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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Marie walked down to the campfire, glad to see that it was considerably empty considering how many people tended to come here right before sunset. She sat down with a book in her hands, not moving to open it. She looked at the ever-burning fire, watching as it turned purple, matching her content mood, at a regular height. She took a deep breath of the fire-smelling air, smiling.

message 2: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) Seraphina (or Phina) was sitting at the edge of the campfire. She had just gotten to camp and was terrified. She had no idea what was going on

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Mar raised her eyebrows at the girl, unsure of what to do. The fire flared bright yellow and flew up to about 8 feet. Those most be the girl's emotions, she thought, looking at her again. She moved closer to her saying, "Hey, I'm Marie, but please, call me Mar. What's your name?" she asked, curious.

message 4: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) Phina looked confused to be talked to but answered. “Seraphina

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

Mar nodded, "Did you just get here? You look confused. Do you know who your parent is?" Mar was wondering why she had chosen to come to the campfire if she was new, rather than going to the Big House to talk to Psyche.

message 6: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) “Yeah

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

"Do you want to go to the Big House and talk to Psyche?"

message 8: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) “Psyche?”

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

"She's the exiled goddess that's running this place for the next 195 years. She's kind of the boss and can give you an orientation if you'd like."

message 10: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) “Um…okay.”Gods?

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

"Do you know why you're here?" Mar asked softly, unsure how much the girl knew.

message 12: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) “Not really, my father died when I was like 7. He never really talked about my mom

message 13: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) (Sav?)

message 14: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) Ur turn sav

message 15: by [deleted user] (new)


Mar looked at her, knowing that the parents dying was how it usually went. But it was unusual for her to not make it to camp for so long.

message 16: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) She blushed slightly, feeling her stare

message 17: by [deleted user] (last edited Jul 21, 2023 01:21PM) (new)

Mar raised her eyebrows, unsure how to proceed. "So... Psyche? Do you want to go talk to her and get the orientation?"

message 18: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) "Orientation, okay yeah I can do that..." She was really skittish

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

((damn i seem super unreliable, but in reality i'm just scatter-brained))

Mar smiled, "Let's go to the Big House then. That's where Psyche spends most of her time. I can walk you there, if you want."

message 20: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) Phina nodded.

message 21: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

[ cont. from -lakeshore- ]

Remus looked around, spotting a few other campers but there weren't very many in total. They held James' hand proudly, kissing his knuckles as they walked. They'd already missed the warm feeling of James' stomach and their fingers in the curls of his happy-trail. Remus smiled at their boyfriend, "We should find a spot," they murmured, moving close enough to James' ear that he could hear them.

The crunch of the dirt beneath Remus' shoe helped them focus on anything but the growing want in their gut. "Could have a little evening date, y'know? First date on the first day we make it official."

message 22: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

Remus rolled their eyes, allowing James to pull them into his lap, despite their usual dislike of sitting on others. "I'm glad this happened," they hummed, kissing James' hair, love in their eyes.

From the crowd, a shout can be heard. "Reg!" yelled one of the voices, Remus doesn't remember, but they turn back to their boyfriend in seconds. They kiss his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, his forehead, any little marks they can find.

"I'm really glad."

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] [[I LOVEE THISSS AIUDBIQHJEBFWFQJWJW-]]

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] April walked towards the campfire with one of her siblings, just as she'd reached near August, she said bye to her and walked to him. Nothing much was different about her clothing. It was another white tee, and her blue jeans. The only difference was that she tied her hair in a half up half down hairstyle, with a bow tied on the back. She'd sneaked closer to him and leaned upwards, moving close to his ear. "Hi there." She said softly, her Lavender scent must've hit him by now. She then faced him with a big smile, her eyes crinkled.

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]

April pouted, trying to hide a smile, as August 'searched for her'. "Hey!" She said, when he turned and looked at her. She couldn't say anything at all, nothing was coming out. He's perfect, absolutely perfect.

