Teen Girls Book Club discussion

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Challenges > July Reading Challenge (2023)

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message 1: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod

Here is the information topic for the July 2023 reading challenge.

There are general prompts as well as July's themed prompts. Disability Pride Month is celebrated every July and is an opportunity to honor the history, achievements, experiences, and struggles of the disability community.

Refer to this topic for a general description of the challenges that will be taking place this year.

Once July's challenge begins, please use this topic to let us know which prompts you have completed and we will award you points in a separate leaderboard topic where we will keep track of the July points as well as points toward the entire year.

The following list contains all prompts valid for the challenge during this month.

General Reading Prompts (10 points each)

-Was written in or before 1999
-Title contains the name of a character
-Was written by more than one author
-Has won some type of national book award or honor
-Is nonfiction
-Title contains a number
-Title contains 5 or more words
-Book is more than 300 pages in length
-Author has written more than 5 other books
-Is written in verse
-Is written based on a true story or event
-Is part of a series containing more than 5 books
-Cover displays a human
-Cover displays an animal
-Cover displays a vehicle
-Has a movie based on it
-Has a play based on it
-Author is deceased
-Author graduated from an Ivy League University
-Author has one or more pets
-Was self-published by the author

July Disability Pride Month Themed Prompts (20 points each)

-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag (blue, yellow, green, white, red)
-Author was born in July
-Author has a disability
-Book is about disabilities
-One or more characters have a disability
-Book was written and/or published in July
-Title contains the letters D, I, S, A, B, L, T, and/or Y

**Note: Any buddy reads used towards this challenge get an automatic extra 20 points!**

Remember, this challenge starts July 1st, 2023. All prompts satisfied by a book read during this time are counted toward your point score and all prompts can be completed multiple times.

The member with the most points at the end of July will win a free e-book of their choice and all points rewarded during this month will continue to count towards the leaderboard all year.

Good luck everyone!

message 2: by ~Cassie~ (new)

~Cassie~ | 1 comments The creeping shadow:

- is more than 300 pages (10)
- author has written five other books (10)
- cover has blue (20)
- title has an S in it (20)

Total: 60

The empty grave:

- is more than 300 pages (10)
- author has written five other books (10)
- has blue/green on cover(20)
- title has a T in it(20)

Total: 60

Total all together: 120

message 3: by Destiny (new)

Destiny Hull | 26 comments Destiny

Sharp objects

-Author has one pet (10)
-Has the letter S in title (20)

Total: 30

A court of thorns and roses

-Title contains 5 words (10)
- is more than 300 pages (10)
- displays an animal on cover (10)
- cover has red (20)
- Title has the letter S in it (20)

Total 70

A court of mist and fury

Title contains 5 words (10)
- is more than 300 pages (10)
- displays an animal on cover (10)
- cover has green (20)
- Title has the letter I in it (20)

Total 70

All together 170

message 4: by Destiny (new)

Destiny Hull | 26 comments A court of wing and ruin

- Title contains five words (10)
- Author has one pet (10)
- More than 300 pages (10)
- Human on cover/ the of cover (10)
- Letter T in title (20)

Total 60

message 5: by ♡ claire ♡ (new)

♡ claire ♡ (therustonyourdoor) | 2 comments Walking in Two Worlds

- Title contains a number (10)
- Cover features a human (10)

- Title contains letters D, I, S, L, T, and A (20)
- Cover contains blue, white, green, and red (20)

message 6: by ✨Genessa✨ (new)

✨Genessa✨ (genessa) | 275 comments Skandar and the Phantom Rider by A.F. Steadman

- Title contains the name of a character (10).
-Title contains 5 or more words (10).
- Book is more than 300 pages in length (10).
- Cover displays a human (10).
- Cover displays an animal (10).
-Cover has blue and white (20).
- Title contains the letters D, I, S, A, and T (20).

