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Hidden Pictures
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October 2023 > Hidden Pictures - Reviews

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Share your reviews or post-reading thoughts about the October book selection, Hidden Pictures.

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Marie | 13 comments My review:


(view spoiler)

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments Marie wrote: "My review:


The story freaked me out with all the suspense and build up - the pictures were spooky. But the last half of the book was wi..."

Nice review, Marie. Now I'll have to finish the book so I can read your spoiler thoughts. Here's what I suspect so far: (view spoiler)

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Marie wrote: "My review:


The story freaked me out with all the suspense and build up - the pictures were spooky. But the last half of the book was wi..."

Nice review!!

Marie | 13 comments Michael wrote: "Marie wrote: "My review:


The story freaked me out with all the suspense and build up - the pictures were spooky. But the last half of t

Nice review, Marie. Now I'll have to finish the book so I can read your spoiler thoughts. Here's what I suspect so far: (view spoiler)"

Thank you Michael! :)

Marie | 13 comments John wrote: "Marie wrote: "My review:


The story freaked me out with all the suspense and build up - the pictures were spooky. But the last half of t

Nice review!!"

Thank you, John! :)

Knowledge seeker | 30 comments The beginning of the story is much alike the story of "The housemaid", a young woman tries to start a new life as a babysitter .
The employers as well as the employee have their share of secrets.
Religious aspects are present, and that's what I liked the most, we become thirsty for spirituality in novels in an atheist era .
What I like about this story is the easy language it was written with, the big determination of Millory, the main character, to help the kid Teddy and to solve the unsolved mystery, the supportive community to people who want to get clean.
What I disliked about it is the sharp transition from the twist to the solution, I still didn't digest how Millory did to pierce the mystery.
It's not a perfect novel, but still a very good one, I recommend it
I give it 3.5 stars, because of the art inside and the easy flowing language

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments Knowledge seeker wrote: "The beginning of the story is much alike the story of "The housemaid", a young woman tries to start a new life as a babysitter .
The employers as well as the employee have their share of secrets.

I'm only at the half-way point in my reading, but I'd say that your assessment seems like a pretty fair one. Not a perfect novel, but an above average thriller so far. I've already seen this take a few turns and I'm expecting even more twists in the second half. As long as the writer doesn't cheat the readers I'm good with it.

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments I finished last night. Twisty ending, which I never saw coming.
Here's my Four-Star review . . . . . .

message 10: by John (new) - rated it 4 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
How did you feel about the pictures drawn into this book? Do you feel like they added to the story or could you have done without them?

Michael J. (michaeljclarke) | 123 comments John wrote: "How did you feel about the pictures drawn into this book? Do you feel like they added to the story or could you have done without them?"
Those pictures were a great addition to the story. It just would not have been as creepy if there was only a description of them and not the actual image.

Kristen Fort | 48 comments I loved all the drawings. The five-year-old's drawings had a creep factor but some of those very detailed graphite ones were beautiful. My edition had a Q&A with the illustrators; I read that, too.

message 13: by Saar The Book owl (last edited Oct 19, 2023 04:31AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Saar The Book owl | 12 comments My review:
This was such a rollercoaster of a book to read! It has been awhile since I've read a book that I just wanted to finish and ignoring everything else. The drawings added spectacular to the story. I even think that without the illustrations, you would miss a big point of the book. The story started as a classic horror book and changed more and more into a psychological thriller. I loved the way Jason Rekulak put those 2 genres together and played with it.
Initially you think that Anya is indeed the imaginary friend of Teddy, but more and more mysterious things are happening and Malory starts to believe that there is really a ghost in the house. Teddy's parents, Ted and Caroline, are weird. They seem to be the perfect parents, but more and more cracks come to the surface, until you read what's really playing. Believe me, you won't see it coming. I liked how you get sidetracked on the wrond foot and then here and there a bit of snippets, just enough to make your own opinion about the events. At last to see that you've got it wrong again. Sometimes the story is a bit of mindplaying game, but in a good way. The story picks up slowly in suspense, makes you want to read on just to the end of the book. When you're there, you will sit there, blown away. I loved it that Mallory was so persistant in discovering the truth, dealing with her own ghosts and past.

message 14: by John (new) - rated it 4 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Saar The Book owl wrote: "My review:
This was such a rollercoaster of a book to read! It has been awhile since I've read a book that I just wanted to finish and ignoring everything else. The drawings added spectacular to th..."

