The Country Of Katos- A Role-playing Group discussion

Border > Woods

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Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Why Lydia had agreed to this, she'd never know. She wasn't much of an outside person, and really neither was Luci, but once he got an idea in his head, that was all he could think about. He was the most stubborn person she knew, though it wasn't saying much - he was her only friend. Unfortunately for her, Luci had decided that he wanted to "escape".

More than likely, Luci would spend a few hours outside and then run on home, complaining about how gross bugs were. Lydia would have her ear talked off, but she didn't mind much. To match her absence of speech, Luci talked for the both of them.

Now though, she let out a sigh. She was being dragged through the woods after they snuck out of the house. She had a big sweater on and she was sure it was going to get ruined, but seeing Luci's grey eyes light up with childish mischief was enough to make her forget about the expensive top.

"-and so obviously it was imparitive that we left. Don't you feel rebellious, Lydia?" There was a pause in their trek when Lucian turned to look at his twin, his signature smile on his face - a lopsided grin with a few of his teeth showing. Lydia smiled gently, nodding her head.

Sometimes she felt older than him, but it never really lasted. They helped each other, though nowadays people from their outside perspective saw it as her tolerating his presence, and that simply wasn't true. She cared for him and he for her. He was the one who held her hand tight to ground her in public spaces; he was the one to comfort her during panic attacks; he was the one who woke up in the middle of the night so they could read together after Lydia had woken from a nightmare.

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) JJ was here daily as she was one for the night when she couldn't sleep. "I hear voices..." she whispered as she looked around the woods and she was still hearing them "hello?"

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Luci and Lydia both froze. Lydia's face paled. Luci's expression was shocked at first, but quickly turned to irritation. His brows furrowed and his lips formed into a small pout. Why was everyone out to ruin his fun? God, how he hated people. It would be so much better if everyone was like him.

He had paused in their walking, but now he grabbed Lydia's wrist and dragged her over to a tree, holding a finger to his lips. He'd be damned if he let someone ruin his escape plan. He'd been thinking about it all day. His parents were being pissy again, so there was no way he'd be going back.

Though he did have to admit that the humidity was killing him. If there was anything he hated, it was sweat. Lydia giggled a little at his distraught expression and Luci shook his head, desperately signaling for her to be quiet.

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) "Oh my god, it's West siders!" she says as she started cursing to herself. "They always ruining the fun we try to be havin'!" she says as she hated west siders

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Lydia raised an eyebrow at the voice and Luci rolled his eyes, muttering something about 'poor people'. Lydia peeked out from behind the tree, glancing around to spot the person speaking. She didn't say anything, just watched.

Luci, on the other hand, accepted his fate of being found out. In response, he turned to come out, wrapping an arm around his sister. He walked like somebody who'd just won a gold medal, back rim-rod straight and eyes staring at people down his nose. Like they were below him. Lydia figured that was exactly what he thought.

He walked with complete elegance, precision and confidence.

Lydia envied him for his unwavering trust in his social skills, but she supposed it came with the lessons they drilled into his head at home. She kept close to his side, holding his hand and staring down at the ground. Her black hair fell into her face, pulling from the low pony she'd put it in that morning.

Luci sneered at the woman's appearance, not attempting to hide his intense judgment. He didn't speak, for once, instead choosing to laugh lightly into his hand. It was his polite laugh. His fake laugh. Lydia hated that laugh.

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) "God, they're rich people!" JJ says as she wants to shoo them away. "You're supposed to be home with your happy families," she said as you could tell that she was the leader of the East side gang.

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((Hey, I gtg eat, I'll be back later - probably in like an hour))

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((I'm so sorry, I totally forgot!))

Lydia blinked, a bit shocked at the assumption of being rich, but then again- she paused. She looked Luci up and down, taking in his appearance comparing it to hers. Then again, she wasn't wrong. They did look like rich people - in fact they were - but couldn't it be harmful to just assume things like that?

Lydia furrowed her brow at the idea of a "happy family". They weren't happy. Sure, they had that manipulation tactic locked in, but that didn't mean everything was perfect. She looked at Luci when his hand tightened on hers. He hated their family more than she did, Not just for himself, but for her too.

She watched Lucian's face twist into something equivalent to rage, but it disappeared quickly. He was well trained in the art of letting nothing show. Instead, he laughed a little. Lydia winced at the hollow sound in the quiet of the night.

"Aw, why?" His voice was silky sweet. "You jealous that yours has fallen apart?" Lydia sighed a little, used to his prodding and teasing. Typically it was much more joy filled though - this one sounded personal.

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) JJ looked at him, "Do you want to get stabbed?" she asked ever so slightly at Luci. "I had a brother...he died because of you West-Siders" she said calmly to the two.

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((So sorry, I was in school, just got out))

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Luci almost bit back his next statement. Almost. He did see the way Lydia was looking at him. The way she stared at him when she knew knew he was going to do something stupid. She had her brows furrowed and she was biting her lip slightly, like she was holding herself back from slapping him.

That look always made him chuckle a little on the inside.

"Ah, I'm sorry," he said, feigning surprise. "I have no recollection of murdering somebody. Was I suffering brain damage at the time? I must've forgotten something so monumental in my life." His hand was at his heart like he was truly apologetic. His grin was not.

Lydia risked a look at the woman worriedly. She was naturally anxious, and the threat made her face pale. The fact that Luci just possibly made it worse made her hug him closer to her protectively, though he was much taller and it wasn't much of a threat. Her brother was an idiot, but he wasn't a terrible person - in most senses, at least.

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) [oh, sorry!]

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) Anni wrote: "Luci almost bit back his next statement. Almost. He did see the way Lydia was looking at him. The way she stared at him when she knew knew he was going to do something stupid. She had her brows fur..."

