The Librarian's Husband's Book Club discussion

The Final Girl Support Group
This topic is about The Final Girl Support Group
November 2023 > The Final Girl Support Group - Active Reading Discussion

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John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
This area is for any discussion about the November 2023 book selection, The Final Girl Support Group, while we are reading it.

Please make use of the spoilers function ([spoiler]...[/spoiler] but replace [] with <>) as appropriate to be sure we don't ruin parts of the book for others.

spoiler: (view spoiler)

Marinka | 26 comments Just started this one, on page 53. This is my 3rd book by Hendrix, I hope to like it..

Angela Mcvey | 4 comments It's every bit as interesting as the title suggested and difficult to put down.

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments I’m only 20% into it but it’s got my heart beating- it’s kind of scary to read before bed !

Pat of Rocks | 25 comments Just got off the wait list for my copy. looking forward to starting

message 6: by T.A. (new) - added it

T.A. Par | 13 comments Will be picking it up from my library this afternoon.

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
I have the book and have read the first few chapters.....good so far. Trying to hold off till I have a good solid block of time.

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments This book is still on hold for me at the library.

message 9: by T.A. (new) - added it

T.A. Par | 13 comments This is my first book, with the club, so was not sure how to proceed. About 100 pages in, can I talk about it or wait until everyone was completed it?

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments T.A. wrote: "This is my first book, with the club, so was not sure how to proceed. About 100 pages in, can I talk about it or wait until everyone was completed it?

You can talk about it but generally we try to avoid any spoilers until the end

I’m about 60% in. It was actually a little confusing to me at the beginning but I’m really into it now and not sure if I trust the main character or not. Then again, she doesn’t know who to trust either!

message 11: by T.A. (new) - added it

T.A. Par | 13 comments Thank You Greta. I am still at the confusing part......

Greta Samuelson | 72 comments Finished and gave it 4 stars
My spoiler free review link is posted in the review section.

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments it's starting to come together for me. I think our POV character is not reliable. This has really been an intriguing read for me.

message 14: by John (new) - rated it 3 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Digging in this weekend....have been busy

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments Still waiting for it to be available….. it might be my January read at this point!!!

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments Yay, delivered this morning to my audiobook shelf from the library. Audiobooks are considered reading in this group, correct?

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments Yes, Audiobooks are considered reading. At least to me!

Tiffany (herbtiff) | 66 comments I don't believe this is a spoiler. I'm from Utah, and I have an issue with the American Fork police having an incident report for Provo. or even if it is supposed to be where Lynnette lives because that address doesn't jive at all.

message 19: by John (new) - rated it 3 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Julie wrote: "Yay, delivered this morning to my audiobook shelf from the library. Audiobooks are considered reading in this group, correct?"


message 20: by Kelvin (new)

Kelvin (kinder4lif) | 17 comments yes audiobooks are reading

message 21: by John (new) - rated it 3 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Still working on this one.....another day or two. It's like a mousetrap roller unexpected turns.

Julie Grindal (julesgrin) | 45 comments I listened to this book. I hope it was better if you read it. I didn’t love the narrator but the story was confusing and flipping around to what sounded like reviews from slashes movies to current time to the time the girls became Final Girls”. 2 stars

message 23: by T.A. (new) - added it

T.A. Par | 13 comments I was disappointed in this book. I just had trouble getting into it, I did not like the narrator one bit.

message 24: by John (new) - rated it 3 stars

John Kelly | 705 comments Mod
Just finished.... wasn't my favorite. Felt like it was kinda all over the place. Will write a full review.

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