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⚝ Minor Greek God Cabins > Children of Thanatos

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ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments Azriela led her new friend towards the minor cabins, moving towards the one dedicated towards children of Thanatos. Her eyes scanned across the building for a few moments before she began walking once more, pushing the door open and stepping through. "Come inside." She instructed outside, holding the door open for Althea behind her.

message 3: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Althea said a quick thank you, then followed her in. She took a glance around quickly, eyes darting everywhere. "It's... wonderful." She smiled, truly.

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( It hasn't exactly been described yet so I have no idea what it'd actually look like haha, oh boy ))

The woman stopped for a moment, turning towards Althea with a surprised expression. "You think so? I suppose I just take it for granted, having been here for a while now."

message 5: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
( heheah same )

"Yeah, it's-" She searced for the word. "Cozy."

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "Dreary, was the word I would've used, but I suppose cozy could be a way to describe some of its aspects." She suggested, stepping further into the building as she looked around. "I'm sure no-one would mind if you slept here for tonight, if you didn't want to go to your own cabin. I wonder if there's someone we ought to tell."

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) Winter walks in and nods at the two

message 8: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Althea sat on an empty bed, flopping backwards. It really was comfy. "Maybe.. I can stay here tonight. And telling someone would draw attention, and usually I tend to stay away from that-" She snuggled up into the bed. "Wow, this is actually so incredibly comfortable.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “It’s meant to feel like the embrace of death” Winter says to Althea

message 10: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Well, death accepted." She chuckled.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) Winter goes to the other bed across from her and sits down on it “are you new blood or just seeking shelter?”

message 12: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Just... Visiting." Althea said, sitting up. Her eyes darted to Azriela.

message 13: by ThePsychopath∞ (last edited Aug 21, 2023 07:04PM) (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "Althea you fool, you're a little young to accept it so willingly, you have much more to do in life before you reach that stage." Azriela chastised weakly with a roll of her eyes. "But if you insist, we can keep your presence here unknown. If you get into trouble though, you best not reveal the name of your co-conspirator." She stated, crossing her arms ahead of her. She looked to Winter, a concerned expression playing upon her face.

message 14: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"My lips are sealed," Althea smiled smugly.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “Hey it’s fine we get it often” Winter says

message 16: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "Althea will just be staying a few nights, that is until I convince her to stay longer, or I suppose she continues to try and convince me to join Artemis' whole thing." Azriela said with a warm smile, rolling her eyes slightly at the thought. "But she will be staying in either case, I doubt anyone will mind, and if they do, just have them come talk to me, I'll put their mind at ease."

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “I’ll do my best to welcome her” Winter says

message 18: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Althea shook her head, laughing quietly. "Perhaps I will end up convincing you," She grinned. "And your name is?" She turned to Winter.

message 19: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments The woman gave her a look that portrayed her disbelief, but didn't comment any further, allowing the other two to finish introductions. Instead, she moved over towards a different bed, sitting down upon it and reaching into a back, searching for something.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “Winter” she says tilting an imaginary hat

message 21: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Althea. Nice to meet you," She said, smiling slightly. Some part of her was on edge.

message 22: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments The ever-perceptive Huntress would also likely note that, for some reason, Azriela herself was also on edge, rummaging through a bag with little reason to actually go through it. Eventually, she picked up a book of hers and allowed it to open, but only half-read it as she snooped into the conversation.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “Don’t be surprised when a couple more come in” she says starting to lay down

message 24: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Althea's hand, without realizing it, rested on her upper thigh where a small dagger was held, just in case. "A couple more?"

message 25: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "There are others who stay here, Winter is likely referring to them. But I doubt it, unless for some reason everyone has decided to sleep early." Azriela commented from behind her book, eyes flickering up to the two for a moment. She moved on her bed a little, creating a gap where someone could sit if they so wished, her eyes giving a pointed look to Althea if she required it.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “Yea probably one or two” She says noticing the hand dart to the thigh with a questioning look

message 27: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"And.. Are they your siblings?" She asked, hesitation in her voice. She noticed Azriela, a small smile flickering across her face.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “Yea we currently don’t have anymore guests” she says feeling like she’s missing something

message 29: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
Her eyes darted over to Winter. "Just the four of you, then?"

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) She counts on her fingers “yes? I think so”

message 31: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments For a moment, a pang of guilt flushed over Azriela, who had returned her attention to the book, seemingly anyway. She had told Althea earlier that she did not have any siblings, and that was technically true, but also technically not. The guilt that resided stemmed from the fact that Azriela didn't truly consider Winter a sibling per se, no more than she considered Thanatos her Father. No, her Father was a normal mortal man. But these pangs of guilt often came when one of these people called her a Sibling. Perhaps she should change her view on this topic, perhaps it did naught but damage her relationship with those who would otherwise be close to her.

message 32: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"That's nice, yeah." Her eyes flickered over to Azriela's again.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “What’s with you and her?” Winter asks Althea

message 34: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Us? What do you mean?" She asked.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “You act like she’s your mother of sorts” Winter says closing her eyes

message 36: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments Azriela clicked her tongue a couple of times, thinking of a tactful response. "Althea is a good friend of mine, someone who hasn't had much time to meet people, due to a busy schedule." She lied, or rather, twisted the truth. "Because of that, she might just be a bit nervous, I didn't expect anyone to be in here, after all. Usually everyone arrives back so late and are so... Shall we say... Quiet, that they wouldn't even notice her, especially if she were to stay in my bed while I found somewhere else to stay for a bit."

message 37: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"She's just... being a good friend. But yes, she acts like a mother. I don't mind," Althea said, honestly.

message 38: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Right, yeah. Azzriela's just showing me around."

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) “ your right people always get back late and quiet to be telling the truth this is my first time in a while talking to someone” Winter says sadly

message 40: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "You just need to put yourself out there more. I know we have a bit of a reputation to be loners and quiet, but there's no need to live to that expectation. You need to support yourself." Azriela stated, smiling a warm smile towards Winter. She truly was like a Mother to everyone around her, always caring for them, watching over them wherever she could.

Neo (Son of Alex Fierro and Nephew of Annabeth Chase) ((I WILL BREAK BEE’S EXES NOSE)) Winter looks at Althea “i can understand why you like her as a mother figure”

message 43: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
"Right? She's the mother I always wished I had. And friend, of course." Althea laughed shortly, smiling.

message 44: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments Azriela smiled from behind her book at the two of them, relaxing slightly as the two spoke, eyes flickering towards them a few times. "I do nothing but say what needs to be said, but I am glad you both think of me so highly."

message 45: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments (( Did you type the wrong name by mistake? :P

message 46: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
( yes i did thank u for noticing )

message 47: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
“Azriela, mother of all!” She chuckled, “Pretty good title.”

message 48: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments "That sounds like an awful lot of pressure, and awfully lonely." Azriela chuckled at the idea, her eyes moving back down into her book once more.

message 49: by ThePsychopath∞ (new)

ThePsychopath∞ | -99 comments ((Just a bump. Not sure which one of you I'm bumping. Perhaps Neo? But a bump all the same

message 50: by kitcantspell, Goddess of the Group (new)

kitcantspell | 4178 comments Mod
( THANK U i knew i was forgetting to reply to smth )

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