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SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

The Thief And The Prince(ss)

Here are some things to expect when you rp with me.

1) I'm detailed!! Sometimes I'll get carried away with the rp and end up writing two 6-10 sentence paragraphs (😬 whoops) or sometimes I'll write just about 3-6 detailed sentences per response, but if I do more, don't feel like you have to write an MLA 9 format essay with double spacing as a response.

2) I'm okay with PDA, like kissing and cuddling and holding hands and whatnot, but I won't do any explicit scenes. I mean it's against the rules anyways lol, but I'd just thought to put it here anyways.

3) I do not do any hybrid/animal hybrid/shapeshift rps. Sorry, but I just cannot. However, I can do elves. I'm alright if a character is an elf or something of that sort. Sorry in advance.

4) I respond pretty quickly, and if I don't its because I'm suddenly really busy or I ended up having so many notifs that the notif for our rp got lost and it took a minute before I realized there's a response to the rp. I won't ever just let the rp die out or anything, and if I'm going on a break or something I will let you know ASAP.

5) I try not to swear too much in rps, but I might let something slide every now and then (both in rp or out of rp). I never use any slurs, and I pray you don't either.

6) I do not do any abusive/aggressive relationships. This includes full-on cheating. (Now a kiss or a quick hookup is different, but it has to like, be something the character is going to regret later.) Jealousy or possessiveness, however, is on the table for grabs.

7) If I end up writing 2-4 sentences, it's because there is literally nothing to go off of, OR I'm in a rush because of a time crunch. Sorry in advance!! I don't mind if you do 2-4 sentences per response, since there isn't always something to go off of, but I just hope its not going to be 1 liners X_X

Sorry for the really, really, really long message so far lakjdflkajs but here is the rp prompt:

The kingdom of Caetador is split into three parts; North Caetador, South Caetador, and the Forest of Elves. King Alaric and Queen Mirena live in the palace down South, close to the edge of the Forest of Elves. The rich live in the South, while the poor live in the North. The Forest of Elves is a mystical place, though the drunks at the tavern seem to exaggerate how mystical it is.

King ______ and Queen ______ were hosting a party for their oldest, _____, who had just turned 24. Everyone was invited to the land. Invites were sent out to each house in the South, a spokesman shared the news in the center of the North, and letters were sent out into the Forest of Elves. It started at noon and would end at midnight. There would be lunch, dancing, and entertainment. Supper would be provided, a huge banquet if you will. Then drinking and dancing and telling stories and dancing would begin.

A young man scanned the ballroom, wearing his finest clothing: A black button-up long-sleeve with a leather vest and trousers with boots. He carried a satchel with him, a hand clutched on the strap. His hungry eyes scanned the room, spotting luxurious goods that would fit in said satchel; a ruby necklace, a golden goblet, a ring with a blue stone, a marble plate with a gold lining, earrings, and a pouch of gold coins. His eyes scanned the ballroom again and grinned when he landed on one of the princesses. She was quiet and polite. Young. Smart. She must have access to the crown. he thought mischievously. She was talking among her family, laughter escaping the group and into the ball. He slowly snaked his way through the guest, taking a ring or two along the way and putting it in his satchel. He figured he could give one to the princess once she was done talking, so he fished one out of his bag and place it in his pocket.

As the crowd move on to other subjects, eventually leaving behind the princess, the man came up behind the princess and tapped her shoulder. “Hm?” She mumbled and turned around, but the man was now behind her again and tapped her other shoulder. “Ah. I see.” She muttered with a smile, turning around again. When the man went to go tap her shoulder again, the princess lightly grabbed his hand, and turned around. “Hi,” He said with a crooked grin. “May I have this dance?” He asked with a bow, looking up at her.

Please note: This can be edited, and names can be changed. Here are some ideas I have for this type of rp:

1) MxF (I can be M)

2) MxF (2) (I can be F)

3) MxM (I can be the thief)

4) MxM (2) (I can be the Prince)

5) FxF (I can be the thief)

6) FxF (2) (I can be the Princess)

7) another combo (nonbinaryxbinary, nonbinaryxnonbinary, etc)

So you've made it to this point and you are really interested in doing this rp with me: great!! Thanks, lol. Unfortunately, I will not be online on 4/22 and 4/23, but I will be on 4/24. If you would like to rp, friend request me. Answer the question and then state that you would be interested in this rp, and then just like your ideas (mxf, mxm, the setting, etc) and then we chat some more!

Again I am so sorry this is so long. I can put this in spoilers if I really need to. Let me know if you have any questions!

