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Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) Welcome to the camp store ran by Zaxck Albi we have everything you’ll ever need

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments Navya walked into the camp store and looked around, not seeing zaxck anywhere, she frowned because zaxck was always here, she turned around to see if Vienna has catched up to her.

message 3: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“You look as though your searching for someone.” Vienna said, looking around for paint.

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments “I'm looking for zaxck... He is usually always here” She said, still looking around.

message 5: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
For some reason, Vienna’s heart dropped a bit. Why was she upset about that? “Oh. He runs the store?”

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) Zaxck comes out from the back “what can I get you two”

message 7: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Oh, hey…” Vienna figured this was him. “Do you have a massive amount of paint?”

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments “any colour is fine” she added.

message 9: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Right, yeah..” Vienna trailed off, “I’m gonna look around, Navya.” She said, quietly. Then, she went to the other side ( it was a really small store ) and pretended to look at the post cards.

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments Navya frowned, when she noticed her weird behaviour, did she do something wrong? she didn't know, from what she remembered they were having fun a while ago, “Give me a minute zaxck” she said as she followed behind her. “vienna... are you okay?” she asked after reaching her on the other side of the store.

message 11: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Vienna focused on the specific postcard with strawberry fields filling the paper. “Totally, yeah. Just, uhm, new people.” She gestured towards Zaxck. That was part of the reason, but the other half was unexplainable.

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments “ohhh.... let's just buy the paint and leave” she said, gesturing towards where she knew the might was from her previous visits. “Are you sure it's just new people?” she asked again after noticing her quiet behaviour.

message 13: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Vienna nodded. “Yeah, don’t worry.” She forced a smile on her face, then picked up the largest amount of paint she could carry. “Perfect, all we need is a bucket.” She tried to brush it off, act as though it were normal.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “I found this bucket of teal in the back is it good?” Zaxck walks up to you

message 15: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Vienna looked over. “Yeah, actually.”

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments “Thank you zaxck” Navya said, taking the paint “how much will it be?” she asked.

message 17: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“I could pay, Navya-“ Vienna offered, already pulling out dracmas.

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments “Uh are you sure?” She asked, while also pulling out her drachmas

message 19: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Yeah, of course.” Vienna slid the dracmas across the counter.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) Zaxck grabs two from whoever’s there’s and says “that will be enough thank you for business”

message 21: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Thanks,” She mumbled, taking the paint

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments “Thank you zaxch” Navya said, with a smile and walked out of the store with Vienna.

message 23: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Vienna stood on the deck for a moment, “So, to the Hermes cabin?”

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments “Yuppp” she said.

message 25: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Alright.” Vienna walked with the paint in hand.

X_Northernlight_X | 1239 comments ( to the Hermes cabin XD)

message 27: by [deleted user] (last edited Aug 25, 2023 11:04PM) (new)

Meo headed towards the store. The camp store, more specifically. She kept her jacket on her hips, tied down, as she opened the door. The rust smell of the wooden door seemed to gulp her down, as she breathed it in and out, ( in a normal breathing fashion ), letting her eyes get fascinated at all the antiques, and somewhat funny looking statues. Although they were meant to represent the Gods, or the creatures around, they seemed to have a funny way to display it.

She headed into an isle, hoping to look for some kind of figurine to uphold for her nightstand. She figured that it'd create a sort of "cozy-comfortable" aura.

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
It was a bright and sunny day, Apollo must've gone to that band he really liked, Edmund guessed. It was so contradictory to his mood; all whiny and annoyed. He was given camp store duty for a month, because one: He was really good at sales and accounts, and two, he may have shown some sass to Psyche, and got her mad. He couldn't control it! Psyche had asked how her new dress fit her, and Edmund simply said, "Why? It's not like you're getting out of here for another hundred years." Boom, a month of camp store duty. I mean, he's not wrong-

Anyways, he straightened up when he saw a customer. He might as well do his job well, than land another month of this mind dimming work. He should be out there building stuff, talking about strategies, philosophy; anything was better than this.

message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

Meo seemed intrigued by the statues, one after another, often gasping and laughing at the funny postures, and unique features. "Oh my.." She replied, about a few inches away from a stature she seemed to really like. It was of a satire, holding up a harp in one hand and his hinds quarters, in a galloping position. She gently picked up the antique, turning around for the full 360 view. The object was based on glass, but a few pieces of it had jewels. She was fancied by the sculpture, and almost mesmerized by it.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) Zaxck walks out of the back “What would you guys like?” He says glancing at the statue

message 32: by Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] (last edited Aug 26, 2023 04:08AM) (new)

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
Edmund sighed, watching the girl take her sweet time. He walked over, "Decided on something?" He looked at the figurine she was holding, "That is a good choice, if you're looking for something to put in your cabin, dressing table or nightstand, I presume?" He asked politely, stuffing his hands in his pant pockets.

