A Good Thriller discussion

PIFM - Archive > PIFM - Chat/Banter/Review Your July 2023 Read

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message 1: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
This thread is where you can chat about all things PIFM, ask questions and once books have been read, review your selected reads. A complete free for all.


PIFM is meant to be FUN and not to be taken seriously. I would appreciate it if all participants just chilled and not get worked up about voting, who votes, who doesn't, etc. Please bear in mind that some will just want to vote, many don't come on everyday and most of us have time constraints. I just want a relaxed approach to it all and for you all to just enjoy the process! I'd really appreciate your courtesy in this matter. Many thanks.

message 2: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Hey, guys! Has everyone decided to skip July?

message 3: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Bergman (marshop) | 1218 comments I am going to put up a list. I've been wondering where everyone has gone.

message 4: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments I’m waiting for everyone to put up they’re list

message 5: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Even if no one puts up a list, please vote on mine.

message 6: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 1147 comments I thought I'd posted my list, but clearly not! It's been a busy few weeks and I must not have hit "Post". It's now up :)

message 7: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments I’ve put my list up and cast my votes so far

message 8: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Bergman (marshop) | 1218 comments my list is now up....

message 9: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Bergman (marshop) | 1218 comments my list is now up....

message 10: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Hope everyone is having a great summer!! Stay cool and hydrated! It's been hot here, but thankfully not humid!!

When do the threads for next month go up?

message 11: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments Alright Patricia and I’m having a great summer Kirsten and I am staying cool and hydrated Kirsten and oh ok Kirsten and oh ok Kirsten and I don’t know Kirsten

message 12: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 1147 comments Kirsten wrote: "Hope everyone is having a great summer!! Stay cool and hydrated! It's been hot here, but thankfully not humid!!

When do the threads for next month go up?"

In typical British fashion, we're having quite a wet (but warm) July so far which has made it very humid but hoping for some more sunshine soon! I'll be working through most of the summer but looking forward to some time off in August to take my daughter on little trips like to the beach and maybe go to some cultural places too like Hampton Court Palace, Buckingham Palace and maybe go fruit picking :)

message 13: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Bergman (marshop) | 1218 comments Sophie, we are under a flood alert in Western Kentucky. Thunder and lightening all night. My Niece has several family members at her house trying to rescue her things since it is flooding.

message 14: by Sophie (new)

Sophie | 1147 comments Patricia wrote: "Sophie, we are under a flood alert in Western Kentucky. Thunder and lightening all night. My Niece has several family members at her house trying to rescue her things since it is flooding."

Oh no! I hope you're all OK and that your niece didn't lose too many things in the flood? Fingers crossed she's got home insurance to cover the damage/loss.
Parts of the UK have been on flood warnings too - although I think we're pretty well protected here in London. Apparently we're having one of the coolest July's on record. My sister was due to fly to Rhodes this weekend for a holiday but has had to cancel it because of the fires that are causing chaos over there. It seems crazy that we have so much water while the rest of Europe fries!

message 15: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Bergman (marshop) | 1218 comments My niece had help placing sand bags around the front area of her home which prevented the flood from getting into the house. No rain expected soon.

message 16: by Janet , Moderator (new)

Janet  | 5981 comments Mod
The weather is crazy right now. I've never known this much rain in July. It's nuts when southern Europe is burning. I hope their heatwave breaks soon.

message 17: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments This is weird weather that we’ve been having

message 18: by Kirsten (new)

Kirsten  (kmcripn) | 9191 comments Yep, that's what happens when the so-called leaders of the countries refuse to listen to scientists.

message 19: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments Oh ok Kirsten

message 20: by Christine (new)

Christine Hatfield  (christinesbookshelves) | 6968 comments I finished 3 books after July and they were called Texas Christmas Magic by Katherine Garbera and Let It Snow by Nancy Thayer and A Season of Angels by Debbie Macomber

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