Total: 90

message 7: by ♡ claire ♡ (new)

♡ claire ♡ (therustonyourdoor) | 2 comments Solitaire

(my cover is the new cover, not the old one)

- Cover contains a human (10)
- Author has written more than 5 books (10)

- Cover contains colors of the disability flag (20)
- Title contains the letters I,S,A, and T (20)
- Book was (originally) published in July (20)

Month total—140

message 8: by Destiny (new)

Destiny Hull | 26 comments A court of frost and starlight

- Title contains 5 words (10)
- Author has one pet (10)
- Cover is blue (20)
- Title has the letter L in it (20)
Total 60
Monthly total 290

message 9: by claurre (new)

claurre (itsyoreaderclar3ssa) | 1 comments Until Friday Night
- is part of a series containing more than 5 books (10)
- the author has written more than 5 other books (10)
- cover displays a human (10)
- cover displays a vehicle (10)
- book is more than 300 pages in length (10)
- cover has color blue (20)
- book is about disabilities (20)
- title has t, i, l and a (20)

The Beter Half
- written by more than one author (10)
- book is more than 300 pages in length (10)
- cover has blue and green (20)
- published in july (20)
- title has letter i and a (20)


message 10: by Destiny (new)

Destiny Hull | 26 comments Then she was gone

- More than 300 pages (10)
- Author has one pet (10)
- Book cover has red on it (20)
- Title contains the letter S (20)
- Published on July 27 (20)
- Author birthday in July (20)
Total 100
Monthly total 390

message 11: by Ellie (new)

Ellie | 284 comments A sky painted gold

-Title contains 5or more words-10 pts

-Book is more than 300 pages in length-10 pts

-Author has written more than 5 other books-10 pts

-Cover displays a human-10 pts

-Author has one or more pets-10 pts

-Cover has one or more colours of the disability flag (blue)-20 pts

-Title contains the letters (I,S,A,L,T,Y)-20 pts

Total pts = 90

message 12: by Destiny (new)

Destiny Hull | 26 comments The summer I turned pretty (original cover)

- Title has 5 words (10)
- Author has written over 5 books (10)
- Cover has a human on it (10)
- The title has the letter S in it (20)
Total 50
Monthly total 440

message 13: by Destiny (new)

Destiny Hull | 26 comments It’s not summer without you (original cover)

- Title contains 5 words (10)
- Author has written over 5 book (10)
- Cover displays a human (10)
- Title has letter T in it (20)
- Cover has green on it (20)
Total 70
Monthly total 510

message 14: by Destiny (new)

Destiny Hull | 26 comments We’ll always have summer (original cover)

- Author has written 5 books (10)
- Cover displays a human (10)
- cover has green (20)
- Title contains the letter Y (20)
Total 60
Monthly total 570

message 15: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Sørensen | 3 comments Icebreaker

-Book is more than 300 Pages in length (10)
-Cover displays a Human (10)
-Author has one or more pets (10)
-Cover had one or more colors of the disability flag (20)
-One or more characters has a disability (20)
-Titel contains the letters ,I,S,A,B, (20)

Total = 90

message 16: by ~Cassie~ (new)

~Cassie~ | 1 comments The counselors:

- is more than 300 pages (10)
- author has one or more pets (10)
- author has written five other books (10)
- cover has red on it (20)
- a character has a disability (20)
- title has an L in it (20)

Total: 90
Total all together: 210

message 17: by ~Cassie~ (new)

~Cassie~ | 1 comments Alex approximately:

- is more than 300 pages(10)
- author has written five other books (10)
- author has one or more pets(10)
- title has a name of a character (10)
- cover displays a human(10)
- cover has yellow(20)
- one or more characters has a disability(20)
- title has an L in it(20)

Total all together: 330

message 18: by Gargi (new)

Gargi Pujari | 4 comments A good girl's guide to murder
-has won a type of national award or honour (10)
-Title contains five or more words(10)
-Book is more than 300 pages (10)
-cover has red and white (20)
-the title has I, S, A, and D in it (20)

message 19: by Ula (new)

Ula | 344 comments Black Beauty By Anna Sewell

Was written in or before 1999 - 1877 - 10 Points
Title contains the name of a character - 10 Points
Cover displays an animal - 10 Points
Cover displays a vehicle - 10 Points
Author is deceased - 10 Points
The cover has one or more colors of the disability flag - Blue and Red - 20 Points
Title contains the letters - A B L T Y - 20 Points

Total - 90 Points

Ice Breaker By Hannah Grace

Book is more than 300 pages in length - 10 Points
Cover displays a human - 10 Points
Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag - Blue and Yellow - 20 Points
One or more characters have a disability - Robbie - 20 Points
Title contains the letters I A B - 20 Points