She looked down at her hands which were now back in his, when he suddenly moved closer and she forgot how to breathe. What should she do? What should she say? She looked into his eyes and her mind went blank. Nothing was on her mind, except for his gorgeous green eyes.

message 26: by james ✰ [TPWK] (last edited Aug 04, 2023 03:15PM) (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

[ "as I LOVE calls it" RORYYYY ]

Remus hummed softly, looking out into the night and the trees, the grass and how it swayed slightly in the tame breeze. They truly couldn't believe this was their life, here as a child of Athena, despite what they'd been taught to believe. They looked down at James, such affection filling their own gaze, they couldn't quite understand how they got this, something so pure as love.

They simply enjoyed the existence, watching and smiling as they noticed other couples gathering around. Remus' calm expression shifted, though, as their eyes lock with those of a certain individual. Dark interest focused on the two of them: James and Remus.

Regulus, want and a certain kind of need trapped in that silver storm of mottled emotions. Remus understood that exigency, though it wasn't the same as his, because they felt it for someone else. Remus often felt guilt because of it, their utmost desperation for someone who would never want them the way they wanted her. But Regulus, Remus could see it in the way he stared, it was the same. Because James would never want him - or so they both thought - and Regulus would never be able to do anything about it.

"I want to know," Remus began, tone curious, "what exactly is your type in a partner? I never expected to fall into any of those categories for you," they chuckled, turning back to look at their boyfriend.

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
[so that's why this blockquote thing is used :D it is a moment of great epiphany for me :DDDD i was trying out some stuff lol]

April sat down next to him, shoulders brushing and knees nearly touching. She looked at their intertwined hands, noticing how one fit perfectly into the mold of the other, looking at all of this with a smile of immense happiness.

She then turned her focus to him, thinking for a minute, "Well, I love the scent lavander I really like sword fighting, I love my job as an Actress, I love Camp Half Blood, I love keeping everything organised, I may have a minor OCD." She chuckled, embarrassed.

She then looked at his eyes, "I also love that I'm here, sitting with you and talking to you." She smiled, her teeth showing lightly, gently squeezing their hands. "What about you? What do you like?"

message 28: by james ✰ [TPWK] (last edited Aug 05, 2023 12:20AM) (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

[ if you have complaints with the product, please contact the distributor :) ]

Remus watched as James focused on anything but them. They found it amusing, the way he so clearly couldn't deal with the closeness. The way he calmed himself, it was honestly endearing to them. They shifted where they sat, moving down James' lap only slightly, putting a small amount of distance between the two of them.

"You don't know?" they hummed, intrigued with James' answer. Most people did know a vague answer to who or what their type was. Feminine, masculine, neither, both. They found it quite interesting that James simply... liked. "That's sweet, to be honest. But I've none of those," they partially joked.

Remus noticed James' expression change slightly, they followed his gaze and noticed Regulus, again. Breathing softly, Remus studied the boy, the way his eyes every so often shifted to James. Not Remus and James, no, just James.

They watched longer, knowing James had stopped and was now staring at them, but Remus couldn't help their curiosity. A boy, looking about to be their age, approached Regulus. Remus knew this boy. They quite simply hated him, as well as had hooked up with him at one point, but that was besides the point.

Remus turned back to James. "You gonna make due on your promise?" they murmured, tone playful as they brought up James' threat to beat Regulus in a fight.

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
[[Yeah, we're coming in close now. I don't wanna to see it end TT but it had to for the sake of an amazing plot XD]]

April just stared at him, unable to stop admiring his features, utterly fascinated by them. She was in a daze, infatuated by his voice, his charisma, his everything. She was so deep into this feeling she didn't know how she could ever come back to the surface.

She was in a big daze, her eyes held everything she felt in them. But because of this daze, she missed a bit of what he said. April actually started listening only when he turned away.

He mentioned water... that he liked water. It was totally fine that he liked water, the oceans and such- she just hoped she wouldn't have to go to these water bodies with him. They were vibing so well, April didn't want him to know about her past just yet, and decided to keep it for another day.

