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⚝ Inner Camp > Courtyard

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✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn sat on a bench in the center of the courtyard, hunched over her sketchbook. Campers milled around, and Autumn was happy to just watch people come and go. It was a slow afternoon, and the most interesting thing that had happened was a Hermes kid nearly falling directly on his face.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria walked to the courtyard, needing a bit of human interaction. She had spent the majority of the morning on the shores of Zephyros' creek, needing to talk to her dad. She knew that he didn't respond much, but he told her that he listened in the sounds of the waves, of his voice in her head.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn stretched, yawning after sitting still for so long. She shut her journal and glanced around, perhaps staring a bit too long at Wisteria. Her stomach tightened a bit as she internally debated potentially introducing herself. But what if Wisteria already knew her name, then it would make it seem like Autumn didn't know Wisteria. Her foot tapped nervously.

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria noticed Autumn as she moved and she smiled, moving towards her. "Hey, I'm Wisteria. Daughter of Poseidon. What about you?" She wasn't sure if she necessarily recognized the girl sitting in front of her, but she knew that there was nothing wrong with introducing herself.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn blinked, not quite sure if she was hallucinating or not. "I'm Autumn." she said after a moment, words slightly choppy. "Uh. Daughter of Iris.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria grinned. "I love Iris. I think she got an awesome thing to be the patron of. I've used my drachmas to send messages through her before. It's really awesome. I like it better than Hermes' postal service anyways. Anyways. What do you like to do? Is that a journal?'

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn was taken aback at the speed with which the girl talked. "Umm. Yeah it's a journal sketchbook writing thingamabob." thingamabob?? who even says thingamabob??

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria gasped. "Wow, that's so cool. I can embroider, sew, and crochet, but I've never been awesome at drawing. Is it like a private sketchbook, or could I see one?' She knew it was a lot to ask of someone that she just met, but she loved getting to see other people's work.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn nodded quickly. "Totally, let me just-" make sure you don't see my cruddy love poems. "-find the best page." Almost frantically she flipped through the pages, trying to find something passable.

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria smiled, excited. She hadn't really expected her to show her anything. She swung her legs absentmindedly, taking in the chaos of most of the cabins around her. She loved being Poseidon's daughter, well, because of the awesome water powers, but also because his cabin was detached from the rest, right on the shoreside of Zephryos' creek and the lake.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn finally found a page she didn't hate, a look into the valley from the crest of half blood hill. It had taken her forever to match the perspective and add the tiny details, but in her opinion it was worth it.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Her face lit up, taking it in. "Wow," she breathed, amazed at the skill. "This is incredible!" she remarked, unable to help herself. She knew that she had stood at that very valley, watching the sun set more times than she could count. "I really love this. It's somewhere I frequent, so I know how everything looks, and you captured it beautifully."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn flushed. "Thank you. It took a lot of time, so I'm glad you like it."

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

"I totally get it. I spend a lot of time on my embroideries, so I can appreciate the work put in. Do you have something you normally draw, landscapes like that? Can you sketch people? I'm decent with simple designs, I suppose, but not with people. They look like- I don't even know - just mishappen."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "Sometimes during meals and whatnot I just doodle people passing by. It takes me a few times, but I can usually capture their likeness. And embroidery sounds super cool, I just feel like I'd poke myself way too much." Autumn said quickly.

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

"That's cool though. That you can see someone quickly and get enough of them on your paper for them to be recognizable." Wisteria smiled dazzlingly at Autumn, "Thank you so much! That really means a lot."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn flushed, her words failing her as her stomach twisted tighter into a knot.

message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Seeing Autumn's blush, Wisteria's face also got a delicate pink tinge around her cheekbones.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn glanced away, trying to think of another conversation topic. "How long have you been at camp?" she asked

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

"Seven years. What about you?" Wisteria asked, a small smile on her face.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "Only four years." Autumn shrugged. "It feels like longer though."

