The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

The Housemaid (The Housemaid, #1)
This topic is about The Housemaid
September 2023 > The Housemaid - Pre-Reading Discussion

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
This area is for any discussion about the September 2023 book selection, The Housemaid, before you begin reading it.


“Welcome to the family,” Nina Winchester says as I shake her elegant, manicured hand. I smile politely, gazing around the marble hallway. Working here is my last chance to start fresh. I can pretend to be whoever I like. But I’ll soon learn that the Winchesters’ secrets are far more dangerous than my own…

Every day I clean the Winchesters’ beautiful house top to bottom. I collect their daughter from school. And I cook a delicious meal for the whole family before heading up to eat alone in my tiny room on the top floor.

I try to ignore how Nina makes a mess just to watch me clean it up. How she tells strange lies about her own daughter. And how her husband Andrew seems more broken every day. But as I look into Andrew’s handsome brown eyes, so full of pain, it’s hard not to imagine what it would be like to live Nina’s life. The walk-in closet, the fancy car, the perfect husband.

I only try on one of Nina’s pristine white dresses once. Just to see what it’s like. But she soon finds out… and by the time I realize my attic bedroom door only locks from the outside, it’s far too late.

But I reassure myself: the Winchesters don’t know who I really am.

They don’t know what I’m capable of…

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
I tend to like McFadden's books.

I expect it will be a fast-paced, easy read. We will see.

message 3: by Greta (new) - added it

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments John wrote: "This area is for any discussion about the September 2023 book selection, The Housemaid, before you begin reading it.


“Welcome to the family,” Nina Winchester says as I shake h..."

This sounds absolutely delicious!

message 4: by Greta (new) - added it

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments I just put this one on hold at my library- I hope it comes in soon!

Pat of Rocks | 25 comments Coming into this one new. Never read this author before and I don't frequent the suspense/thriller genres too often. But I am interested to see what this one is about. I see it all over the place and seems to be popular.

message 6: by Kaitlyn (new)

Kaitlyn Ewoldt (kaitlyn_ewoldt) | 50 comments Still waiting for my copy! All the copies in my system are checked - wonder if another book club is reading it as well

Knowledge seeker | 30 comments I started reading the first part of it, it seems interesting to complete without the need to put so much focus

Dawn (dawnella77) | 90 comments I am reading her book The housemaid and will try to finish before the end of the month . It is good so far but I am annoyed with Nina.

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Dawn wrote: "I am reading her book The housemaid and will try to finish before the end of the month . It is good so far but I am annoyed with Nina."

:) You will be more annoyed with her before its over.

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