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Alrighty, do you want to be the thief or the princess? And can we do MxF?

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments I don't really mind playing either. I'm fine with MxF!

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Okie, sounds good :D do you mind if I'm the princess?

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Okay, how old do you want them to be?

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments I mean we can get away with 17/18 or like early twenties. (22/23/21/20)

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

Cool, sounds good. I'll have my character up in a sec

message 9: by [deleted user] (last edited Apr 24, 2023 07:48PM) (new)

Name: Sadie Khadija Bailey
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Personality: Sadie is sweet and outgoing, and loves talking to people. She doesn't care if someone is a royal or not, she's just as bubbly and funny to them. She loves playing pranks as well.
History: Sadie was born with all of the expectations on her. As the eldest, she was going to be queen one day. So she was pushed harder than her younger brother. As a result, she used the bubbly mask to hide the struggles she had.
(view spoiler)

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

You say I steal, I say you're oblivious to my borrowing…

First Name: Elliot
Middle Name: Ailoe (pronounced eye-low)
Last Name: Mackrens
Nicknames: Eli

Age: 24
Sign: Aries
Height: 6’5
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Sex: Cis Male

Fine, go ahead, make me your villain…

Personality:Eliot Ailoe Mackrens is a bastard. Literally. His mother was a scoundrel who got her head chopped off when he was 10. His father was married. Because of his background, he usually avoids the subject and carries on with his life. Eliot is the kind of guy who will tell you that the golden goblet is half full, and then steal it from you. He doesn't take no for an answer, no matter what. He’s stubborn when first met, unlike his flirt. He’s known in the North as a flirt, no matter who you are. He makes the women swoon, and can charm a man when he really wants something from them, such as their daughter or wife, or his money. Usually the last one. Eliot has this teasing side that reveals itself whenever he wants something, from a fancy necklace to a few gold coins. Very devil-may-care (he seems relaxed and doesn’t seem worried about the consequences of his actions (most of the time)) attitude.

Su casa es mi casa…

Where do they live?: North Caetador
Where are they from?: North Caetador
Languages spoken: English, Latin, Slovak, Spanish
Cultures/ Beliefs: Believes in taking things from those who deserve it (ex. Snobby rich men) Believes in giving to the poor rather than taking from them.

House: An old cottage just on the banks of North Caetador and The Forest of Elves (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/8754576...)
LIVING ROOM: Just a few chairs, a bearskin rug, a little fireplace
DINING ROOM:A table that looks like it's ready to collapse, a few chairs, a cabinet in the background (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/6382451...)
KITCHEN: Small oven, place to cook (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/3300300...)
BEDROOM: A bed, a desk, maps and whatnot on the walls, a trunk full of his stuff (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/2603712...)
BATHROOM: toilet, cabinet
OTHER ROOMS: OUTSIDE: garden, river, creek/waterfall

Kind of a pretty boy, ain’t I?

Outfit vibes: Flynn Rider Vibes from Tangled

Appearance: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/9394931...

I'm feeling devious….You're looking glamorous….Let's get mischievous….

Mother: Sandra Elise Mackrens (Died at 27)
Father: Eli Marn Mackrens (62)
Siblings: Lilith Elise Mackresns (sister) (26)
Pets: An Oak Leaf Ferret named Pax (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/7951736...) (2 years old (in human years it's roughly 32 years old in ferret years))
Other Family Members: N/A

Friends: Lana Sidus (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/5999639...) (Moon Elf) (20)
Significant Other: N/A
Enemies: Royal Guards

We’re just kids who grew up too fast…

Background: Eliot grew up in a rough house. Well, he didn’t live in a house ‘till he was 14, but that's not the point. His mother caught the eye of a man from the South, and the two slept together…even though the man was married and already had a family of his own Multiple times. One of the times was the cause of Eliot's sister, Lilith. A few years later and lots of secret nights later, Eliot was in the world, screaming and crying. Once they had Eliot, the man decided that he couldn’t risk his wife finding out about his mistress. Sandra Elise Reynolds (his mother) ran around with other men in the country, not caring one bit about the effects it had on her two kids. Lillith practically raised Eliot, especially once he was 10. When Eliot was 10, his mother had slept with two guys at the same time, and the third guy she slept with before those two found out, and sliced her head clean off. Eliot and Lillith were hiding behind a barrel and some sacks of potatoes and carrots and meat and whatnot, too scared to do anything. The screaming and the heavy thump of his mother’s head falling still haunts Eliot at night. Eliot helped out every now and then with getting food (via stealing/charming the people) when he was young, but now that his mother was gone and it was just him and Lillith, he had to step up his game. He broke into houses while Lilith charmed the old man who owned the place, taking what looked like it could be worth something, and snuck off. Lilith would usually arrive at night back in the alleyway they were living in kiss-drunk. When Eliot was 14, he ventured off a little too far away from the village he lived in and came across an old cottage on the outskirts of North Caetador and the beginning of The Forest of Elves. There, he ran into a moon elf who went by the name Lana Sidus. A few years later, when Eliot was 19, he and Lana came across an Oak Leaf Ferret that was roughly a couple of months old, with no mom. Eliot decided to take him in. Lana and Eliot live together in the cottage, Lillith coming by every now and then. Lana and Eliot dated for two years before agreeing that they were better off as friends, though every now and then they’ll flirt with each other.