He turned to Zaxck, "Hello there." He greeted politely to the main guy who runs the store. Edmund had to make sure to get on the guys good side, so he doesn't land in more time working here.

(Not permanently, just helping out cause Psyche posted him there for a month.)

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “Are you the new recruit Psyche told me about you” Zaxck turns “Yeah he’s right but it’s also the most expensive”

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
Edmund nodded, "That's me. I didn't see you around, and Psyche told me to start immediately, so." He had seen him a few times, when he had come to the store for some bird seeds for his little sparrow friend, but that was it.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “You bought… Bird seed? Correct?” Zaxck says flipping through a catalogue

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
Edmund sighed, feeling really embarrassed. He should've known, everything was put in the accounts, number one rule of accounting stuff- how could he forget?

"That's right. For the, uh....the Demeter kids! They needed it for some weird reason I know nothing about." He lied smoothly, grinning awkwardly.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “Yea sure” he says “since you work here for a month-“
He says going into the back and comes out with a orange t shirt almost stock standard but it has a map on the back showing the camp “you need to wear this”

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] (Of course you should step in! We started with you first after all XD)

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Meo blinked at the two conversing, making sure to step aside so they would be able to uphold their conversation, putting the antique down, as she headed towards another isle, not in a "I am trying to run away from everyone", but rather "I shall give you both privacy in hopes to allow the awkwardness to fade away". Meo decided she'd look at some weapons on there, seeing some daggers, and a few bigger tools, as she examined them, from a distance.

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
Edmund really didn't like the idea of wearing this boring orange t-shirt. Wasn't there a nice silver, or a black? Why orange? He thought as he sighed, grabbing the shirt.

He noticed the figurine was left in its original position. "...she doesn't want it.?... huh." He looked around, too see the girl, peeking at them, just from another isle. "Oh, there she is." Ed mumbled, turning to Zaxck, "I'll just put this on and be back to help her. Be back in a jiffy." He said as he walked to the back, still not liking that orangyess of the camp t shirt.

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]
It had been a long time since she had come to the camp store, April had decided as she silently entered the store. Usually, seeing some nice, pretty things made her mood better by tenfolds, so she was going to try that- a thing all Aphrodite children could agree about. It wasn't her usual gucci store, but this was more than enough for the desperate girl.

She smiled, her fingers touching figurines one by one as she brushed her fingers on them, walking through the isle slowly. Her feet stopped moving at a certain figurine she came across. It was a very pretty thing, a model of the ocean waves, bright colours and all. The finger resting on it quickly retreated back, as she stared at it- that clearly fake and act of a smile she was putting on slowly disappearing, as the figurine reminded her of the incidences that haunted her.

What was weird about this time, was that it also brought light to another new incident as well. April looked at the shoes she was wearing, her eyes stinging, her throat so dry she couldn't swallow.

His handsome face, his gorgeous eyes, his loveable smile, it played over and over in her head. Her heart felt so heavy, as if it could almost drag her down to the ground and even lower if she gave in, even a little bit. She gently placed her hand on something steady- a knot of emotions washing over her- fear, horror, guilt.

message 42: by Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] (last edited Sep 29, 2023 06:18AM) (new)

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] (view spoiler)

"You can't cry over this- not after you were the one who walked away." She mumbled to herself once she came to her senses.

She was horrified of Poseidon and everything about him, and her irrational fear was nothing she could control. From everything to nothing- she was still scaping together a life for herself; a life at camp half blood. She was just too afraid to throw it all away, in fear that Poseidon would do something to her- and to him.

But her heart was not something she could ever control. Even if she feigned ignorance, she knew she liked August- she liked him so much. No amount of words could ever express how much she wanted to be with him, talk to him, laugh with him, love him.

But what's the use now. The bridge they built- she burnt it, broke it into so many pieces. It can't be fixed now, and she forced herself to believe it was better this way. He wont get in his fathers bad side, and both of them would be safe. Her shaking hands touched the figurine one last time, before turning to leave. This trip wasn't doing her any good anyways. Thats when she saw him. For the first time in so so many days.