Glad you liked it Saar!

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments I really liked this read. it was a 4 star read for me. I stayed up until 3 AM to finish it because I had to know how it came together. Below is my review.

Wow, what a twisted read this was. At first the book feels like its going to be a very straightforward murder story and then come the twists. Each one gets more surprising and more unusual. And then the final scene is very well written.

I enjoyed the main character Mallory. She was likable, brave, and human. She had flaws but she loved Teddy. She would do anything for him. Her character really grew and really became a hero. I really enjoyed the side character Adrian. Caroline and Ted who Mallory worked for also had some intriguing moments that added a lot to the book.

Due to the great flow and pace of this story, the shocking twists, the addition of the artwork that really added to this story I'd recommend this for the lover of suspense. Not much, if any, language. Sex is mentioned but not a main focus. I will suggest this book to others.

DanielaAthena | 45 comments 3.5 ish stars! ⭐️ really enjoyed the first 50 - 75% of it, just lost me in the end.

message 17: by Monica (last edited Nov 01, 2023 01:18PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Monica (crazy_4_books) (monicamerle) | 12 comments 4.5🌟 This was really good the second time. The thing is: it's got horror vibes but it's a mystery with supernatural parts. It shouldn't have won Best Horror because it ain't horror. But to me, it delivered the expectation I had when reading another similar one ("Imaginary Friend") which failed tremendously. The ghost is real, supernatural vibes galore (an atmosphere similar to that in Jennifer McMahon's ghostly stories). The art work for the pictures is top of the art, they're super creepy especially if you own a physical copy. It's not super preachy with its religious message like "Imaginary Friend" was. Like often with these stories, the supernatural entity is not the real baddie, the bad guys are always alive and kicking in these books. But the motivations behind the bad guys actions were far-fetched, so the climax and ending stumbles a bit. I appreciated the commentary on how catastrophic the OxyCotin crisis is still in the United States. After re-watching the entire "Cold Case" TV series during October, I get the author's choice to set Mallory's background in South Philly. There's a lot of problems with the opioid crisis over there. The paperback brings a bonus conversation with the illustrators that's worth reading about.

message 18: by John (last edited Nov 04, 2023 09:59AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Here is my review:

I hadn't realized this book was somewhat controversial.

message 19: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne I got caught up finishing an 8 book series so I’m way behind but I’m at about 30%. Liking it so far and I do like the pictures, they really show visually what’s described.

message 20: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne I’m at about 60% now and really into the story. I’ve tried not to read too much of the discussion in case of spoilers. I really like the art in the book, so good! Of course at this point I have theories, looking forward to seeing how this ends.

message 21: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne I finished and haven’t written my review yet but I really liked it. The twist got me, I had other ideas but not that one. I really enjoyed the art and the Q & A about it after the end of the book. I gave it 5 stars.

Johanna (5886046-johanna) | 61 comments I am behind with my reviews, but finally managed to write down one for this

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments John wrote: "Here is my review:

I hadn't realized this book was somewhat controversial."

I loved your review. That was so well said. Thank you.

message 24: by John (new) - rated it 4 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Tiffany wrote: "John wrote: "Here is my review:

I hadn't realized this book was somewhat controversial."

I loved your review. That was so well said. Thank you."

Thanks, Tiffany. I appreciate it!

message 25: by Nanette (new) - added it

Nanette Fandino-Diaz | 86 comments John wrote: "Share your reviews or post-reading thoughts about the October book selection, Hidden Pictures.

Please make use of the spoilers function ([spoiler]...[/spoiler] but replace [] with ..."

I absolutely loved this book. Here is my review:

Warmest regards,

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