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Archives > Nominations for August 2023

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message 1: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
Usual rules apply - one novel/novella nomination per member of 2023 works

message 2: by Kateblue (new)

Kateblue | 941 comments Mod
No idea, the library has made it impossible to order new books coming in, so I now have to wait for them to come in . . . so I am unlikely to get new books right away. Since I am no longer researching which ones to recommend in advance, I have no real opinion. I will just wait and see what you guys think

message 3: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
If there is a desire of members to have 2022 eligible too, I'm fine. After all, initially, the group was to find nominees for next year's Hugo, but most members (me included) seem got distanced from WorldCons, so...

message 4: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Burridge | 157 comments There is a new novella by Arkady Martine, Rose/House. Looks like it is unrelated to the author’s big novels, and quite different. I still haven’t read this author, and the new novella may not be the best place to start, but I will nominate it.

message 5: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 429 comments Mod
Oleksandr wrote: "but most members (me included) seem got distanced from WorldCons, so...

Forever? It's only in China for one year...

message 6: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 429 comments Mod
Personally I'm budgeting some time in August to read Hugo nominees I haven't read yet (assuming they're not in Chinese). So if those are eligible, when we know what they are I'd nominate those.

message 7: by Ed (new)

Ed Erwin | 83 comments Stephen wrote: "There is a new novella by Arkady Martine, Rose/House. ..."

Except for e-books, it may be hard to get. I think it is only a limited edition at this time.

message 8: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
Kalin wrote: "Forever? It's only in China for one year..."

Yes, I hope for a renewed interest, but my own reading shifted to other realms, like Ukrainian classic fiction (as a pupil ages ago I was sure that this old stuff is obsolete and only SFF is worthy of reading, so I skipped whenever I could. Plus in my times quite a few of these classics were out of the school program as "bourgeois nationalists") and there are only 24 hours in a day. other members it seems aren't very active either - just check last month's threads in both how many answers and participants there were...

message 9: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
Kalin wrote: "Personally I'm budgeting some time in August to read Hugo nominees I haven't read yet (assuming they're not in Chinese). So if those are eligible, when we know what they are I'd nominate those."

If Hugos are announced in time, they are definitely eligible

message 10: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca | 286 comments Can I nominate Even Though I Knew The End? It’s from 2022 and won the Nebula. I’m on my phone so can’t easily check if many of you read it already.

message 11: by Kateblue (new)

Kateblue | 941 comments Mod
I haven't read Even Though I Knew the End, and I would like to read it. So I think it is ok to nominate because Acorn just said "If there is a desire of members to have 2022 eligible too, I'm fine. . . .

message 12: by MH (new)

MH | 233 comments I like the nominees so far. And since I can't come up with anything new - much of the stuff on my immediate hit-list is out in September - I'll revive one from last month, and suggest Translation State

message 13: by Kateblue (new)

Kateblue | 941 comments Mod
I want to read all three of these! See, I don't need to nominate!

message 14: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
Rebecca wrote: "Can I nominate Even Though I Knew The End? It’s from 2022 and won the Nebula. I’m on my phone so can’t easily check if many of you read it already."

You can but note that I've already created threads at our parent group for reading it, so that we can start discussing it much earlier

message 15: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca | 286 comments Ahhh I see. Since its a shorter book I might opt to read it with you sooner myself. Feel free to make an executive decision on this one.

message 16: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
Rebecca wrote: "Ahhh I see. Since its a shorter book I might opt to read it with you sooner myself. Feel free to make an executive decision on this one."

The thread on that novella is here https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...
I just checked that it is right now available at my lib and grabbed it!

message 17: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 429 comments Mod
Okay I'm going to make some nominations for now, if the Hugo ballot is released before the polls go up this will change:

Novel: Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
Novella (maybe novelette?): The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi

message 18: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
Kalin wrote: "Novel: Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh..."

Her Greenhollow duology was very good

message 20: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
The winner is Translation State

message 21: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Burridge | 157 comments I put off voting because I couldn’t choose and in the end I forgot to vote. But I’m looking forward to Translation State.

message 22: by MH (new)

MH | 233 comments Now to wait for it to show up in my local library...

message 23: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
MH wrote: "Now to wait for it to show up in my local library..."

I hope it will arrive till August when the monthly read is planned

message 24: by MH (new)

MH | 233 comments Well, I'm still waiting for Witch King and The Terraformers, so here's hoping...

message 25: by Kateblue (new)

Kateblue | 941 comments Mod
Well, I am reading the Terraformers but Witch King will have to wait a while still

message 26: by Kalin (new)

Kalin | 429 comments Mod
I picked up a copy of Translation State so I'm good to go for August, as long as I have time.

Also got Red Team Blues, so if that gets nominated again I'd be happy to read it.

message 27: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
I may buddy-read Red Team Blues later this year even if it wins nothing

message 28: by Kateblue (new)

Kateblue | 941 comments Mod
Count me in on Red Team Blues. Cory Doctorow I like, even when he is depressing. Good writer

message 29: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Burridge | 157 comments I just got Translation State from the library, very timely.

message 30: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Burridge | 157 comments (Also got What Moves the Dead).

message 31: by Oleksandr (new)

Oleksandr Zholud | 2598 comments Mod
Stephen wrote: "I just got Translation State from the library, very timely."


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