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The K5 PROTOCOL: A Science Fiction Techno Thriller
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ARCHIVES - ARRs Completed > The K5 PROTOCOL: A Science Fiction Techno Thriller by Andria Stone

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message 1: by Sheri, Bookworm (new)

Sheri | 6795 comments Mod
The K5 PROTOCOL A Science Fiction Techno Thriller by Andria Stone Andria Stone

Genre: Science Fiction
Page Count: 345

Book Description: When Marshal Flint Maddox stumbles upon the gruesome sight of his best friend murdered in a cornfield, it triggers the K5 PROTOCOL, a dangerous and long dormant neural implant. He comes fact-to-face with the brutal past he left years ago and the memory of monsters who tried to kill him. Unable to catch the aliens before they leave the planet with his friend’s daughter, he deputizes a posse of four androids and steals a ship.

Maddox and his unlikely crew embark on a desperate galactic hunt filled with treacherous wormholes, feminine betrayal, and aliens who consider humans an expendable race. Driven to find the girl, Maddox extracts a dying alien’s confession that reveals an underlying plot of horrific proportions—that if the details become known—will rock the galaxy.

From a once great Earth to the utopian world of Anterra to the ice planet of Deggres 9 to the strange Outer Rim Territories, you will ride along with Galactic Marshal Maddox and his crew. But buckle up—because you’re in for a thrilling, heart-pounding, nail-biting, but well worth waiting for… Ending!

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Formats available: PDF, MOBI, EPUB

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message 2: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 1 comments Jenny Arnold
[email protected]
PDF Format please!

I know I am a few days late responding to this discussion. Please let me know if I can still review this book. Thank you!

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