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Tower Teams X > Tower Team July Mini - Wheel of Time-Travelling Tasks

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Jun 27, 2023 12:37PM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32673 comments Mod
Wheel of Time-Traveling Tasks

Let's wind back to past tasks set in other editions of Tower Teams!
One of the fun elements in TT9 was the Monster Wheel, so we are using that to spin up tasks used or inspired by other Tower Team challenges.

Captains will spin the wheel for other teams, revealing the past Tower Tasks to be completed.
Each spin will generate four tasks which must be completed and reported in the official sheet before a new set can be requested. You will start with three sets, and can have a maximum of three active sets at any time.
Once a set has been completed twice, captains can request a respin if they receive that set a third time.
There's no limit to the number of times you chose to do these tasks.
Each task is worth 10 points, with 5 bonus points for each complete set of four tasks.

Books used for the tasks must be finished after the start of this mini challenge (9UTC 1 July), and can be free choice only, not used for page count towers.

We have looked at team performance, and split into three groups.

Group 1: Cannot bank books, must use one book for each task (i.e. four books required, all to be finished after the tasks are spun)
Teams in group 1 are: Ashara, Jeih, Ti

Group 2: Can bank books for use, must use one book for each task (i.e. four books required, but some can be finished before the tasks are spun)
Teams in group 2 are:
Deka, Deset, Neeznáá, Qulit Sip

Group 3: Can bank books for use, can use one book to cover multiple tasks (i.e. in some cases can use one book to cover four tasks). Note that there are some restrictions - in some case you must use two books to complete the task. You can only use a book multiple times within one set of tasks, and NOT across different task sets
Teams in group 3 are:
Damara Damara, Dez, Kumi, Zéng

Tasks under spoiler
(view spoiler)

Monster Tasks under spoiler
(view spoiler)

Task info can also be seen in this sheet:

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