"You're funny..." JJ said as she looked at the girl, "Why are you here?, you are like little miss perfect" she said as she looked at him, "You can stay, but not her" she said

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments This time Luci's smile completely disappeared. "Sorry, news flash; you don't own this place," he snapped venomously. "She can be wherever she damn well pleases. I understand it can be hard seeing someone prettier than you, smarter and with less of a stick up her ass, but lets be real: there's no need to enforce how much of a fucking bitch you are."

Lydia just stood her ground, eyes narrowing a bit. After years of bullying, she'd gotten used to those things being said to her. In fact, that was the comment said to her the most. People always liked Luci better. It was just a fact that he came off as more likeable. It didn't matter that he was manipulative and cheated on tests and got other kids in trouble even when they hadn't done anything, just because he didn't like them.

In a way, she resented him for it.

But a stronger part of her knew that it wasn't Luci's fault that people didn't like her. She was just...average, really. She was good at things, sure. Incredibly intelligent, wiser, but she wasn't loudly confident. She didn't crack jokes on every opportunity and she wasn't the type to have pull pranks on their teachers. That was Luci. And she was Luci's shadow.

None of that though, meant that she couldn't be angry.

She cocked her head, never releasing her brother. "Oh you're right. I am perfect. Sorry you're jealous." Her voice was light and airy. Luci had once said that her voice sounded how her eyes looked. Blue. Lydia had no idea how a voice could sound like a color, but she assumed it was a compliment.

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((Apologies for my character's rudeness!))

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) [Do your Characters have s/os?]

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) JJ mostly did that so the girls could find themselves, her scowl turned into a smile, "Good job on finding your voice!" JJ said that was what the gang was about, positivity and having each other's backs

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Z ||Epilepsy Warrior|| wrote: "[Do your Characters have s/os?]"

((Neither of them do))

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) [Luci could have a forbidden romance with JJ?]

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Lydia blinked, her face blank and Luci scowled. Lydia smiled gently, though it was barely there. She slowly started to release Lucian's arm. "I uh- I have a voice," she said hesitantly. "I just...have him speak for me. He does it better."

Luci frowned, looking at his twin. He knew how small his sister's self esteem was. She was constantly putting herself down and he hated to see it. They were equal. He wasn't better than her in any way, shape or form. In fact, sometimes he envied her intelligence and rational thinking. "Don't say that," he said sternly. "You have things to say, it just takes confidence to do. You're working on that, that's what matters."

Lydia just nodded. He sighed, looking back at the woman. He stuck his hand out, eyebrows rising like a challenge. "Lucian Valant." He decided he'd let Lydia introduce herself. "And the queen of the woods is...?" A mock was at the end of his tongue.

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Z ||Epilepsy Warrior|| wrote: "[Luci could have a forbidden romance with JJ?]"

((I guess we'll see!! :} ))

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) JJ wanted to see if Lucians ego would get the better of him or he would actually do it, "The queen of the woods are her!" JJ yells as she didn't even know Lydia

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((Gtg for now! Be back later! Sorry!))

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((Oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot!!))

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) [it's okay!]

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Luci rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Lydia's great and all, but I don't know what you're playing at right now. You don't want to say your name, fine," he snapped. He hated people. They made his skin crawl. He retracted his hand quickly, wiping it on his shirt with a slightly disgusted look on his face as if just the idea of shaking the woman's hand grossed him out.

Lydia smiled a little, patting her brother's shoulder comfortingly. She looked at the girl, albeit a bit anxiously - she still didn't like talking to strangers - and rested her head on Luci's arm. "So what is your name? You already know both of ours now, isn't it fair?"

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) "I'm JJ, That is my nickname though, but my real name is Elizabeth. Yes, It is fair as you say," she said as she was glaring more at Luci than Lydia. "You are a badass though..." she says as that was true, "And is this your man? You're holding his arm like he is..." she says as she is yelling at herself that she might be falling for Luci as his behavior could be tamed.

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments Luci blinked then gagged audibly, while Lydia broke out a wide grin - as close as she'd get to laughing. "Ew, what the fuck? Jesus christ, she's my sister!" He was completely disgusted by the mere idea. Him? And Lydia? Even if they weren't related, they would be terrible together. He wasn't a sweet person by any means.

He enjoyed Lydia's presence for reasons unknown. She was different. It wasn't just because they were twins, either, it ran deeper than that. She helped him and understood his behavior. In turn, he helped her and helped her understand her own. She was the only person in the world who he didn't want to scream at. He'd only blown up on her a few times.

"We're twins," Lydia explained, much more gently than the man. She hesitated. "He helps with my anxiety." She didn't go in depth, but they had been attached at the hip since they were toddlers. They went everywhere together. Sometimes she held his hand only because it felt wrong if they weren't close enough. He was her second half, and she was his. It was just how it'd always been.

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) JJ nods as she had someone like that

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((It's hard for me to work with just that. I need some more there.

Oh also!! Me and my rp partners are moving to the bar, you should join!))

Z ||Frypans, Am I Right?!|| (doyoulikescarymovies_) [, I'm on family vacay, i won't beon till labor day]

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((Ah, okay. We'll probably start without you though, and you can join if we're still there. If we're not, we can rp afterwards whenever you're ready))

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((Sorry, but I really need you to write more than just the one sentence. T^T I can't do anything with that. Apologiesss))

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((Soooo?? The upper message still stands))

Anni ლ(◕ω◕ლ) *You may know me as Honey.Bee* | 609 comments ((Okay, if you don't respond by tonight, imma move my characters and probably drop this rp. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I can't work with just a sentence. Plus, you don't seem interested anymore, so this way, I can move these two to rp with somebody else))

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