Addicted to YA discussion

Movies and TV Shows > What 1980s/90s TV and movies do you currently watch?

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message 1: by Shalom (new)

Shalom | 7 comments This is a question for teens. I’ve written a YA set in 1989/90. I’d like to describe it with reference to what teens watch today. For example, I’d write “written in the era of [eg. Friends], this book is for…

message 2: by Nadia (new)

Nadia | 4 comments I’m watching heartbreak high!

message 3: by benedicta (new)

benedicta Seinfeld ♡

message 4: by benedicta (new)

benedicta Seinfeld ♡

message 5: by benedicta (new)

benedicta Seinfeld ♡

message 6: by Shalom (new)

Shalom | 7 comments Many thanks Nadia and Benedicta. Can I ask what countries you are from?

message 7: by Christina (new)

Christina | 7 comments I've watched 10 things i hate about you about 11 times in 1 month

message 8: by Shalom (new)

Shalom | 7 comments Thanks Khloe, can I ask what country you are from?

message 9: by Christina (new)

Christina | 7 comments Yeah of course :)

New York City

message 10: by Shalom (new)

Shalom | 7 comments Khloe wrote: "Yeah of course :)

New York City"

Thanks Khloe!

message 11: by Shalom (new)

Shalom | 7 comments madison wrote: "degrassi high!!"

Thanks Madison!

message 12: by Shalom (new)

Shalom | 7 comments Thanks Hunter—that’s cool!

message 13: by hazel ❤️ (new)

hazel ❤️ | 6 comments clueless and south park

message 14: by Shalom (new)

Shalom | 7 comments Many thanks Hazel!

message 15: by Annette (new)

Annette Hernandez | 202 comments The princess bride, the wonder years!

message 16: by Charlie (new)

Charlie Spring | 185 comments Maurice by Merchant-Ivory

Temi ~ |"Can I be your boyfriend?"| (barely active) | 138 comments Family Matters

message 18: by Melayna (new)

Melayna Henderson | 1 comments Khloe wrote: "I've watched 10 things i hate about you about 11 times in 1 month"

Literally obsessed with this movie!

message 19: by Magdalena (new)

Magdalena Leveque | 36 comments Boy Meets World never fails to bring me joy

message 20: by madelyn:) (new)

madelyn:) | 46 comments 10 things i hate about you, the brincess bride, noy meets world, saved by the bell

message 21: by R.M. (new)

R.M. Alwyn | 7 comments Absolutely Fabulous

message 22: by Shivansh Pundir (new)

Shivansh Pundir | 27 comments Back To The Future movies are a must watch

message 23: by Clarissa (new)

Clarissa A | 1 comments The Wonder Years starring Fred Savage & 21 Jump Street starring Johnny Depp

message 24: by ♡Irene♡ (new)

♡Irene♡ | 28 comments I just watched heathers- Christian slater was soooo cute😩

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