't feel rushed/forced to respond ^^))

message 16: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments
Liliuth wasn't the social queen that everyone wanted her to be. But she was smart and playing nice with the human was the smartest move she could make at the moment. Both of their kingdoms needed this, so being herself right now by telling him her honest feelings. Wasn't what she needed to do, she nodded as they walked. She kept her book pressed against her breasts, she stopped at the metal doors that lead into the kitchen. "Thank you." she said her tone still didn't give no hint of how she was actually feeling. Liliuth walked into the kitchen, different smells filled her nostrils. Some sweet, others sour.. It made her attention focus on something other than her book. She walked through the kitchen as the works bowed before they went back to cooking.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

Eli followed, noticing the way her book was pressed against her. Does she feel uncomfortable? he thought, still unable to figure out how she was feeling. "Ah, Prince!" A guy said, approaching the two. It was clear he was the head chef here, and Eli bowed to him. "Francis," he said, smiling. "Head you had some pastries in." He said, rubbing his hands together.

message 18: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments
The Royal family never stepped foot inside the kitchen in the North Kingdom. Liliuth use to wonder as a child what it looked like, so as the queen walked around in the kitchen her eyes wandered around at every noise that was made. Every shiny metal item quickly caught her attention. She noticed the head chef before he walked up to her and the prince. Once he was inches away, he smelled sweet and salty.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

Francis smiled and nodded. "Ah, you were right, Prince Eli." He said with a nod. "I'll have the scones out in just a minute." He said before turning to Liliuth. "Ah, you must be Queen Liliuth." He said with a bow. "The last time I saw you, you were a toddler tugging on your mother's dress." He said with a kind smile. "I belive that was when our two kingdoms first started talking about alliances. It's good to know our kingdoms are going to make that happen." Francis said.

message 20: by xivm (new)

xivm | 30 comments
Liliuth glanced over when the chef started speaking to her. She was already done with the small talk, that was until she recognized the man. ".. You made me a birthday cake." she said softly. She remembered her younger years more than her recent years. Those were the years she smiled and actually was happy. "I remember the icing bunny you put on top." she said, She sighed as more memories filled her brain, and she nodded to his last few words. She knew her parents would be proud that she was even in this kingdom.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments ((SORRY I DIDN'T SEE THIS!))

Francis chuckled a little when she remembered. "I did." He said and turned behind him, grabbing a tray with scones, and then bringing a tray to the two. "I offered you a cake the last you were here, and now I offer you a scone that's fresh baked, and with a new recipe." He said and Eli took one from the tray. "What did you use this time?" He asked. "Peaches and Moonberries." He said, and Eli frowned a bit. "Those are rare though, the moonberries I mean." He said.

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