Total - 80 Points

The Song Of Achilles By Madeline Miller

Title contains the name of a character - 10 Points
Has won some type of national book award or honor - Orange Prize for Fiction - 10 Points
The book is more than 300 pages in length - 10 Points
The author has written 5 or more books - 10 Points
Author graduated from an Ivy League University - 10 Points
The cover has one or more colors of the disability flag - Blue and Yellow - 20 Points
Author was born in July - 20 Points
Title contains the letters - I S A L T - 20 Points

Total - 110 Points

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo By Taylor Jenkins Reid

Title contains the name of a character - 10 Points
Has won some type of national book award or honor - New York Times Best Seller - 10 Points
Title contains a number - "Seven" - 10 Points
Title contains 5 or more words - 10 Points
The book is more than 300 pages in length - 10 Points
The author has written more than 5 other books - 10 Points
Cover displays a human - 10 Points
The cover has one or more colors of the disability flag - Yellow Green White and Red - 20 Points
Title contains the letters - S A B L T Y - 20 Points

Total - 110 Points

The Last Thing He Told Me By Laura Dave

Has won some type of national book award or honor - Reese's Book Club - 10 Points
Title contains 5 or more words - 10 Points
The book is more than 300 pages in length - 10 Points
The author has written more than 5 other books - 10 Points
Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag Blue Yellow Green and White - 20 Points
Author was born in July - 20 Points
Title contains the letters - I S A L T - 20 Points

Total - 100 Points

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue By V. E. Schwab

Title contains the name of a character - 10 Points
Title contains 5 or more words - 10 Points
The book is more than 300 pages in length - 10 Points
The author has written more than 5 other books - 10 Points
Cover displays a human - 10 Points
Author was born in July - 20 Points
Title contains the letters - D I S A B L - 20 points

Total - 90 Points

Monthly Total -✨580 Points✨

message 20: by ~Cassie~ (new)

~Cassie~ | 1 comments Red white and royal blue:

- is over 300 pages(10)
- author has written five other books (10)
- cover has a human(10)
- Title contains five words(10)
- has a movie based off of it(10)
- author has one or more pets(10)
- cover has blue(20)
- title has a B (20)

Total: 100
Total all together: 430

message 21: by ✨Genessa✨ (new)

✨Genessa✨ (genessa) | 275 comments City Spies: City of the Dead by James Ponti
- Title contains 5 or more words (10).
- Book is more than 300 pages in length (10).
- Author has written more than 5 other books (10).
- Cover displays a human (10).
- Cover has yellow, green, and white (20).
- Title contains the letters D, I, S, A, T, and Y (20).

Total: 80
Grand total: 170

message 22: by Emaan (last edited Aug 01, 2023 02:32AM) (new)

Emaan One for sorrow by Helen Fields
-Title contains a number(10)
-Book is more than 300 pages in length(10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books(10)
-Is part of a series containing more than 5 books(10)
-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag (blue, yellow, white,)(20)
-Title contains the letter S, (20)

total: 80

Perfect Kill by Helen Fields
-Book is more than 300 pages in length(10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books(10)
-Is part of a series containing more than 5 books(10)
-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag ( white,)(20)
-Title contains letter I,L,T(20)

total: 70

Perfect Crime by Helen Fields
-Book is more than 300 pages in length(10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books(10)
-Is part of a series containing more than 5 books(10)
-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag (blue, white, red)(20)
-Title contains letters I,T(20)

Total: 70

The summer i turned pretty by Jenny Han
-Has a movie based on it(10)
-Has won some type of national book award or honor(10)
- Title has 5 words (10)
- Author has written over 5 books (10)
- The title has the letter S, I, T, Y in it (20)

Total: 60

Better than the movies by Lynn Painter
-Book is more than 300 pages in length(10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books(10)
-Cover displays a human(10)
Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag (blue, yellow, white)(20)
-Title contains the letters I, S, A, B, T, (20)

Total: 70

Better than prom by Lynn Painter
-Author has written more than 5 other books(10)
-Cover displays a human(10)
-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag (blue, yellow, )(20)
-Title contains the letters A, B, T,(20)

Total: 60

Grand total: 410

message 23: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Sørensen | 3 comments Happy place

-Book is more than 300 Pages in length (10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books(10)
-Cover displays a Human (10)
-Author has one or more pets(10)
-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag (20)
-Title contains the letters A,Y,L (20)

Total: 80

Saddel up

-Author has written more than 5 other books (10)
-Cover displays a Human (10)
-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag(the drawed cover) (20)
-Title contains the letters S,D,L,A (20)

