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⚝ Inner Camp > The Boathouse

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ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments Aleksandr sat upon the decking of the boathouse, his legs crossed ahead of him as he watched the water ahead. It was places like this, where one could sit calmly by the water and contemplate the meaning of life, that struck a chord with his heart so much. His home, or rather, his birthplace, never had anything even remotely close to this. All he could remember was the suffocating city streets like a catacomb closing in on every side. Wherever you walked there were faces watching, ready to leap at the earliest sign of weakness. There was none of that here, just the still water with the occasional cheer from the distance where one of his many newly found relatives danced or played in the water.

It gave him a peace of mind that he needed now, a peace of mind to take him away from his past and refocus him onto what was important now, the future. Not his future, he was willing to admit that he felt he had no more future, but the future of those around him.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy grumbled as she dragged the kayak out of the water, towards the old boathouse. Somehow it always felt heavier coming out of the water than going into it and she paused, wiping the sweat off her brow. She had unbuckled her life vest but it hung over her shoulders, still damp

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments Aleksandr saw someone dragging a kayak out of the water, blinking a few times towards them as he got to his feet. He didn't immediately recognise her, though that was hardly a surprise to him, he hadn't spoken to many people during his year at the camp, mainly straggled to the sidelines and watched others interacting. He began a brisk walk towards them, coughing slightly to alert them of his presence as he began to close the distance. "Ah, help?" He asked, his accented voice raspy for a few moments until he cleared his throat. "Sorry, uh, you need help? With boat?" He questioned, gesturing towards the Kayak being dragged along behind them.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy blinked. "Hm? Yeah sure totally. I'm just bringing it back in." she said, gesturing to the boathouse. "You can take the back?"

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments He gave a nod of his head, moving towards the back of the boat and picking it up swiftly. He made an attempt to lift it slightly higher than she was, as to take the weight of it and burden it himself, it was the least he could do, after all. "A good..." He paused, unable to finish his sentence for a moment. Sail wasn't correct, the boat lacked a sail, but paddle felt wrong as well. "Journey?" He tested, clearly struggling with the correct word.

((Totally not because I was struggling to remember the word, but I guess Kayak would be it, but shhh, he doesn't know that

message 7: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments ( Go back to bed ya lil shit )

message 9: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
( grandpa cant process words, what a shame :( )

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy nodded. "yeppers. I like being out on the lake, it's soothing."

message 11: by MooMoo ~Hiatus~ (new)

MooMoo ~Hiatus~ *A shy girl was peeking at the people from behind the boats*

message 12: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "I can imagine." Aleksandr responded with a gentle smile, one which contrasted heavily with his harsh and marked face. "I am Aleksandr, I do not believe we've met."

message 13: by MooMoo ~Hiatus~ (last edited Aug 18, 2023 07:52PM) (new)

MooMoo ~Hiatus~ *clover accidentily made on of the boats move and lets out a whisper* "Shit.."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy considered that. "Yep! I don't remember you and well my memories like a steel trap. At least with faces. Things I need to do? Leave the premises of my brain as soon as possible. I'm darcy."

message 15: by MooMoo ~Hiatus~ (new)

MooMoo ~Hiatus~ (sorry i forgot to ask can I join yall?)

message 16: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( I think you've just had Michael come and confirm he'd rp with Clover haha, perhaps next time? Personally I also prefer if I've roleplayed with everyone at least once individually before I do groups, just so I can get a feel for people and the timing and such, perhaps I can throw one of my characters at you the next time they're available? ))

"Hmm, I have never heard analogy of memory like steel trap." Aleksandr stated with a grim nod of his head, committing it to his own memory in turn. "Though seems problematic that it doesn't apply to responsibility, no?" He questions, a hint of concern appearing upon his face as he considers the issue some more.

message 17: by MooMoo ~Hiatus~ (new)

MooMoo ~Hiatus~ ThePsychopath∞ wrote: "(( I think you've just had Michael come and confirm he'd rp with Clover haha, perhaps next time? Personally I also prefer if I've roleplayed with everyone at least once individually before I do gro..."

(of course! sorry for interrupting!)

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy shrugged. "Maybe. Honestly here it doesn't particularly matter. It's not like there's a schedule or anything. "

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Vespara (Maraya) wrote: "ThePsychopath∞ wrote: "(( I think you've just had Michael come and confirm he'd rp with Clover haha, perhaps next time? Personally I also prefer if I've roleplayed with everyone at least once indiv..."

(You're good :))

message 20: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( No worries at all! ))

"It is good place, peaceful." Aleksandr said with another gentle smile and a nod of his head. His demeanour seemed almost a complete opposite to how he appeared, with his buzzcut hair and dark-patched skin. "I am glad that many have found it and call it home."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy nodded, grinning slightly. This wasn't quite the conversation she expected to be having, but she wasn't complaining. "Yeah. No it's great."

message 22: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments Aleksandr's gaze moved to the water once again, watching the reflection of the blue skies and clouds above for just a few seconds before his gaze moved back to Darcy as they carried the Kayak along. "How long have you lived here?" He questioned, feeling unsure as to whether probing into his conversation partner was a rude decision or not.

message 23: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( Nice new pfp! ))

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy thought back. "A few months maybe?" she said. "I havem't quite been keeping track"

(tyyy it's one of my ocs <33))

message 25: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( Oh that's neat!! Did you draw it yourself? ))

"Time flies when having fun, yes?" Aleksandr asked, attempting to use an English saying he'd heard in the past. He felt as if something was off about it, but paid it little mind. "And you like the water? Your parent a uh- Water God?"

