Addicted to YA discussion


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message 1: by Jeff, ThisGayReads (new)

Jeff (thisgayreads) | 140 comments Mod
I'm thrilled to be joining the group as a moderator and am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to help get things up and running again.

I'm 41 years old and a single dog dad. I work from home, primarily in IT-related roles.

My favorite genres include dystopian, romance, mystery/thrillers, and memoirs/autobiographies. Lately, I've been making an effort to diversify my reading interests. I'm not one to have clear-cut favorites when it comes to books, music, or movies, but if I had to pick, I'd say my favorite author is TJ Klune, and my favorite movie is Erin Brockovich.

Feel free to ask if there's anything else you'd like to know!

message 2: by Andy (new)

Andy Tauber (atelleroftales) | 1 comments Can we ask for Beta Readers in the group?

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