Total: 60

Total all togehter: (230)

message 24: by Destiny (new)

Destiny Hull | 26 comments Once upon a broken heart

-title contains 5 words (10)
-book is more than 300 pages (10)
-author has written 5 or more books (10)
-cover has white on it (20)
-the title contains the letter T (20)
Total 70
Overall total 640

message 25: by Elina (new)

Elina | 62 comments It Ends with us (Nur noch ein einziges mal) 🫶🏼

-Has won some type of national book award or honor (10)
-Title contains 5 or more words (10)
-Book is more than 300 pages in length (10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books (10)
-Is written based on a true story or event(10)
-Title contains the letters D, I, S, A, B, L, T, and/ or Y (20)
Total: 70

It Starts with us (Nur noch einmal und für immer)🫶🏼

-Title contains 5 or more words(10)
-Book is more than 300 pages in length(10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books(10)
-Is written based on a true story or event(10)
-Title contains the letters D, I, S, A, B, L, T, and/or Y (20)

message 26: by Elina (new)

Elina | 62 comments Confess:
-Has won some type of national book award or honor (10)
-Book is more than 300 pages in length (10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books (10)
-Cover displays a human (10)
-Title contains the letters D, I, S, A, B, L, T, and/or Y (20)
Total: 60

Ugly Love: (Zurück ins Leben geliebt)
-Book is more than 300 pages in length (10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books (10)
-Title contains the letters D, I, S, A, B, L, T, and/or Y (20)
-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag (blue, yellow, green, white, red) (20)

Die Holunderschwestern:
-Book is more than 300 pages in length (10)
-Author has written more than 5 other books (10)
-Is written based on a true story or event (10)
- Cover displays a human (10)
-Cover has one or more colors of the disability flag (blue, yellow, green, white, red)(20):
Total: 60
TOTAL ALL: 180 🫶🏼

message 27: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
last day!

message 28: by ✨Genessa✨ (new)

✨Genessa✨ (genessa) | 275 comments Pembrick's Creaturepedia (Wingfeather Saga) by Andrew Peterson
- Title contains the name of a character (10).
- Title contains 5 or more words (10).
- Author has written more than 5 other books (10).
- Is part of a series containing more than 5 books (10).
- Cover has green and yellow (20).
- One character has a disability (20).
- Title contains D, I, S, A, B, and T (20).
Total: 100

Star Wars: The High Republic - Trail of Shadows #1
- Author has written more than 5 other books (10).
- Is part of a series containing more than 5 other books (10).
- Title contains 5 or more words (10).
- Cover displays a human (10).
- Cover has yellow, green, blue, and white (20).
- Title contains D, I, S, A, B, L, and T (20).
Total: 80

Star Wars: The High Republic - Trail of Shadows #2
- Author has written more than 5 other books (10).
- Is part of a series containing more than 5 other books (10).
- Title contains 5 or more words (10).
- Cover displays a human (10).
- Cover has yellow, blue, and white (20).
- Title contains D, I, S, A, B, L, and T (20).
Total: 80

Star Wars: The High Republic - Trail of Shadows #3
- Author has written more than 5 other books (10).
- Is part of a series containing more than 5 other books (10).
- Title contains 5 or more words (10).
- Cover displays a human (10).
- Cover has yellow, blue, and white (20).
- Title contains D, I, S, A, B, L, and T (20).
Total: 80

Star Wars: The High Republic - Trail of Shadows #4
- Author has written more than 5 other books (10).
- Is part of a series containing more than 5 other books (10).
- Title contains 5 or more words (10).
- Cover displays a human (10).
- Cover has yellow, blue, and white (20).
- Title contains D, I, S, A, B, L, and T (20).
Total: 80

Total of the month: ✨590✨

message 29: by ✨Genessa✨ (new)

✨Genessa✨ (genessa) | 275 comments Star Wars: The High Republic - Trail of Shadows #5
- Author has written more than 5 other books (10).
- Is part of a series containing more than 5 other books (10).
- Title contains 5 or more words (10).
- Cover displays a human (10).
- Cover has yellow and white (20).
- Title contains D, I, S, A, B, L, and T (20).
Total: 80

Total for the month: 500

(I did my math wrong in my last comment lol 500pts is the correct number)

message 30: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod

thank you to everyone who participated. august challenge coming soon!

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