Camp Half-Blood | Active Roleplay discussion

⚝ Inner Camp > Pegasus Stables

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Ry walked into the pegasus stables, needing human comfort, one that wasn't her brother, but would settle for an animal. She smiled, hearing a knicker and seeing a flutter of wings. She longed to ride one, but knew the camp rules around it. She stood on the side of the stall, stroking her. This pegasus' name was Winter. Quite fitting for her looks, Ry thought, but not at all for her personality.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Ry managed a small smile, still reeling over everything that had happened. The girl in front of her looked so happy, so assured, so self-aware of everything she did. It was nice to see her here, but she also knew that if a panic attack happened to set in, there was nothing she would be able to do about it in front of this person whom she'd just met.

"Hey," Ryanna managed to call back out. "How are you?" she asked, wanting to make polite conversation. Winter whinnied, louder this time, forcing up a bit. "Oh, I know, you want to go to fly. C'mon baby," she said to Winter leading her out of her stall, closing the gap between her and the girl. Ry was extremely self-conscious right now, not wanting to mess anything up.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

"Eh, I'm okay. It was a crazy day. I saved this guy - he fell and hit his head after throwing fire - I think he's a son of Hephaestus. But anyways, he had arrows in his back, so I'm just emotionally exhausted." She sent a smile at Kindle, giggling at the horses. "I know, they love it a lot, I bet."

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Atlas raced after June, making it to the pegasus stables just before her. "Ha!" he exclaimed, full of adrenaline.

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Atlas grinned, turning to face her. "Close doesn't count," he recited.

((Are we doing a relationship with them? lol I'm forgetful, I just need to know if he should flirt with her or not 😂))

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

"We'll have to see about that," he said, smirking at her.

((Alrighty :)))

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

"Look, right there is Gale, she's the Palmino mare." He said, pointing. "I love her. Do you want to lead her out to the field so she can fly?" he asked.

((i'm only like that w one person lolllll))

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

"I can lead her, if you want. Or we can not, either way," he said, smiling at her.

((Pft. I'm not horrible while roleplaying. Me and her are just really close and feel comfy messing w each other))

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

He shrugged, "Nah, I'll just stand here, next to you and we can watch them."


message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

He grinned. "They're all so perfect." He moved a bit closer to her, reaching over to pet Pebble. "Oh- sorry," he said, although it was clear it could've been intentional.

((mhmmmm XDD))

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)


He moved back to his space, feeling weirdddd. He watches as Stormy flew off, presumably to someone that needed her.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Atlas smiled. "That's awesome. I can make them fall in love with mmeee, but that's lame," he frowned.

message 13: by [deleted user] (new)

"I suppose," he stated, unimpressed.

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

"Well, what. I can manipulate people's emotions. I don't want to. I'm not like Caspian. It makes me a bit upset that that's all I can do." He flinched as a pink flare flew through the sky, Aphrodite pissed off.

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

"Yeah, I know. It just seem very useful right now, at this moment," he said, not trying to be antagonistic.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)


message 17: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
They arrived to the stables. “Such beautiful animals.”

message 18: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“This one over here,” Beau led her to a white one with dark brown splotches, “Is my lovely pegasi.”

message 19: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Basil.” Beau smiled, stroking his coat.

message 20: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
( thats alrighht, me too)

message 21: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"thank you. Usually, he doesn't' bite. If you give him some gorgonzola cheese, he'll love you." Beau stated, handing her a small cube of it.

message 22: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Basil happily ate it while Beau grinned. "Awh, he loves you!"

message 23: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Psssh, totally not. Maybe so." Beau chuckled a bit.

message 24: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"You should try to pet him." Beau suggested. Basil wasn't the type to bite a finger. "Is that okay with you, Basil?" He raised an eyebrow at the pegasi.

message 25: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Soft right?" Basil neighed, but complied.

message 26: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"I'd suggest to ride him, but he gets skittish at that." Basil nickered while Beau spoke.

message 27: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Beau smiled with her. "Have you found a favorite thing at camp?"

message 28: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Well, list them off. I like hearing you talk." Beau grinned happily.

message 29: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Those are all interesting things! Do you have a favorite music genre?"

message 30: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
( its alr :D )

"Pop is fantastic!" Beau sat on one of the benches in the stables. "And art. Painting?" He assumed.

message 31: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"You should show me your paintings, sometime. I bet they're wonderful." Beau insisted.

message 32: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
( we love that !!! )

message 33: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Come on, I bet they're beautifuL!" Beau said, laughing with her.

message 34: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Alright, alright." Beau accepted defeat. "I'm gonna let Basil out, he's probably gotta stretch his wings." Beau said, getting up and unlocking the paddock. Basil stomped out, fluttered his wings.

message 35: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Beau looked over. "Everything alright?"

message 36: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Oh, I’m sorry!-“ Beau quickly said. “Basil won’t harm you, but if he isn’t feeling stubborn, I can lead him back-“

message 37: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod

message 38: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Is there a reason your scared of them?” Beau asked.

message 39: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod

message 40: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
( i cant see the last word in milas sentence , what is it? )?

message 41: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Iahh nevermidn )

message 42: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Monsters tend to be like that. Have you encountered them a lot?"

message 43: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Beau nodded, like he understood. "Totally get that! Monsters love lonely children."

message 44: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Well, okay. You were with your satyr, but still! That's why quests are always groups of three." Beau chided. He wished he had a satyr to take him to camp in the very beginning.

message 45: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Well, one of the reasons." Beau smiled. "Would you ever consider going on a quest?"

message 46: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Good point. You'd definitely want someone who could also fight, and someone whose smart..."

message 47: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Ah, that too! Or maybe someone with charmspeak," Beau hinted, wiggling his eyebrows jokingly.

message 48: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Perhaps I do." Beau said, laughing. "You have a really pretty laugh, by the way."

message 49: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"I do, yeah. But I hardly use it at camp." Beau said, honestly.

message 50: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"I wouldn't use it on you, of course! Maybe my snobby siblings, but.." Beau shrugged.

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