Daddy’s not here now to save you….
Well, not her dad, but I sure am here…!

Used this from another rp, I just switched out the names-

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Love him :D sorry mine is so short lol. Alright, should I start?

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments lmfao don't worry about it! I litterly just replaced the names T_T

Also what names do you want for the queen, king, and the oldest? Since you're playing the princess, you can choose!

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

How about King Troy, Queen Demetra, and Prince Rory?

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments Alright- so here is the thing- just start whenever your ready!

(view spoiler)

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

Princess Sadie was absolutely utterly bored. She had never been so bored in her entire life. How was she supposed to breathe, think, and talk in the corset that squeezed her waist? She was wearing a floor-length ball gown. According to her mother, it was beautiful. According to her, it was torture. But it was sort of pretty. It was sky blue with angel sleeves and a low swoop in the neckline. It had gold stitching and hugged her waist, thanks to the corset. She fanned herself a little, trying to train herself to take shallow breaths. She was about to rejoin her companions in their dull talk when she felt a tap on her shoulder. A charming man asked her for a dance. Perfect. A distraction. She gave him a charming smile and put the fan away. "Of course." Who was she to refuse?

message 16: by SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (last edited Apr 24, 2023 08:04PM) (new)

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He smiled and stood up straight. "You lovely tonight, Princess Sadie." he said, and kissed her hand softly, just like all the other royals did. Gotta fake it till you make it. he thought and looked up at her. "The only question I have is, how long would you want to dance?" He asked with a small laugh.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

She curtsied after he kissed her hand. She wasn't going to lie, he looked cute. But she should know better than to trust appearances. The cutest boys always wanted her for the title and money. She gave him a smile. "However long your heart desires. And I should add that you look dashing this evening as well."

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

"Why thank you, I tried," he said genuinely as he looked down at his clothes. "If the Princess approves, it's one of the finest outfits there is then." he said with a nod as he led her to the crowd.

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was," she told him honestly, her ice-blue eyes looking him up and down. They finally settled eon his. "Ready?" She clasped his hand with her own.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He nodded, and placed a hand on her waist, hesitantly. "Is this fine?" he asked, nodding to where his hand was. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable, his plan wouldn't work if she was.

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

He put his hand on her waist and he could tell he was a little hesitant. But she'd danced with many strangers before. This was just natural. "Of course." She placed her other hand on his shoulder and heard the music start up again. "Time to dance," she said with a small smile.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He was about to ask her again if it was alright, but as the music started, he swayed softly with her with the music.

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

She glanced into his eyes and felt herself blush, no matter how much she didn't want to. At least she didn't step on his toes like usual. It was probably the way he led her so perfectly.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He twirled her lightly when she blushed, smiling at her. When he went to go bring her back in, a drunken elder bumped into her, spilling his drink on her. "Watch it," he grumbled, moving past the two. Eliot glared at him, watching as he left.

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

She gave him one of her fake princess smiles. "Oh, that's quite alright, sir." At least he didn't get any of it onto her dress. Mother would've had a fit. The song changed, but they continued dancing.

message 26: by SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (last edited Apr 25, 2023 04:46PM) (new)

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments ((I thought this was the Derrek x Kessie rp I was SO confused for a mintue lmao))

"Are you alright? It's in your hair," he said as they dance, and he lifted his hand up from her waist to her hair, Wincing. "I'm sorry about him."

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

((lol must've been confusing XD))
Sadie patted down her dark silky hair. "Oh, it's fine. There's been worse at the parties before. They just can't help themselves." She giggled a little.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

Eliot frowned. "I'm sorry you have to go through that. If I was you, I would have turned around and pushed him on the ground." He said, turning his head back to the drunken man, glaring at him.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

She gave him a smile. Behind all her sweetness, sometimes she just wanted to punch someone. And right now, she definitely felt that towards the old man. But... "I'm a princess, as sweet Mother always reminds me. I wish, but it's not like I can do that without starting some war or something."

