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NetGalley Tips > Librarian Request - Add NetGalley Book

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message 1: by Jeff (new)

Jeff (thisgayreads) | 18 comments Mod
Is the ARC you have not on Goodreads, or do you want to track the specific edition, like paperback, which is on Goodreads but you have the ebook?

You can post here, and I can help, OR you can go to the Goodreads Librarians Group and follow the steps to request it to be added there.

message 2: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Schultz | 51 comments Librarian Request to add Net Galley Book

I cannot find

Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyle on Goodreads.
Perhaps it is me but it is listed on Amazon

Pub Date 09 Jan 2024 | Archive Date 09 Jan 2024
Random House Children's, Delacorte Press
Romance | Teens & YA

message 3: by Jeff (last edited Nov 09, 2023 04:22PM) (new)

Jeff (thisgayreads) | 18 comments Mod
Barbara wrote: "Librarian Request to add Net Galley Book

I cannot find

Dungeons and Drama by Kristy Boyle on Goodreads.
Perhaps it is me but it is listed on Amazon

Pub Date 09 Jan 2024 | Archive Date 09 Jan 20..."

Hey Barbara, looks like you have the last name as "Boyle" but it's actually "Boyce". Here is the link to the book page:

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