"Guess we both love nature and sports. We should do something soon," She said, implying that she really wanted to have another date some time soon. The girl flushed, a cute smile forming on her face. She had so much to say, and it just wouldn't finish if she went on saying them. So she did a simple gesture, she gently leaned her hear on his shoulder, her cheeks grazing the skin on his shoulder bones.

message 30: by Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] (last edited Aug 05, 2023 09:02AM) (new)

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
[[I actually feel like crying :(( I can't bear this- and its really long ;-;]](view spoiler)

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] [[ 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭]]

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] [[Just read this again and DAMN RORY WHY DID YOU MAKE HIM DO HAPPY- HAPPY ABOUT HIS FATHER TT]]

message 33: by james ✰ [TPWK] (last edited Aug 05, 2023 08:03PM) (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

[ Bremus xx ]

Remus shrugged, deciding against arguing with James about whether or not they had any of James' points checked off. They knew for a fact that James and them weren't close enough to know each others' personalities or any interests which they may have in common. They wouldn't point that out, though.

They watched James' expression turn to one of disappointment before it quickly switched to that of mischief. Remus didn't understand the shine in James' eyes, as the emotions in them weren't ones they had ever dealt with, at least they didn't think. "Really, didn't think you would've."

Remus rolled their eyes at James' show of strength. They'd never been one to swoon over someone being able to pick them up, and James wouldn't be the exception. "Of course I am up for mischief, Sunshine, who do you take me for?" they teased, winking and letting one hand settle against James' throat, the blunt of their nails gently tracing the edge of the bumps.

Remus could see some sort of desire in James' eyes, one they hadn't quite memorized, but something they knew only a certain amount of people could bring out in him. "What's your plan, then? Go walk over to them and let him start it?" They knew Regulus also craved that same thing, whatever it was in James' eyes, it was also in his; though it differed from time to time, they wanted something from one another. James, Remus thought, only wanted that adrenaline he got when he fought with Regulus.

Looking over at where they last saw Regulus, Remus saw that the other boy, Bruce Mulciber, had himself pressed up against Regulus' back. His arms wrapped around their waist, lips pressed against his neck, whispering, Remus would guess.

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] [[BUT STILL- idek how they're ever gonna come back together TT]]

message 35: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

Regulus had been watching James for nearly the entire evening, since they'd gotten there and up until he noticed that the boy was approaching. A soft calm had come over them as Bruce's hands pressed gentle notes into his stomach, the fingers having memorized the pattern from years of playing them onto a piano. Bruce muttered, something Regulus found excitement in, and they knew just then: anything James tried wouldn't upset him at all.

"I've not gotten cut whilst training in a long while," Bruce started, planting a gentle kiss onto the side of Regulus' throat column. "Would you help with that, Ster?" he murmured, eyes fluttering closed as Regulus' sharp nails pressed into his skin. Regulus hummed, dragging a singular finger down the dorsum of Bruce's hand, pressure burning as it is forced over pliant flesh.

"Perhaps," Regulus murmured, lifting their fingers away from Bruce as he saw James and Remus moving closer. A delighted expression took over his face, excitement obvious to those who knew how to read one Regulus Noir. "It depends if I get something else tonight," he purred, soothing their palms back over Bruce's arms.

Remus stood beside their boyfriend, taking glances every so often at the couple beside them. They didn't know if Regulus had the energy to antagonize James tonight, or if James had the appeal at the moment, but they did see Regulus' gaze flickering to him before he was looking out at the fire. "Must be nice, being a son of Apollo and all," Remus teased, once they'd made it to where they wanted to be.

message 36: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

Regulus froze at the comment, anger coming over him as James spoke. He didn't care, nor would they ever care, what Sirius approved of, but the implication that James was setting was certainly enough to bring up unwanted memories and feelings he'd thought he got rid of. "Sirius is a hypocrite," Regulus bit back, something akin to venom in his tone.

Bruce looked over at James and Remus, eyes gleaming with curiosity as he examined them. He remembered his time with Remus, how they'd been and it sparked a kindling of want in his gut. Not want for Remus, no, he'd had his time with them, but a want for understanding. What was going on, who were they to his friend whom very clearly did not like them.

Remus hesitated, not wanting to bring Sirius into a conversation with Regulus. They knew how hurt Sirius was over the whole thing, they couldn't imagine how effected Regulus had been when it happened, let alone at any mention of her now.

message 37: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

Remus' eyes widened as they fought the urge to smile from the ridiculous accusation. It wasn't as if James didn't know of Remus' own knowledge with that struggle.