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

"You can't, but I can." He said with a grin. "But it'd be rude of me to abandon this dance, especially with a lady as fine as you," he said playfully.

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, blushing. "Oh, don't be ridiculous. There are around fifty girls much more beautiful than me waiting for a chance to dance with you," she scolded teasingly.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

Eliot smiled at Sadie, enjoying how the pink spread across her cheeks. He glanced around, but his eyes went back to the princess. "But you're not letting me go?" He said, looking at their hands. His hand had went back to her waist, but his other was held firmly against Sadie's.

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

"If you'd like, we could stop dancing," she said, shrugging. "But it would look odd if you stopped dancing in the middle of a song. Besides, don't you enjoy it a tiny bit?" She herself was having fun.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

"Hey, I wasn't complaining." He said honestly. "And I do enjoy it," he siad, and dipped her. Even though everyone else was still dancing. He kept her dipped for a minute, getting glances from other dancers. "Besides, if I wasn't having fun, I would have left already," he whispered in her ear before pulling her back up, and resumed dancing.

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

She blushed as he brought her back up. Why did this man have such an effect on her that she was already beginning to like him already? "I'm sure you would've, Mr.-" She paused as she realized she didn't know his name. "How rude of me. What's your name?"

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

"Eliot. My name is Eliot Ailoe Mackrens." He said with a smile and he twirled her again as everyone else twirled their partner. He chuckled lightly at her blush. "Getting too warm for you, Princess?"

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

She rolled her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, Elliot Ailoe Mackrens." She frowned a little. "Just call me Sadie, if you don't mind. Sadie Khadijah Bailey." She was sure why she was trusting a stranger. Only her family knew her middle name.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

"Khadijah is a pretty middle name," he said. "Looking a little pink there, I see." He teased lightly. He galnced around. "Are your feet getting tired, Sadie?" He asked.

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

She gave him a smile. "We could go rest if you would like. They're about to switch the songs." Her feet were a little sore, as she had been dancing for the whole night. It was even harder with a corset squeezing the breath out of you.

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

"Now here's the real question: Where do you want to take the rest at? Here in the ballroom or out in the hall, or somewhere else?" He asked, noticing her lack of breath at times. He wondered if she was alright, or if she needed medical help.

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

She glanced around. "I kinda want privacy. I've been bombarded with questions and endless boring political debates all night. There's this small gazebo outside. Besides, as soon as Rory's in the room, they won't notice I'm gone."

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

"So where is Birthday Boy anyways?" He asked, glancing around. He hadn't seen him at all since the ball started.

((sorry its dry T_T))

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

((lol it's fine :D))
"Probably in his room, doing his makeup," Sadie said with a scowl. "Then he'll come out and every girl will try to dance with him and Mother will swoon about how he's her perfect child and everyone will talk with him and tell him he's smart and perfect and just utterly, absolutely the best. They totally forget about me." Why was she spilling her guts to a complete stranger?

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments ((#loveatfirstsight lmfao))

He gave a small nod as she ranted. "Luckily for you, I'm not a girl." He said with a chuckle. "So when he comes out, we head out?"

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

((lol I ship :D))
"Yeah, it's the only way we're going to slip out of here unnoticed." Thankfully, the trumpets sounded and she tugged on his hand. "Let's go."

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments ((lmfao so do I))

He smiled and followed, weaving in between the guest, not even hiding his smile. Just get her to give you the crown, and you can be on your way. he told himself.

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

She felt a bad feeling in her gut. Was he following her because he liked her, or because he wanted her money? Relax. She led him to the gazebo. "Pretty, isn't it?"

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He nodded, it was pretty. "But not as pretty as you," He said with a smile. He then turned away from her. "If you need to fix your dress, you can. Must not be comfortable, is it?" He said. He hoped he didn't sound creepy; he was genuinely wanting to her to be comfortable.

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

She flushed as he told her she was pretty, then sighed with relief. "Oh, thank you. This corset is seriously crushing the life out of me." It was sweet of him to turn around. She quickly undid the laces. "Oh, much better. You can turn around."

SLOWLY COMING OUT OF HIATUS!.·:*¨༺♡ Honeydew ♡༻¨*:·. (butt3fly_chocolate828) | 1497 comments

He nodded when he thanked her and turned around slowly. "Of course." He said, though he kept his eyes on the ground. "I noticed that it seemed harder to dance in the dress then it was just standing."

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