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message 1: by Snigdha (new)

Snigdha Jha (snigdhajha24) | 1 comments I recently published my first novel on Amazon. Would love for you to review it.

Rahi is a captivating tale about self-discovery and love. Embark on a gripping adventure as Aaliyah's impulsive trip to Brazil takes a dark turn when she and her five friends enter the forbidden forest. Regret fills her heart as strange events unfold around them, but fate has something extraordinary in store for her.

Amidst the darkness, Aaliyah encounters a mystical creature, her guardian and guide through the mystical depths of the jungle. As she navigates dangers and confronts her deepest fears, a profound connection blossoms between them.

In this captivating tale of self-discovery and love, Aaliyah must make a life-altering choice that will shape her destiny. Will she embrace the unknown or return to the life she knew?"

message 2: by Badreddine (new)

Badreddine Sijilmassi | 2 comments Hi,
This is badreddine, I would love to read your book and give you my personal idea as a book lover.
Could you please tell me how can I get a PDF copy?
Thanks in advance

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