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

"I get that. I'm 16. It feels like it's been my whole life. It's a completely different everything from the normal world. Where do you usually spend time here?" Wisteria inquired, wondering what other people managed to do. Wisteria ran a lot, was by the water often to talk to her dad and practice.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "I'm pretty boring, I usually just wander around. Sometimes I do training but usually I'm just drawing or something." Autumn said.

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

"That's nice," Wisteria said. "I like walking around a lot too. There's just so much to see. I go to the strawberry fields often and the arts and crafts tent. Sometimes the projects are dumb, but it's nice to use them as decoration in my cabin."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn nodded thoughtfully. "That's smart, making your own decorations."

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria smiled, glad that someone thought so. "Thanks. I love my dad's decor too, of course, I just like seeing the other parts of me too. I'm not all sea, if you know what I mean."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn nodded. "That makes sense. What do your siblings think about that?"

message 28: by [deleted user] (new)

"Right now, it's only me and Auggie. He's not around much." Wisteria said softly. Sometimes it was a bit lonely, if she was being honest with herself.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn nodded thoughtfully. "at least you get the space to decorate?" she offered weakly.

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria smiled, "Yeah, sure. Are there any other people in Iris' cabin right now?" She was curious. She hadn't seen many children of Iris at camp and wondered if maybe she was just missing them.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "It's just me right now." Autumn said. "Though I can't complain about the peace and quiet."

message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

"I get that. I prefer to be around people sometimes, but it's also nice to go back and only have one other person that sometimes wants to talk for sure." Wisteria remarked. She used to be more of an extrovert, but it got harder after her mother died.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Aututmn nodded. "See sometimes I wish I had siblings, then I see the fights people get into and I relize I'm good without them.''

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

"Sibling fights are the ugliest types because you're supposed to love them through everything. I guess I do. Just interesting. Do you have any close friends that I might know?" Wisteria inquired, curious.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn glanced away and shook her head. “Not really, no.”

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria nodded, "I get that. Me neither. I like spending most of my time alone too." She hadn't meant to make Autumn uncomfortable as it appeared she had.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn nodded, clearing her throat. “What cabin do you think has the coolest design?” She asked, examining the various cabins.

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

"I like Athena, Demeter, and Hebe's. What about you?" she inquired, looking at the walls of Hebe's cabin, watching as the paint changed colors as people tapped it.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ “I’m partial to the Hecate cabin. But all of them are really fun to draw, I like how different they are.”

message 40: by [deleted user] (new)

"Yes, I love how they all have their own touches. I really like Hebe, the inside is awesome. She has all these dividers for privacy and they're bigger than most of the other cabins," Wisteria remarked.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ “That’s cool. I can’t imagine living with more than one sibling, I’ve always been a sleep alone with no one around me type of person.” Autumn noted

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

"Yeah. I think I got lucky, with my cabin near the water. It's a little bit more detached than the rest of the cabins and the water is so soothing." Wisteria said.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ “See I love looking at and listening to water, but for some reason going in it terrifies me.” Autumn looked down, slightly embarrassed she’d blurted that out. Who tells the daughter of Poseidon they’re afraid of water?

message 44: by [deleted user] (new)

"I used to be afraid of water, believe it or not. It's different when you can control it, I guess. That's what changed it all for me. And when I go in, some sea animals come up and go around me, so that's soothing too. It's like my dad is talking to me in whatever way he can, so that helped me get used to it," Wisteria said, smiling.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn nodded. “I suppose that makes sense.”

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

Wisteria nodded. "Do you want to do something? I get kind of restless after sitting for awhile. We could go to the shores of the lake and just sit or I don't know, whatever," she said softly, not sure what to do.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn nodded, perhaps too enthusiastically. “Totally!”

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

"Where do you want to go? Is the lake good. We don't have to get in, of course," Wisteria said, grinning.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Autumn nodded. “Sure, that works!” She tried to ignore the large population of butterflies that seemed to have taken residence in her stomach

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ (Should we move to lakeshore?)

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