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Author Features > Author Feature Rules

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message 1: by Jeff, ThisGayReads (new)

Jeff (thisgayreads) | 140 comments Mod
Authors, after reading the rules, fill out the Google Form at the bottom to be considered for our author feature.

What the Author Feature Means:

• Mods will create a thread showcasing the author’s book/series of choice.
• To make it more fun and personal the author will also be able to answer questions posed by the mods for the group to see! Author Q’s are divided into two sections: Get to Know You questions, and Book Related questions! (The Moderators of Addicted to YA have the right to moderate any answers deemed inappropriate at their discretion)
• Included is the author bio, book blurb, book links/images/book trailer, and Author’s Goodreads profile link.
• Groups members will be able to interact with the author on this thread if they so choose.


1. This is for any Addicted to YA member who wants to share their novel or short story.
2. We will check to make sure you are an active member of our group and not just using our group solely for promotional reasons.
3. Only authors who have adhered to our group's rules (both Group Rules and our Author Rules) will be eligible to be featured.
4. Authors can only be featured once.
5. Authors may do a giveaway in conjunction with the feature, but it isn't required and the author is responsible for sending the prize to the winner.
6. If we have author submissions, we are aiming to do this feature every other month, at the beginning of the month.
7. Fill out the Google Form below to enter!

Google Form Link:

For Readers:

Participatory comments/questions for the author is how you participate- we love actively engaging our Featured Authors so ask away!

How to Participate if there is a Giveaway

In each giveaway, there's a section to drop a link to your comment. This is your giveaway entry!

The easiest way for us mods to verify the comment as a genuine Addicted to YA member is if the link submitted to the giveaway is a direct link to your comment, but a link to the Author Feature thread and your Goodreads Username so we know which one is you is also acceptable!

You can find your direct comment link by right clicking on the time stamp on your comment. For example, I would click on "October 25, 2023 11:02PM" next to my original comment to send that to someone!

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