Bruce laughed at that, earning him a sharp dig into the skin of his forearm. He winced, pulling back a bit to examine the small injury. "He's not wrong, Ster," the boy mumbled, smirking over at the two others. "You would know," he snickered, snatching his other arm to himself as Regulus turned to glare at him shortly.

"Oh, but what would you ever know about it?" Regulus hissed, eyes locked onto James at this point. "It isn't as if you've ever gotten the chance? Have you?" he hoped to jab at the fact James had never gotten laid, though realized just how suggestive it sounded towards... something else.

message 38: by james ✰ [TPWK] (last edited Aug 05, 2023 11:03PM) (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

[ uncooked noodles /ref ]

Bruce's eyes flicked downwards, the boy getting a sense that this wasn't just something of a random attack. He's not surprised to see a noticeable below-belt teller of just what this was truly meant to be. Though, he is shocked to find that upon gazing back at Regulus, the boy himself does not notice the same thing he does. Blinded by anger, and maybe lust, himself. Bruce realized.

"What do you want, Bright? Couldn't wait until tomorrow to start your bullshite? I have something planned," Regulus nearly scolded, one hand finding its way to Bruce's coiled hair, causing a gentle noise to bubble in his throat.

message 39: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

Remus' face dropped, their gaze flicking to James as they tried to remember if they heard that right. Resisting saying anything, they shuffled a little further from James, becoming increasingly uncomfortable with what was happening. It wasn't usual that Remus was uncomfortable with a show of non-monogamy, but the fact that they knew James to be the exact opposite as well as their relationship's new status, they couldn't help the feeling boiling like a rock in their gut.

Bruce hummed, eyeing the slowly receding tent James' pants. "I don't see why those plans couldn't be merged," he teased, implications of a dalliance quite obvious before he noticed Remus' discomfort. The flirtatious look on his face dropped into one of concern as he gazed at the one who'd been silent nearly the entire time.

"They've different goals, Bruce, and I've no want to include him in what we do," Regulus stated, slipping free of Bruce's grasp. "So another time it seems it shall be," they snapped, standing up straight as he looked at James.

message 40: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

Remus shook their head, "No, you stay. I'm... tired, I'll see you tomorrow," they muttered, waving goodbye to James before promptly leaving. Bruce stared after them, longing to console the person he'd once adored beyond belief. He looked at Regulus, pleading eyes and all as he wished to follow them.

Regulus smiled gently, nodding before Bruce was trotting off to catch Remus. Regulus watched for a moment, then he was looking at James. "Seems as if you've ruined both of our nights," they complained, though there seemed to be an inkling of an idea in his eyes as he circled closer to James like he were their prey. "Least you could do is make up for it, no?" he blinked, long eyelashes doe-like in their faux-innocence. He played the part well, stopping when he stood in front of James, merely a foot apart, looking up with eyes that spelled out danger in the sweetest way possible.

message 41: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

James' utter silence before he'd looked into Regulus' eyes had the latter boy hesitant to continue their advances. Then that intense gaze met their own and Regulus felt the staggering arousal he'd been holding off that entire evening rise to the surface. A discomfort grew between his legs in a damp feeling, the look in James' eyes spoke more than he'd ever need to.

Hand grasping something from his pocket, Regulus took a step closer. "Speak, James," they murmured, lifting the item and flicking out the blade. He lifted the hem of James' shirt and pressed the sharp point gently to the skin of his hip. "I deserve it, after you screwed up plans. It is the slightest thing, really, but I say you need to make up for it." Regulus didn't add any pressure, just letting the tip graze golden flesh, trailing the edge over to his stomach and further until it reached the other side.

message 42: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

Regulus cooed "Good boy," drawing the flat side up until he reached James' jaw. He thought, for a moment, before he was pulling James' head down closer to their level and forcing the blade to draw blood, shallow in its movement forward until Regulus retreated it. "Productive enough for you?" they snarked, gripping his hair harder, hoping to pain him. Regulus would leave scars, if they could, but thought it better not to.

