The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

The Housemaid (The Housemaid, #1)
This topic is about The Housemaid
September 2023 > The Housemaid - Reviews

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Share your reviews or post-reading thoughts about the September book selection, The Housemaid.

Please make use of the spoilers function ([spoiler]...[/spoiler] but replace [] with <>) as appropriate to be sure we don't ruin parts of the book for others

Sara | 1 comments I read this book last year and it was a solid 3 stars. Freida McFadden is a quick popcorn read and I am in the mood for that sometimes. Millie was a believable protagonist and I liked her enough to read the sequel, The Housemaid's Secret. Three words I would associate are fast-paced, empowering and maybe a little subversive

Knowledge seeker | 30 comments you made me want to read it

Kate (2katelyn2) | 6 comments I've read the book a few months ago. I wasn't writing reviews back then and rated all books 5 stars if i liked them.

I remember loving it enough that i've read quite a lot of freida's books later on.

Pat of Rocks | 25 comments Warning: I'll sound negative for the 30 seconds, but regardless, I was still willing to give this a 3-start review.

I felt the plot went off the rails quickly in the second half, but I give it kudos for being fast-paced and engaging for much of the story. There were a few good twists and a few obvious turns, followed by multiple head-scratching moments. I don't read a lot of suspense novels like this, mainly because it is difficult to ground them in reality, and it often relies on the characters making bad choices over and over again to navigate the plot forward to where the author was heading - but there was something fun in going along with this ride. Can't say it was enough for me to crave a sequel, but I could see why others found the premise enjoyable. Glad this book club gave me a chance to step outside my normal routine.

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments I didn’t hate it. I didn’t love it. It was a fast read, but I finished it a few days ago and have already forgotten most of the details.

Mel &#x1f349; | 10 comments I loved it 😊

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Here is my review. I enjoyed it. No deep thinking required.

message 9: by Michael (new)

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments John wrote: "Here is my review. I enjoyed it. No deep thinking required."

A good and fair review. There's a lot to be said for popcorn reading. I just wasn't ready to join in on this one at the time. I'd had enough popcorn lately that I was craving a real meal.

Knowledge seeker | 30 comments John wrote: "Here is my review. I enjoyed it. No deep thinking required."

A great review that says almost everything without any spoiler

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments I finished late last night/early this AM. Depends on how you look at things. I gave it three stars.

While it is not my normal type of genre I did rather enjoy it. For those that read this genre they may have totally noticed when things were going to happen or been able to determine this book. For me, I was a bit shocked, but I did enjoy the twist. I thought Millie was an interesting character. She felt pretty true in the fact that appearances were how she determined the characters. Overall, the characters did their job. Those that I "should" dislike I did. And those I "should" like I did.

I don't know that I will read book two, but I am glad I read the first one in this series.

message 12: by John (new) - rated it 4 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Tiffany wrote: "I finished late last night/early this AM. Depends on how you look at things. I gave it three stars.

While it is not my normal type of genre I did rather enjoy it. For those that read this genre t..."

Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Knowledge seeker | 30 comments I've read your review Johanna

message 16: by Greta (new) - added it

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments John wrote: "Here is my review. I enjoyed it. No deep thinking required."

Good review

I’m thinking people who have addiction history and go to rehab may need to have more help learning how not to be taken advantage of or how not to get into dangerous relationships. Lord Bertie obviously knew that the maids he hired were at a disadvantage because of their circumstances.
I know some some people that have been through rehab and the message they receive is basically, “don’t get into a relationship for a year”, but maybe those relationship skills and the ability to recognize dangerous people needs to get to the next level.

Monica (crazy_4_books) (monicamerle) | 12 comments 2.5 🌟 Freida is quite a thief! She "borrowed" a lot from "The Last Mrs Parrish", some from "Verity" and "Gone Girl" and a little from "The turn of the key". And the blurb says "jaw-dropping twist"! Where? 🤔 There goes 4 dollars to Amazon kindle I'm never getting back. The thing with domestic thrillers; you read one and have read them all. Only, I happened to have read way more than one. This was psychological thrillers for beginners 101 🤣 and made the GCA mystery final list, sorry, how? 🙄 It's popcorn literature, I know, women love consuming these in tons, so it's no surprising the amount of ratings, but I wonder how do you manage to avoid saturation? 😮

Kristen Fort | 48 comments I'm a few months late to this party - my teacher besties picked this as one of our summer reads so I did just read and finish it - but I will say this, it's good every once in a while to read something that seems ridiculous and write a review that will make me laugh at the ridiculousness. Will I read the other two? Eh... Only if picked...

Devon (dgivi13) | 45 comments @Monica its so funny i feel the same way with some authors ive read feeling theyve stolen things from other books or movies/shows. And since this is my first book to basically all the ones you have mentioned, i feel from my perspective its rated higher going in blinder than most. But now if i read the titles u mentioned i might rate them lower feeling the same, like an idea is repeating itself 😅😅

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