Her eyes widened- her skin paler than it already was, her heart fluttering as if on cue. The sound of glass crashing on the ground, the deafening sound of its shattering bringing her back from everything she was feeling. She felt his eyes on him, and all those complicated emotions were thrown back at her, like a brick to her face.

April moved a step back as she heard him call her name. Turning the other way, she already felt her eyes burn, walking away quickly, aiming to reach the door before he could catch her.

{Hmmm....any idea how you want to like go forward in the next few messages? Cause I've got an idea to keep them in the same room XDD}

message 43: by Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] (last edited Oct 07, 2023 11:31PM) (new)

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]

As she tried to escape, one of the store handlers stopped her. She looked at him in disbelief, though her vision was a little blurry. She wanted to run away, away from her problems, away from her fears- everything. "B-but i-" she tried to say something but she kept quiet.

She couldve paid for everything to be replaced. But ahe had heard from her friend that there would be no replacements, so there was no other choice. She had to help August fix them all.

April's head shot up when he called her, feeling even more worse seeing him so sad- so broken, so different from that charming charismatic guy she met that day. Hearing him say sorry made her feel like she didnt even deserve to live for causing such sadness. "D-dont say s-sorry." she said softly, not even able to look at him in the eye.

She didnt know what to do. She felt so guilty she wanted to hug him and beg him for forgiveness and pray that he would still atleast be friends with her after all this.

Part of her was still so horrified she wanted to run away. Who knows what Poseidon would do? He was notorious for his anger issues, and it was his anger issues which lost her whole family, including her baby sister.

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] (Sorry its short, i just feel really guilty for them and didnt know what to write TT)

April didn't dare look at him either, her fingers twitching from nervousness. If only she wasn't scared. If only.

She nodded softly at his suggestion. "Be careful you'll hurt yourself." She said out frantically moving a step closer unconciously as he kneeled to pick up figurine with its top part missing, probably shattered to peices like the rest of it.

Her eyes were on his, worried, but a few seconds later it dawned on her how they were now. She silently moved a step back, looking at the ground, as if nothing happened.

"I'll go get the figurines then and get to work setting the things up." She said softly, walking to the back without another word. Why is life always so hard?

message 45: by Rose [fifty shades of tiredness] (last edited Oct 25, 2023 04:54AM) (new)

Rose [fifty shades of tiredness]

April on the other hand, just watched August. The supplies were put out, everything was ready to get painting. She watched his back, even though it was silent in the room she was in, her mind was anything but.

She couldnt help but think, what would it be like if she wasn't bound by the ropes of her past. That night at the campfire would've went amazing. She would've spent that night thinking of every diologue they shared, replaying each beautiful scene from that day, instead of spending a sleepless night, crying her eyes out as those horrible nightmares resurfaced after being shut for so long.

They would've been so much closer.

April wondered what would happen if she came clean. It could've solved everything. But... she can't. Those nightmares of hers were hidden by her for more than 5 years. She never told it to anyone! How was she going to find the courage to do that, especially to August? Sometimes fear was much powerful catalyst than bravery.

She watched him with tearful eyes, but it was not long before she shoved her fists to rub those tears off. 'Mother, give me courage. A-atleast till i tell him. I-i still dont know how'd he react to all this. P-poseidon is still his father.' She prayed to her mother softly, feeling her insides crumble bit by bit. She was so so scared, scared to face this.

But- it was obvious. There was only way out of this. There was only one way to salvage this- Telling the truth.

message 46: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 22 comments Alithis stared at her step-father's car retreating, holding her stuff close to her. She turned and stepped into the building, looking around.

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments Aster had heard a person talking outside, coming outside they said :

“Hey kid, nice to meet you I’m Aster!”

Aster says putting out their hand

message 48: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 22 comments "H-Hi! I'm Alithis!" She said, then blinked several times, "Sevris." She said with a more worried tone. "It's nice to meet you." She blinked several times again, "Is this Camp Half-Blood?"

જ⁀➴ ᥴꪮꪗ ˎˊ˗ ғₐₗₗ ᵥₑᵣ₎₎ | 1367 comments “Hey I’m Aster! Nice to meet you too, we’ll I think it is or else I’ve been at the wrong camp for like 4 years.”

They say with a smile

“It is I’m joking kid.”

message 50: by JustRae (new)

JustRae | 22 comments Alithis laughed, glad to have met someone seemingly friendly. "So, um, Aster? What's your godly parent?" She said, trying to make conversation.

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