Beyond Reality discussion

Sea of Tranquility
This topic is about Sea of Tranquility
Previous BotM--DISCUSSIONS > Sea of Tranquility (10/23): roll call and first impressions (no spoilers!)

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message 1: by Shel, Moderator (new) - added it

Shel (shel99) | 2847 comments Mod
Post here if you are reading or planning on reading Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. No spoilers please!

Dorien (ironedmishap) | 4 comments Hello, I'm new here and just following along to see how this group operates. I listened to the audiobook about a year ago and loved it!

Philip Athans (philathans) | 78 comments I'm in on this one!

I bought a copy ?? months ago and it's sat on the shelf--thanks for the gentle nudge to actually, y'know… read it!

message 4: by Shel, Moderator (new) - added it

Shel (shel99) | 2847 comments Mod
Welcome on board, Dorien! Have a look around and introduce yourself on the Member Introductions thread if you are so inclined!

Our old threads never close so feel free to comment on anything that strikes your interest.


I’m on the fence whether to read this one at this particular moment. I LOVED Station Eleven but I’m not sure I have it in me to read another book featuring a pandemic right now. Can someone who’s read it let me know how…pandemicky…it gets? I definitely want to read it someday, just not sure I have the emotional fortitude right now…

Ryan Dash (ryandash) | 163 comments Pretty pandemicky. If you're squeamish, you may want to avoid it.

Dorien (ironedmishap) | 4 comments Some initial panic and confusion, and an episode of forced staying inside, if I remember correctly.

message 7: by Shel, Moderator (new) - added it

Shel (shel99) | 2847 comments Mod
Thanks! Think I'll wait this one out for now.

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 261 comments I read it a few months ago and am considering rereading it this month if I can make time. I did enjoy it, and the P. issue was not too much for me.

message 9: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kathi | 3956 comments Mod
The ebook is currently on sale for those who might be thinking about getting this. US$1.99

Philip Athans (philathans) | 78 comments Okay… I'm going to actually start reading this today! Hurray for me!

Philip Athans (philathans) | 78 comments Just finished the first part (Remittance/1912) and was a bit put off by the "info dumpy" nature of the first few (very short) chapters, but that passed quickly enough and the rest of it really pulled me in. I quickly tuned into the author's sparse style and, yeah… I'm in!

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 261 comments Yay!

Philip Athans (philathans) | 78 comments Read the second part (Mirella and Vincent/2020) this morning and here is where the SF conceit is made more plain. Still really liking it… verging on loving it?

Philip Athans (philathans) | 78 comments And "Last Book Tour on Earth/2203"--I have some quibbles with the SF worldbuilding here, which might constitute spoilers so won't be specific here. And in any case, not nearly enough to take me out of the increasingly interesting writing. I like this book!

Philip Athans (philathans) | 78 comments Part 4 (Bad Chickens/2401) and I think the author took this turn, which could have just as easily blown the book to smithereens, with heart, imagination, and stuff that to say here would be spoilers, so, just… Well done.

aPriL does feral sometimes  (cheshirescratch) | 271 comments Starting it today!

Philip Athans (philathans) | 78 comments Part 5 (Last Book Tour on Earth/2203) in, and yeah, feeling like any thoughts now would have to include spoilers, so, just… still really liking this book.

message 18: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kathi | 3956 comments Mod
I bought the ebook on sale so decided to dive into it tonight. The time jumps threw me at first, not knowing what to expect, but I like the author’s style and the characters are so well-drawn. I wonder why the first section was written in present tense but so far, the other sections are not. I’ll save more comments till I finish and then join the spoiler thread.

MadProfessah (madprofesssah) | 170 comments This is one of the few books I have ever listened to but my husband and I quite enjoyed it !

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