Teen Girls Book Club discussion

Books & Writing > Your To Be Read Shelf

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Loona loves 2 read! | 29 comments What books are on your TBR guys? I really want to read Babel this autumn and A good girls guide to murder.

message 2: by Elina (new)

Elina | 62 comments Oh i have so many Books on my TBR hahaha:
- Shatter me
-Unhooneymooners ( i know there Are Summer vibes but idc hahah)
-Hunger Games
-Mr.Wrong Number
-Court of Sun

message 3: by Ellie (new)

Ellie | 16 comments The hunger games is soooo good

message 4: by Max :3 (new)

Max :3 (aubreeally) | 9 comments I have about 30 books on my tbr....

message 5: by ݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖, Games and Challenges Manager (new)

݁⋆๋⊹Amber⊹ ݁ ˖ | 1447 comments Mod
too many

RoroReads (Free Palestine) | 523 comments I have like 460.....

message 7: by kat (new)

kat | 6 comments my tbr includes: Jane Anonymus, What On e Was Mine, Stepsister, Beyonders (books 2 and 3), The Kane Chronicles, and the Good Girls Guide To Murder Series

message 8: by kat (new)

kat | 6 comments and twilight and once upon a broken heart

message 9: by annabelle (new)

annabelle | 177 comments i have wayyy too many books I want to read. but on my physical tbr I have 1984, thieves' gambit, check and mate, wrath becomes her, the happiness project, and hanging in there.

message 10: by Eilley (new)

Eilley Rose All of the Maze Runner books

message 11: by Abby (new)

Abby (booknerd2007) | 91 comments bro I have to many to count

message 12: by annabelle (new)

annabelle | 177 comments annabelle wrote: "i have wayyy too many books I want to read. but on my physical tbr I have 1984, thieves' gambit, check and mate, wrath becomes her, the happiness project, and hanging in there."
update lol
currently all the books I own/ have borrowed and haven't read is, uh, 31...

message 13: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 636 comments Mod
Legit theirs too many haha

lily-ella mcenhill | 104 comments my goodreads honestly tells me my tbr is like 500 but it still doesn’t stop me buying new books ! 😃💔

message 15: by annabelle (new)

annabelle | 177 comments lily-ella mcenhill wrote: "my goodreads honestly tells me my tbr is like 500 but it still doesn’t stop me buying new books ! 😃💔"

wait how many books do you own?? wow that's so cool

message 16: by annabelle (new)

annabelle | 177 comments EdenB15 wrote: "Legit theirs too many haha"


lily-ella mcenhill | 104 comments annabelle wrote: "lily-ella mcenhill wrote: "my goodreads honestly tells me my tbr is like 500 but it still doesn’t stop me buying new books ! 😃💔"

wait how many books do you own?? wow that's so cool"

i honestly can't even count how many books i own! i'm going travelling in july so i'm trying to get through them all and sell or give them to charity so that i can buy a kindle before i go and it's really hard!

Lola (Kai's version) | 247 comments I have 13 books on my tbr shelf right now

message 19: by chrysa (new)

chrysa | 9 comments I have about 25 books on my tbr and I need 2 more to complete my yearly challenge so I guess I have to get about 5 more

message 20: by EdenB15, General Manager (new)

EdenB15 | 636 comments Mod
Ive sm ahhh

message 21: by Shayla Lawrence (new)

Shayla Lawrence | 1 comments 1. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be V…
by Brené Brown **CURRENTLY READING**
2. When We Believed in Mermaids
by Barbara O'Neal
3. We Hunt the Flame (Sands of Arawiya, #1)
by Hafsah Faizal

message 22: by Gwen (new)

Gwen (bookworm102938) | 5 comments TBR
1. Onyka and the Academy of the Sun
2. Murder is Bad Manners
3.The Mystery of Black Hollow Lane
4. Our Missing Hearts
5. Thursday Murder Club Series

message 23: by Teagan (new)

Teagan | 1 comments I really really want to read Darling Venom

message 24: by Shyla (new)

Shyla Maharaj | 3 comments Red Queen, these clients the delights, the lies we sing to the sea, and many MANY more

message 25: by Shyla (new)

Shyla Maharaj | 3 comments *violent delights

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