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ ((It is a picrew that I just had on my laptop lol but honestly i do want to draw her at some point shes so silly."

Darcy shook her head. "I'm a hermes kid. Jack of all trades or whatever. Kayaking's just a hobby."

message 27: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( Ahhh that's fair haha, I'm jealous of anyone who can draw haha, I saw a couple of your drawings in the art channel, they were good! ))

Aleksandr seemed to think about something rather deeply for a few moments, names spinning around in his head as he placed them to faces. "Ah, Germes, as he is known in Russian." He stated with a nod of his head. "Is good god, a good father?" He asked

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ (( Thank you! I actually posted some art of percy today in honor of his birthday lol ))

Darcy shrugged. "I dunno. Never met the guy. Don't really want to either. He's just some godly sperm donor right?"

message 29: by ThePsychopath∞ (last edited Aug 18, 2023 08:34PM) (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( Oh? I hadn't actually seen it anywhere, but I am also blind as a bat ))

Aleksandr's head cocked to the side again as he thought upon the comment, unsure what to make of it. Did she mean to suggest Hermes would do such a thing? Or was this one of those English-speaking pieces of sarcasm that so often escaped him? He wasn't sure which to commit to, leaving his expression troubled for far too long as he pondered over it. "Ah. Uh." Came a strained response, clearly unsure how to respond for some reason. "Perhaps you are correct. Still, you do not want to meet your parent, God or no?" He asked, curious about the topic

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ (( its on my insta and stuff i forgot to put it here"

Darcy frowned. "Yeah. No I'm good in that department. No thank you." she forced a grin, adjusting her grip on the boat.

message 31: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( I have never used Instagram in my life, but I'll try and find it after haha ))

Aleksandr watched her for a few moments, a troubled expression on his face, before he nodded. "I understand. I wish to not meet mine either. When I was young, I made stories about them. In my head, they are rich and I am lost, they look for me but could not find. It is great tragedy to them, but it is better than they could ever be if met. So I don't meet." Aleksandr said with a confident nod, perhaps attempting to pull the attention off of the girl's own history by drawing some minor attention to his, or rather, the silliness of his own young imagination.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "Rich parents aren't all they're chalked up to be." Darcy said bitterly, before shifting uncomfortable. "But. Enough about parents."

message 33: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments Aleksandr seemed to sink a little, his ploy having clearly failed, but he nodded his head and attempted to continue as if naught had happened. "Yes, sorry. Do you..." He struggled with a word again, gesturing to the boat with one of his hands out of desperation for a moment. "Often?"

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "Yeah. I go kayaking whenever I'm bored and can't find one of my friends to annoy." Darcy said with a grin. "Unfortunately for you you've been added to the people I'll look for before I go boating."

message 35: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "Kayaking!" Aleksandr exclaimed loudly as if having an epiphany, nodding his head rather enthusiastically until a look of confusion came across his face. "Look for?" He questioned, still parsing the information mentally before a look of realisation came across, a gentle smile following soon after. "I am no good as friend, but I appreciate idea."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy shrugged, "Nonsense. You can help me carry kayaks around. Though I will say I would be hesitant to do a double kayak because I have atendency to fall out of them."

message 37: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "I wondered why there was so much water." He commented, gesturing towards her. "I believe intention is to stay inside the... Kayak." He said, his expression deadpan except for the small twist of a smirk at the corner of his lips. "I am thankful for the gesture, but you don't really know me, no?"

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy shrugged. "S'pose not. But I will if I talk with you more. And I don't need judgement on my kayaking habits, its not my fault all the dryads want a piece of this." she joked

message 39: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "A piece of what?" He questioned, his expression turning to one of confusion again as he looked at her. "I always appreciate talking, and I am often around to do so. You would think there would be more convenient way to find people in this place, than having to walk around and look."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy shook her head, grinning. "Nevermind. And it's true. Everyone already seems to have their people they talk with."

message 41: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "Perhaps you should come up with way, no?" He suggested, his face still pondering what on earth her first comment could have been referring to, though he seemed content with dropping the subject until he could figure it out for himself.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "Maybe. I mostly just wander and look for peopekl who look bored

message 43: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "Seems very inefficient. Come up with a way, then you can annoy friends at all times, much more efficient." Aleksandr commented with a confident nod. "But boating can be nice though, a change of pace, away from the people and noise sometimes. Couldn't walk in city without noise, I prefer calm that exists here."

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy nodded thoughtfully

message 45: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( Can't believe they're carrying the Kayak all the way to Isengard ))

Aleksandr noticed a lull in the conversation, his eyes drifting around them for a few moments as he took in the scenery, waiting for the girl to speak next, not wanting to interrupt whatever her thoughts were.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ Darcy finally helped rest the kayak on a rack. "Thanks for that by the way."

message 47: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "You are welcome." He replied, releasing the kayak and taking a few steps away, shuffling for a few moments in place. "Do you have any plans now?"

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "Hm? Not particularly. I proabbly should change>" Darcy said, hesturing to her soaked clothing

message 49: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "Ah, yes, a good idea I would say." He replied, nodding his head as he took note of the wet clothing once again. "If you wish to continue talking, I too have no plans?" He suggested, shuffling uncomfortably in place once again as he spoke.

✧˚ · an ungraceful swan  · ˚✧ "Totally." Darcy said, smiling

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