Space Opera Fans discussion

Kesrith (The Faded Sun, #1)
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BOTM LIMITED > May 2023 LIMITED Kesrith by Cherryh

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message 1: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
The May 2023 Limited Pick is Kesrith by C.J. Cherryh. Please use this thread to post questions, comments, and reviews, at any time.

Official description:
This is the story of three people: Sten Duncan, a soldier of humanity; Niun, last warrior of the mri, humanity's enemies; and Melein, priestess-queen of the final fallen mri stronghold. It is the story of two mighty species fighting for a galaxy, humanity driving out from Earth, and the enigmatic regul struggling to hold their stars with mri mercenaries. It is a story of diplomacy and warfare, of conspiracy and betrayal, and of three flesh-and-blood people who found themselves thrown together in a life-and-death alliance.

message 2: by Nick (new) - added it

Nick (dreydak) | 45 comments Great choice! I've added it to my to-read list. I'm looking for where I can grab a copy now. I'm going to check my local library via

message 3: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (last edited Apr 24, 2023 05:43AM) (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
If you like ebooks or Audible, I found it as part of The Faded Sun Trilogy Omnibus by C.J. Cherryh.

message 4: by Nick (new) - added it

Nick (dreydak) | 45 comments Thanks, Teresa! I found the trilogy eBook was available on as well. But since I just received an audible credit this month, I might just go grab it on audible! Thanks for the tip.

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
I read this trilogy back in the 80s, at least twice, maybe more, and it was one of my favorites.

The Mri were a very compelling species. Very proud and honorable, but unable to thrive on their home world, they rent themselves out to other spacefaring species. They try to maintain their ideals, but it is a painful existence. Humans can't help but identify with them, but we tend to be less pragmatic and not always understanding of the forces that drive others. Still the human Sten Duncan and the Mri Niun somehow forge a friendship.

I don't think I will be rereading the series at this time, but I strongly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it yet. It may not be one of Cherryh's most popular but I think that is a shame because I really enjoyed it.

message 6: by Nick (new) - added it

Nick (dreydak) | 45 comments Nick wrote: "Thanks, Teresa! I found the trilogy eBook was available on as well. But since I just received an audible credit this month, I might just go grab it on audible! Thanks for the tip."

It sounds very interesting. I've not read this trilogy yet, so I am excited!

Suman Saha (suman_saha) | 46 comments This was great. Mri are cool, but are solemn creatures. The regul lord is charismatic, who will go to any length for self-interests. Stavros is someone I can't apprehend completely. But, I love Duncan, as honorable as he is, and very excited about his part in the sequels.

Now, I've started the second book of the series.

Suman Saha (suman_saha) | 46 comments This was a great series. The whole story was so very enjoyable. I will definitely look forward to reading other works of Cherryh in future.

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