"Or would you like to... go somewhere a bit more private, so I could do more?" Regulus folded the knife in on itself, dragging the cold metal exterior down James' chest, his fingers gliding softly against his shirt. They looked back up, eyes meeting James' once more. "You decide."

message 43: by james ✰ [TPWK] (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]

Regulus hummed, letting his hand drop to his side before walking backwards for a moment. After he got a small ways away, Regulus turned, not looking back, knowing James would follow. It made them smug, in a sense, having this confidence over the pull he had on this boy. James would do whatever he wanted in that moment, they just had to say it. And say it they would, because they needed it that night, and he would get it.


message 44: by james ✰ [TPWK] (last edited Aug 06, 2023 11:10AM) (new)

james ✰ [TPWK]


Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
April couldn't think straight. That severely overwhelming guilt was eating her alive. Those buried feelings all arose, after being torn apart like that.

She sobbed, unable to breathe, relentless hiccups blocking the flow of oxygen into her lungs. Her legs moved quickly, trying to find some place to hide from this world. Her eyes stinged, it was difficult to see properly. Those feelings resurfaced- helplessness, guilt, sadness, loneliness. From having everything, to having nothing, all so fast, too fast. And she was going to make the same mistake her mother did.

She was stopped from walking further, by August himself. April couldn't bare to look at him, it was too painful- how could life be so cruel? His voice was so soft, so kind to her- it only made tears flow more quickly.

The second time her name was called, she looked at him. Eyes met, but carrying just hurt. Everything about him suddenly started having connections to the sea. His scent, his green eyes, his tousled hair- everything. It was so painful, yet so relieving to see his face. April couldn't believe a single thing she was thinking. She closed her eyes painfully, rubbing her tear stained face. She wanted to push him away, wanted to scream at him to stay away- but she couldn't. She just couldnt scream at such a nice person. Her voice was barely feeble. "I-i just need t-to be alone r-right now. I-I'm sorry." She mumbled, walked past him.

He had done nothing wrong, April knew that, deep inside her heart. But she didn't have anything, no home to get back to, no one to share her riches with, no one to call family. She didn't even contenplate being in love with a person whose father killed her entire family- all because of love.

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments Aiden walked beside sully, holding his hand. He noticed that they were early and not many Campers were here yet. “This will be our first time going out as a couple” He said, with a wide smiled.

message 47: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Sully nodded, holding his hand tightly. “Shockingly, were early.”

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments “Yeahhh, now you will be spared from listening to the apollo kids for a few more minutes” He teased, knowing that sully liked listening to them.

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) | 2130 comments [rping all my characters]

Violet- Violet was sitting next to Hades as she never talked to others. People believed that she was dangerous even though she wasn't. She was a mentee at the arts and crafts tent. People wanted to believe what they wanted to.

Celeste- She was with the kids that helped in the infirmary, people who got her knew her very well. She was the only that could help a person if they got hurt during the bonfire. The Apollo kids and Ares kids were something.

Via- Via was scared to be around other people because of her weird phobia about having crowds around her. She just wanted to be alone but she had no friends whatsoever.

Asher- Ash was a very private person, yet he was an Ares kid. Ares was meant to be a brawly type of person, but he was just a kid that got into fights a lot and that wasn't his fault.

Emily- She is a daughter of Athena, yet she wasn't one to go to the bonfire. She believed in saving trees and she never liked the fires that they do every day, why did they do them every night?

Adria- Adria was the only person in the Khione cabin, I'm guessing that she had a sibling somewhere in the world. So, during bonfires that is what she always does anyway.

*Chelsea is at the arts and crafts tent*

Tara-Tara was barely awake, she had a power that was more like a curse to her. Hypos gave her the power of tiredness. She hated it and she thinks that people hate her for it.

Jacob- Jake was with his cabin and he was the only boy in the cabin. Because he was the only teen boy, Jake had girls pining over him. Even though he was secretly Bi.

Archer- Archie was one of many people that never went to the bonfires, he was the son of Persephone, he was best friends with Violet. That was who he was hanging out with.

*Genevive is at the arts and crafts tent*

*Charlie at Ares cabin*

message 50: by Kanomi Okina (new)

Kanomi Okina (goodreadscomkanomi_okina) Phina was here

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