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Book and Author of the Month > Jan 2024 LIMITED Nominations

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message 1: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
This thread is for nominations for LIMITED category for December 2023.

LIMITED books are books that are unlikely to be available to all members. Typically these will be Indie books, but can also include books available only as ebook or from a single vendor, or books only available in a few countries. The general rule of thumb is if it doesn’t qualify for READER, then it should fit into LIMITED.

Must be
* currently in print in at least one format, either ebook or physical book. Requiring a special order from a store or website counts, but not if the book is only available used.
* Books posted to be read online count.
* Kindle Unlimited books count.
* Space Opera, which means a spaceship has to be involved in the story somewhere.
* If it is part of a series, it needs to be suitable to being read without having read other books in the series.
* Please no blatantly erotic books, as some of our members are not full adults yet.

* you may nominate one book on this thread.
* you may second as many nominations as you like on this thread.
* it is okay to nominate the same book on more than one nomination thread, as long as it meets the criteria
* books we already have on our bookshelf will be disqualified if they were added less than two years ago
* If a book you nominate or second is selected, you are expected to post at least one comment about it on the thread about the book.
* On or about the 22nd I will draw a book randomly, with each second being one raffle ticket for the book. That is, a book with three seconds (so four of us want it) will get three chances in the pool.
* If no book is seconded this thread will stay up until we get a seconded book.

It is likely helpful if you know something about a book that has been nominated if you mention it in this thread, whether it is for or against the book.

message 2: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
This nomination thread is now in sudden death. As soon as we get a book seconded, that will be our pick.

message 3: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
This thread is now the Jan 2024 nominations thread. It is still in sudden death, but even it we get a book before December ends, it will stay up the full month of January.

message 4: by Betsy (new)

Betsy | 964 comments Mod
I nominate Astray by Jenny Schwartz. This is the first of a substantial series. It was recommended by Nathan Lowell who said it was his favorite book this year.

message 5: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 439 comments I nominate By Darkness Forged by Nathan Lowell. It looks like we read the first two books of the "Seeker's Tale" series, but somehow didn't get to this final book.

message 6: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
I’d like to second By Darkness Forged because it’s a very good book. My problem is that I reread it a few months ago, and it’s in that limbo state where I can’t recall enough details to discuss it but it’s too soon to enjoy rereading it again.

message 7: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 439 comments In that case, how about I nominate Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey. It appears that it was more than 2 years ago since the last time the group read it. I haven't read it before but recently got a copy that I want to read soon.

message 8: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Audrey please nominate that book in the Reader thread, which is also in sudden death.

message 9: by Audrey (new)

Audrey | 439 comments ok, done

message 10: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
I’m tempted to just take the single nominations in each thread as our picks for Feb, even without seconds. Two more days.

message 11: by C. John (new)

C. John Kerry (cjkerry) | 611 comments Teresa wrote: "I’m tempted to just take the single nominations in each thread as our picks for Feb, even without seconds. Two more days."

Go for it. If there are no seconds for anything that chosing one of the nominations means there is something for people to read and discuss.
On a related note I was on my local libraries website and it seems my fees owed are not at high as I thought they were so I may just get them payed off soon. Then I can borrow books from there again.

message 12: by Teresa, Plan B is in Effect (new)

Teresa Carrigan | 3179 comments Mod
Since this thread has been in sudden death for over a month, we will accept Astray as our Feb pick.

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